Thomas Edwards and Sons, Drapers,
General Furnishers, etc., and Undertakers, York House, 1, 2,
3, and 4 High Street.
The size and variety of the business
conducted in Wolverhampton by the firm of Messrs. Thomas
Edwards and Sons, place it in the very front rank of local
commercial concerns, and for this reason should be included
in our Review. Mr. Thomas Edwards and Mr. E. W. Edwards are
the present owners of the concern, which was opened about
sixty years ago, by their father, Mr. Thomas Edwards, Senr.,
to whom they have proved to be worthy successors,
conducting their trade on the same commendable lines as were
so successful in the past.
Their premises are in High Street
and are known as "York House," the situation is a central
and convenient one, while the shop, showroom, workroom, and
warehousing accommodation, etc., is on a scale of
exceptional dimensions. The different departments are each
located in particular parts of the building, of which the
organisation is admirable. To attempt to detail here even
the leading items of Messrs. Edwards and Sons' immense stock
would be a practically impossible task, and we must content
ourselves by stating that in different sections of the
establishment is shown a large assortment of mantles,
jackets, silks, plain and fancy drapery, etc., hosiery and
gloves, furniture and furnishings, carpets, rugs, linoleums,
and all other goods usually kept by leading drapers, general
furnishing warehousemen, upholsterers, and cabinet
The quality and reliability of the goods sold at
"York House" is too well known in Wolverhampton to need
emphasising here, and it is to the superior character of
their stock that Messrs. Edwards and Sons' popularity can be
traced. They pay special attention to the requirements of
the public, and display commendable energy and enterprise in
their methods of trading. The establishment
is efficiently staffed, and comes under the supervision of
the principals, who are known and respected in the district
as the owners of one of the most influential emporiums in
Wolverhampton. We should also add that they have an
extensive connection as undertakers and public decorators.
J. Gallagher and Co., Wine and Spirit
Merchants, Wholesale Bottlers of Bass's Ale and Guinness's
Stout, 19 St. John's Square.
For more than half a century Messrs.
Gallagher and Co. have been engaged in supplying to the
residents of Wolverhampton and the contiguous districts
wines and spirits, etc., of a superior class, and their
exertions have met with such approval that they are in
receipt of a valuable and ever increasing custom. Their
premises in St. John's Square afford ample accommodation for
bottling, stock and other purposes, and have been fitted up
with all appointments usual in this business.
Gallagher and Co. hold an extensive stock of wines and
spirits, in which are represented many of the favourite
vintages and brands, and all are selected with the greatest
care, as this firm are thoroughly experienced, and have
close acquaintance with the best and most reliable sources
of supply. An extensive family and general trade is done
here, and all orders are carefully executed.
As bottlers of
Bass's Burton ale, and Guinness's stout, this firm are
widely known and do an extensive trade. They have excellent
horses and vehicles to ensure prompt delivery in the town or
district. Messrs. Gallagher and Co. have made a first-class
name for themselves, and their future trading record should
continue to show satisfactory results.
Henry Gardner, Wolverhampton Trimming
Shop, 3 and 4 Queen Street.
A business of special importance and
considerable prominence in Wolverhampton is that of Mr.
Henry Gardner, of the Wolverhampton trimming shop, 3 and 4
Queen Street. A very valuable and extensive trade is being
done by Mr. Gardner, a gentleman of wide experience in the
trade, and who, it should be mentioned, was formerly with
Messrs. Marshall and Snelgrove, the well-known London House.
He commenced business on his own account with the policy to
place before the public the very best quality of goods at
lowest remunerative prices, and the support of the best
circles has been ungrudgingly and worthily bestowed upon his
With reference to the premises occupied, they possess
a very conspicuous frontage, and comprise shops, with
stores, etc. to the rear, show, stock, and workrooms in the
upper storeys, and the general arrangement division,
equipment, and organisation of the whole establishment is
eminently convenient and admirable. There are four large
plate glass show windows, the display in which is always of
a brilliant and attractive character. The departments are as
follows: millinery, ladies' outfittings, fancy drapery,
trimmings, furs, and in each of these can be seen the newest
fashions and styles, Mr. Gardner being one of the first in
the trade to introduce each season's novelties.
hands are employed on the premises in the millinery branch,
and all orders receive the most careful and prompt
attention. The proprietor personally superintends the
establishment, and there is little doubt that while under
his management it will continue to gain in well-deserved
Frederic J. Gibson, Dispensing Chemist,
93 Darlington Street.
This business is specially noteworthy
on account of its age, having been in existence upwards of sixty two years, and that it
is one of the most popular of its character in Wolverhampton
will be admitted on all sides. It has been in the hands of
the present proprietor for the last eleven years, a
gentleman of wide experience in his calling, and whose skill
in the compounding of, physician's prescriptions and family
recipes is well recognised, this branch of the business
being of special value and importance.
