The Fellows family are believed to have
had an ironworks and a japanning factory in Bilston in the
1730s. Around 1800 the business moved to Pool Street,
Wolverhampton. The earliest reference to the firm, so
far found, is the entry below, which is from F. R. Melville
& Company's Wolverhampton Directory from September 1851:

The firm is also listed in Jones's
Mercantile Directory for 1865, giving the address as Pool
Street Works. White's Directory for 1869 states that the
factory is at 100 Pool Street and that Edgar Fellows is an
iron brazier at the same address and James Fellows is a
blank tray maker, also at that address.

The location of Pool Street Works.
There are two references to the company in Crocker's
1884 Directory. The first states that James Fellows and Son
are blank tray manufacturers, in Poole Street and the second
gives the address as 100 & 101 Poole Street, so maybe the
factory was extended.
White's Directory for 1869 also lists
another company which was also run by the Fellows family.
This was S. J. and E. Fellows (Samuel James & Edgar
Fellows), general holloware manufacturers, based at Vulcan
Works, Graiseley Row. The firm was founded in 1860 by two
brothers, Samuel James and Edgar Fellows.
Both businesses are listed in Jones's
Mercantile Directory for 1865 as follows:

Vulcan Works in Graiseley Row. Courtesy of Dave Burk.

The location of Vulcan Works. As it
was in 1885. |