description of the company taken from the Wolverhampton Exhibition
Pictorial, which was produced as a companion to the 1902
Wolverhampton Art and Industrial Exhibition.
Electrical and
Mechanical Wonders at Bushbury
"The old country must wake up!" That's it! And you have hardly
shaken hands with Mr. J. I. Courtenay, deputy-chairman of the
Electric Construction Works at Bushbury, with Mr. E. S. W. Moore, or
Mr. W. Bulloch, the joint managers of the great concern, before you
realise that the folks out there have been awake some time. There is
no Rip Van Winkle business at Bushbury. This is our opinion after a
look round, in company with a number of journalists from London,
Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham, and Wolverhampton. In point of
fact, this was one of the most interesting of the many Press visits
which have taken place since the inauguration of the Wolverhampton
Art and Industrial Exhibition. It is a unique experience to walk
through these great electrical and engineering works, where there
are wonders innumerable to be seen, and where the force, whose power
it passes the wit of man to accurately gauge at this stage of the
world's history, is made to do such marvellous things. Wolverhampton
is proud of the Bushbury Works, but Bushbury itself is, if possible,
prouder still.
As we entered the offices, Mr. J. I. Courtenay extended the
warmest of welcomes. Having already seen the very fine exhibit in
the Machinery Hall which the Company has staged, we were prepared
for other eye-openers, and were in no sense disappointed. As we have
hinted, they have awakened at this centre of activity. |
"We are sometimes asked," said Mr. Courtenay "whether
the Electric Construction Company is in a position to turn out the
large work now demanded. It was thought that ocular demonstration
would be the most convincing proof of our ability to turn out the
largest electrical plant required anywhere." |
And so the demonstration began, than which nothing
more convincing or instructive could be imagined. Let it be clearly
understood, before anything further is said that the company does
not lay itself out to manufacture electrical accessories such as
meters and small switchwork. On the other hand, its forte is all
kinds and sizes of electrical machinery. Further, the company is not
engaged solely on continuous current machines or traction machinery,
but manufactures the latest and most efficient machines for coping
with the newest problems, both continuous and polyphase current,
whether motors or generators. This can give but one impression,
namely that the breadth of the company's experience is probably
greater than that of any other British firm particularly in the
design and manufacture of motor, continuous and polyphase
generators, rotary converters, and transformers for heavy current or
high voltage boosters, either for battery or live working, pressure
mixers or reducers of the rotary or stationary type. |
The Bushbury people can do anything and everything
that goes towards the making of those wonderful machines which have
such a. mighty power, and which are fast driving out the older
methods of keeping the wheels of commercial machinery in motion.
This is the way to meet foreign competition, and it was in this
direction that the Prince of Wales wished his warning words to be
fruitful. It is peculiarly appropriate that, at a time when
Wolverhampton is holding an Exhibition in which some of the finest
electrical machinery ever placed before the public may be seen,
Bushbury should be able to show to all comers how it is possible in
this country to fight successfully against the severe competition of
the United States of America and the Continent. The company has not
only held its own, but has increased its output, and still maintains
the high standard of its work. |

An armature for a tramway generator. |
The Americans make a point of growing
with the times. If there is not enough room to work conveniently, up
go new shops. Bushbury has advanced in the same way, and there is
land in the vicinity of the works to still further increase the
building accommodation in the near future. Alertness, adaptability
efficiency; these are the watchwords.
Through the great workshops, among hundreds of busy people and
whirring machinery of the most ingenious character, the party
passed. The air seems to be charged with electricity and your watch
will probably suffer if you have forgotten to leave it with Mr.
Moore or Mr. Bulloch. The processes through which a motor passes
'ere it is the compact and neat-looking thing you see when it is in
position in a factory, a workshop, or a printing room, are many and
varied and all of them interesting. Needless to state, the work is
highly technical. and the greatest accuracy has to be ensured in
each department. |

Bushbury works in 1902. |
The testing at Bushbury is very thorough and before a
motor leaves the premises its power is known to a nicety. We saw the
making of parts for the dynamos and so forth, looked on mammoth
machines and pigmies, though they are all powerful in their way. The
tool shop is a place where much can be seen that is interesting to
the caller. Here the company makes its own tools, the special
instruments with which to construct the machines that have made the
works justly famous. Into whatever department the visitor passes, he
is certain to come across the most interesting tools and plant. The
electric cranes, the turning machines, the tools which are worked by
means of e!ectrically compressed air are among the finest that could
be seen in any modern hive of mechanical industry. Ever afterwards a
motor possesses an added interest, for you have seen how intricate
the thing is, how it is built up step by step by the most skilful of
workmen, who follow to a hair's breadth the injunctions of the
scientists who have perfected these wonderful machines. We saw the
making of armatures, and of magnets, and transformers, and finally
passed into the power room, where was a striking demonstration of
the uses to which electrical machinery can be applied, and the old
and the new methods being here contrasted by the company. The visit,
brief though it was, suggested many thoughts, the chief pivot on
which these revolved being that no one can tell exactly what further
triumphs electricity will finally achieve. |
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