The shop possesses a
most attractive exterior, whilst the interior is elegantly
fitted up, all its appointments being thoroughly first
class. The stock maintained is of great value and variety,
including all kinds of drugs and chemicals, the most noted
patent medicines and proprietary articles,
surgical appliances and every description of toilet, nursery
and sick room requisites, also every requisite connected
with the photographic art. Most moderate charges are the
rule, and in fact, everything is done by the proprietor to
fully deserve the large and influential share of patronage
he receives.
Alfred J. Gilmore, Hatter, Hosier,
etc., corner of Worcester Street and Temple Street. Branch
Establishment, 74 Bilston Street.
One of the most popular Hat and Hosiery
establishments in Wolverhampton is that owned by Mr. Alfred
J. Gilmore, situate on the corner of Worcester Street and
Temple Street (see illustration), and who has also a capital
branch shop at 74 Bilston Street. |

Gilmore's shop on the corner of
Worcester Street and Temple Street. |
This business is carried on in a most smart and
energetic manner, and the proprietor is not only fully alive
to the requirements of the public, but, moreover,
anticipates them with consummate skill, which at once stamps
this as one of the smartest, best, and cheapest houses in
the town for hats and hosiery of every description. Mr.
Gilmore has justly earned the name of "the people's hatter
and hosier;" his "Star", "Crescent", and "Cross" speciality
having had a tremendous sale, and thousands of which are now
worn. |
Mr. Gilmore selects his
stock with discretion and care from the best sources, in a
manner which at once proves his intimate knowledge of the
business. Large stock is always maintained, while an
inspection of them is well worth making. The business is
bound to continue to be a popular and progressive one.
Henry Glaze, Saddler, 55 Dudley Street.
As an old established house of the
kind, the one under the proprietorship of Mr. Henry Glaze is
certainly deserving of mention. When we state that it was
founded in 1817, and its prestige always well
maintained, this will be thoroughly understood.
As a
saddler, harness and horse clothing manufacturer, Mr. Glaze
holds a premier position in Wolverhampton. All goods turned
out of his establishment are of the highest quality in
respect to material and workmanship. He maintains one of the
most extensive and select stock of goods in the trade,
including ladies' and gents' saddles, harness, horse
furniture and clothing; also stable requisites, such as
horse and body brushes, dandies, spoke and water brushes,
sponges, and whips, by the most eminent makers. In addition
he holds an exceptionally fine selection of hide, fancy
leather, and fitted bags, dress baskets, hat and dressing
cases, travelling trunks, flasks and miscellaneous articles
of a useful character and suitable for presents.
It should
also be mentioned that Mr. Glaze manufactures mill banding
to order, and is patronised extensively in this particular
by the principal manufacturers of the town. Repairs also
receive the most prompt attention, and estimates for all
work are tendered on application. The premises occupied are
situated at 55 Dudley Street, and are in every way adapted
to the business requirements. The shop and showrooms are
suitably equipped, and the general arrangements of an
exceptionally high class character. An adequate staff of
skilled workmen find regular employment in the manufacturing
and repairing departments. The enterprise is admirably
conducted, and reflects the highest credit upon the
highly-esteemed proprietor.
Goddard and Company, Coal Merchants,
Mill Wharf, Union Mill Street, Horsley Fields. Telephone
About thirteen months ago Messrs.
Goddard and Company took over the coa1 business at Mill
Wharf, Union Mill Street, which for many years previous had
been conducted by Messrs. H. Lawson and Son. There is no
doubt that this is one of the best known businesses of its
character in Wolverhampton, and at the present time it is
being conducted on the most enterprising lines.
Goddard have splendid wharf accommodation on the side of the
canal, and are thus enabled to keep a large stock of coals
on hand, and meet all demands most promptly. They have a
capital connection among manufacturers and private families;
supplying the best Cannock Chase and Brownhills coals,
cobbles, kibbles, etc., also, rough slack, breezes, coke, etc. For any quantity Messrs. Goddard
offer the very best advantages in respect to price, and the
result of their uniform prompt, courteous and honourable
methods of trading is plainly apparent in a steadily
increasing and desirable connection.
W. A. Gorton, Manufacturer of the
"Talbot" Cycles, Fern Road and Herrick Street.
An instance of rapid, substantial, and
well-deserved prosperity in the cycle trade is furnished in
the career of the business of Mr. W. A. Gorton, maker of the
well-known "Talbot" Cycles. This gentleman commenced in Lord
Street some years ago, but the premises becoming too small
for his expansive trade, he has found it necessary to remove
to more commodious ones in Fern Road and Herrick Street.

These are two distinct
addresses. In Herrick Street, the premises comprise machine
shops for turning and for mechanical work, plating and
enamelling departments, etc., whilst at Fern Road are
situated the erecting and finishing shops, warehouse, and
office. A considerable number of hands are employed at each
place, and the best facilities exist for turning out uniform
high-class work at most moderate prices. Mr. Gorton hopes to
combine his business under one address very shortly.
enjoys the highest reputation for his productions
in ladies' and gentlemen's safeties, roadsters, racers,
etc., juvenile machines, tandems, and tricycles, the
"Talbot" machines being appreciated in the fullest degree as
being sound and reliable, speedy, elegant in design, and
exhibiting superior workmanship. An illustrl1ted catalogue
is issued each season, and exceptional advantages are
offered to the trade. The commercial connection extends to
all parts, is well organised, and the manner in which the
concern is being conducted from every standpoint, makes it
sure to predict for it continued prosperity.
At the time of
going to press we learn that this business has been made a
limited company, under the style of The Talbot Cycle
Company, Limited. Managing Director, Mr. W. A. Gorton.
Herbert H. Green, Lock Manufacturer,
etc., "Gothic" Works, Herrick Street.
The enterprise conducted by Mr. Herbert
H. Green has been established over ten years, and affords an
example of what may be accomplished by talent and energy in
a comparatively short space of time. Mr. Green is
extensively engaged as a manufacturer and inventor of locks,
fancy gothic thumb latches registered gothic latches,
special wrought hat and coat hooks, casement stays and
fasteners, ring handles, cord hooks, door and gate latches,
etc., and in fact all kinds of odd work in wrought iron.
"Gothic" works are located in Herrick Street, and comprise
capitally appointed workshops fitted with modern machinery
and appliances, and we may state that the output is a
constantly increasing one. Mr. Green is the patentee of
several well approved articles, such as the patent spring
door bolt, the registered “Eclipse” latch and door bolt
combined, and a recent invention of his calling for special
mention, is a cycle brake which embodies several advantages
over any other in use; its chief features being that it acts
as brake and also as a lock for the cycle when required.
spring, and in fact all working parts are hidden from view
in a small circular box fastened to the handle bar, giving
the machine quite a neat appearance. When the brake is
pressed down it can be locked by the means of a small wrench
which is given with each brake. It should certainly come
into great demand by those who are compelled to leave their
cycles unattended for any length of time. The wrench, which
is nickel-plated and is small enough to carry in a waist
coat pocket, is a very useful article, not only acting as
key to the lock, but fits all nuts attached to the brake; in fact, nearly all the nuts of
the cycle can be tightened by it. All orders submitted
receive careful attention, and that the business will
continue to develop under its present proprietorship there
can be no doubt.
E. Hands and Son, Leather Merchants.
etc., Tower Street.
Among the varied industries of
Wolverhampton, the firm of Messrs. E. Hands and Son, leather
merchants and manufacturers of boot uppers and leggings, is held in high repute. This firm has
been in existence for a period of nearly 40 years. The
premises utilised form a corner to Pipers Row and Tower
Street, are very spacious, of three storeys, with 24 windows
facing the two streets.
All classes of boot uppers are
turned out at these works, which, for style, workmanship,
and reliable material may be equalled, but certainly cannot
be surpassed in any works in the kingdom. The concern gives
every evidence of first class and energetic management a
fact which must be patent to even a casual observer. We
wish such a sound and reliable firm every success.
J. H. Herbert, General Ironmonger and
Cycle Agent, 16 Darlington Street.
A well-known representative of the
ironmongery trade, to which is coupled the cycle trade also,
in Wolverhampton, is Mr. J. H. Herbert, who has large and
commodious premises in Darlington Street. This gentleman has
drawn together a trade, of which he has every reason to be
proud - a result directly due to his able and enterprising
business exertions, and the fact that he has constantly
aimed to sell only the best goods at most reasonable prices.
All kinds of general ironmongery are here maintained in
great variety, together with a goodly stock of the best
cutlery, procured from the best and most reliable houses
only, and in which a good class trade is done. Mr. Herbert
has always on hand a splendid assortment of cycles of the
very best make, which may be had at the lowest consistent
There can be no question that his business is
conducted on the most able and enterprising lines, the
proprietor evidently possessing a thorough knowledge of all
branches of the trade, as evidenced in the fact that he is
able to offer the most liberal terms to all patrons.
A. W. Hicks and Co.,
Builders, Carpenters, Plumbers, etc., Oak Street.
Although of only recent founding this
business can lay claim to being one of an important
character. The premises in occupation are 1ocated in Oak
Street, off Lower Great Brickkiln Street and cover a
considerable area. They comprise spacious yard, saw mill, and joinery works,
carpenters' workshops, office, warehouse, etc., and are most
conveniently arranged throughout. The machinery and
appliances in use are of the best type, and in each branch a
number of experienced hands are constantly employed.
Hicks are prepared to undertake the erection of every
description of building, and commence and carry out the same
in the promptest manner. As plumbers, glaziers, and painters
they are also well to the front. They supply in any quantity
all kinds of building materials, joinery, and general
plumbers' and decorators' requisites; and buying at first
hand from the most reliable manufacturers, can offer the
best terms to all purchasers. The principals personally
superintend all work on hand, and it may be confidently
predicted that under their management the business will
attain much larger proportions.
Herbert Holloway, Contractor, Furniture
Remover, and Coal Merchant, Bilston Road and Commercial
A business of a very important
character is conducted in Wolverhampton, by Mr. Herbert
Holloway, of Bilston Road, who is a general contractor,
furniture remover, coal merchant, etc. This gentleman has
been established many years, and a most gratifying measure
of success has attended all his business operations. He
undertakes the construction of sewerage roads, gas and water
works, reservoirs, docks, canals, railways, tramways,
paving, the laying out of new estates, etc. and has always
at command a staff of several hundred men to commence and
finish work expeditiously and well.
A large share of work in
the town and Midlands, in fact, all over the kingdom, falls
to Mr. Holloway, under Corporations, District Councils, and
for private firms, amongst other contracts he has in hand at
the present time, being a new waterworks and reservoir near
Bristol, a large sewerage contract in Derbyshire, comprising
the construction of 28 miles of main sewers, together with
many miles of drain connections to private properties there.
Mr. Holloway is also well-known as a furniture remover,
brake proprietor, and coal merchant, and in these trades has
a reputation that is unsurpassed. His extensive
Wolverhampton premises and chief office are situated on
Bilston Road and Commercial Road. The widespread and various
experience that Mr. Holloway has had enables him to deal
with orders in the readiest style. An exceptionally fine
connection is in his hands, and his merits fully entitle him
to the high place he holds in his particular lines.
W. Hopcraft and Son, Stone, Granite,
and Marble Works, Chapel Ash.
This firm has attained a leading
position in their trade, in which they have been engaged in
Wolverhampton for the past fifteen years.

The high
character of the work executed by this firm is well known,
not only in Wolverhampton, but for many miles around, while
the skilful and satisfactory manner in which this firm
executes all orders entrusted to them has been the means of
a constantly increasing trade.
All kinds of work is done in
marble headstones, tombs, etc., etc., Messrs. Hopcraft and
Son, possessing ample premises for the conduct of their
flourishing business. The premises include a very commodious
yard, where may be seen all kinds of stone work in various
stages, also a very smart showroom in which may be seen a
choice selection of tile grates, marble chimney-pieces,
hearth curbs, etc., of every description.
Messrs. Hopcraft
and Son are vigorous and energetic in their endeavours to
meet the demands of their numerous patrons, and all orders
entrusted to them receive that attention which has always
characterised the firm.
Thomas Howell, Woollen Merchant,
Princess Street. Branches; 136 Queen Street, Glasgow. 7
Bradford Avenue, Red Cross Street, London, E. C.
Occupying an eminent position among the
chief commercial houses in Wolverhampton, is the
establishment of Mr. Thomas Howell, woollen merchant, in
Princess Street. This now widely-known and highly prosperous
business was founded in the year 1889 by the present
proprietor, and has developed at a pace that gives the
soundest evidence of a management of unusual strength and
ability. The trade done extends to all parts of the United
Kingdom and many countries abroad.
To carry on this
extensive business a splendid four-storied block of premises
are occupied in Princess street, and these have been
specially constructed and arranged to suit the particular
requirements of the trade in hand. Immense stocks of
woollens, cloths, and tailors' trimmings of the very best
and most reliable manufacture can be seen in the spacious
showrooms and warehouses, and with the aid of a large and
experienced staff of hands, Mr. Howell is enabled to
guarantee the speedy despatch of all orders.
Buying direct
from the mills and manufacturers, and having such a lengthy
experience with the trade in all its bearings, he is enabled
to compete in price with any firm in the country, for any,
and every class of goods coming within the scope of his
business. Mr. Howell gives the establishment his close
personal supervision, and is unremitting in his endeavours
to serve the best interests of customers. The business is certainly one of the most important commercial features of
Wolverhampton, and its proprietor is to be congratulated
upon the great success that has attended his honourable and
enterprising exertions.
Enoch Howard, Steam Cooperage, Green
Lane, Snow Hill. Telephone No, 7091.
The extensive establishment of Mr.
Enoch Howard occupies a high rank among the local business
enterprises in Wolverhampton. It was founded in 1846, and
its career has been one of substantial progress.
The steam cooperage in Green Lane. |
As a cooper
and contractor for the supply of every description of
packing casks, cases, boxes, etc., etc., Mr. Howard has long
held a leading position in the town and district, and enjoys
a reputation for turning out the most satisfactory work,
whilst his connections extend over a wide area. The premises
are situated in Green Lane, Snow Hill, and we find in
connection therewith a large steam cooperage, the largest in
Wolverhampton, built and equipped in a manner which at once
stamps its proprietor as a gentleman thoroughly well
acquainted with all the details and requirements of the
business. There are six circular saws continually at work,
and a large staff of experienced workmen assist in the
execution of the highest order of work.
Mr. Howard
is also a general dealer in all kinds of empty packages, and hoop merchant,
etc., of which he maintains a large stock. He is able to
execute orders in the most prompt manner. Mr. Howard, who is
also the head of the Pioneer Oil Company, is a capable and
practical man of business, and has built up for himself
valuable connections that are likely to grow.
S. lllidge and Son, General
Brassfounders. Manufacturers of every description of Locks,
and Makers of the "Nimbus" Cycles, Alexandra Foundry, Great
Brickkiln Street, and Alexandra Street. Telegraphic Address:
"Illidge, Wolverhampton." Telephone No. 7214.
The extensive business carried on by
Messrs. S. Illidge and Son, as General Brassfounders, Lock
and Cycle manufacturers, etc., is clearly entitled to
prominent notice in this review, It was founded as long ago
as 1826, and has had a career of prosperity clearly
indicative of a management of unusual strength and ability.
This firm are general brassfounders, and among their
numerous manufactures in this line may be mentioned: every
description of cabinet, brass and iron pad, rim, mortise.
and dead locks; combination, lever, and Bramah night
latches; water closet, pulpit, shutter, pew, ships and other
latches; flush and barrel bolts; sun blind furniture; rack,
pulleys, sash and casement fasteners; brass butt hinges,
cabin hooks, lifting and cash box handles, stable fittings,
etc. They are also patentees of fanlight openers, indicating
fasteners, the "Eclipse" sash fasteners, etc.
All these
productions are in large demand, and are renowned for best
quality of material, great utility and superior finish.
Messrs. Illidge are, we believe, the only firm in the
district who mix their own metals on the premises, hence
they are most advantageously situated to ensure both uniform
high quality and economy of production. Their works cover a
considerable area of ground at the corner of Great Brickkiln
and Alexandra Streets; they are of substantial construction,
conveniently arranged throughout and equipped with all the
requisite machinery and appliances of modern type.
Last year
the firm embarked in the cycle manufacturing trade, building
new works of a commodious character, and equipping the same
with special improved machinery for carrying on all
operations successfully, including the manufacture of
component parts, plating, enamelling, etc. The name given to
their cycles is the "Nimbus," and the large demand which
already exists for these machines proves them to be equa1 in
design, speed, light running, and high-grade quality to any
in the market.
This firm manufactures ladies' and gentlemen's
safeties, juvenile safeties, racers, roadsters, tricycles,
and tandems, which are fitted with the best makes of tyres,
gear cases, and saddles to order. The "Nimbus" is a
thoroughly modern "mount" at a reasonable price, and is sure
to gain in popularity as it becomes better known among
cyclists of both sexes. Messrs. Illidge employ from 150 to
200 hands in the different departments of their business,
and are admirably placed to execute all orders in the
promptest style. For a business so excellently managed in
every respect, we can safely predict continued success.
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