In the late 1960s the college
principal was H. Lamb. The departments, staff and
courses were as follows:
Business and
General Studies:
Head of Department, F. F. Mobbs, with 5 senior staff
members. There were 17 lecturers and 1 laboratory
Professional Business Studies
course, including English language, commercial
mathematics, principles of accounts, commerce,
geography, general principles of English law and
National Certificate in
Business Studies, including structure of commerce,
accounting, principles of English law, economic
geography, economic British constitution, central
and local government, general history, economics and
English, mercantile or commercial law and functions
and organisation of the office.
Clerical Studies, including
English and general studies, clerical duties,
business calculations, geography and accounts.
Audio, Typing and Secretarial
Studies including secretarial courses, commercial
courses and shorthand typing.
General Studies, including
English, English literature, geography, history,
mathematics, economics, law, accounts, British
government, sociology, physics, chemistry, art,
biology, geology and French.
Secretarial and language
course, including French, German, Spanish and
Dramatic art and elocution
course, including elocution and speech training.
Courses for teachers of the mentally handicapped.

The languages learning room.
Engineering and
Head of Department, R. A. P.
Anderton, with 5 senior staff members. There were 22
lecturers and 6 laboratory technicians.

Courses for school leavers:
Pre-apprenticeship course, G.C.E. 'O' level
Engineering and G.C.E. 'A' level Engineering.
Day release and part time
courses: ONC in engineering, General engineering,
Mechanical engineering technicians, Mechanical
engineering craft, Certificate in engineering, Iron
and steel trades courses, Science laboratory
technicians course, City and Guilds Handicraft
teachers certificate, Woodwork, Motor vehicle
maintenance, Photography, G.C.E. 'A' level Science
classes and G.C.E. 'O' level physics.
Full time course: G.C.E. Science.

An engineering workshop.
Head of Department, F. H. Holmes, with 7 senior
staff members. There were 15 lecturers and 2
laboratory technicians.

City and Guilds carpentry and joinery, including
machine woodworking.
City and Guilds brickwork, City and Guilds painting
and decorating, City and Guilds plumbing, General
construction, Construction technicians course, O.N.C.
in construction, Builders and plumbers merchants
course, Building apprenticeship course and Building
Home Economics:
Head of Department, Mrs. E. M.
Lees, with 2 senior staff members. There were 8
lecturers and 5 domestic technicians.
Home Economics Course,
including cookery, English language, general
science, Cookery and dress.
Residential Child Care,
including home management, cookery, nutrition, first
aid, home nursing, social studies, human biology,
child welfare and development, art, craft,
needlecraft, soft furnishing and English language.
Catering course, including the
theory and practice of cookery, kitchen hygiene,
catering commodities, calculations and costing.

A catering lesson.
City and Guilds Cookery, City
and Guilds Dress, Household cookery, Dressmaking,
Hairdressing and Styling, make-up and manicure.

A hairdressing lesson.
Nursery and
Lecturer in Charge and Course
Tutor, Miss J. M. York. There were also 2 health
Pre-S.E.N. course, including
human anatomy and physiology, hygiene, general
science, English language, dress, cookery and
nutrition, home management, nursing mathematics,
first aid, home nursing, child welfare, liberal
studies, art and craft.

A physiology lesson.
Pre-S.R.N. course, including
human anatomy and physiology, hygiene, physics,
chemistry, biology, dress, cookery, English language
and literature, nursing mathematics, music and
social studies.
Hospital careers course,
includes human anatomy and physiology, hygiene,
physics, chemistry, biology, French, English
language, mathematics, art and craft.

A nursery training class.
Other courses include: Basic
first aid, Occupational first aid, Higher first aid,
Advanced first aid, Nursery nursing, Playgroups and
the pre-school child, Learning and Growing, Running
a Playgroup, Child art, Learning by doing, and
Children with problems.

Training teachers of severely
sub-normal children.
Social Studies
and Art:
Head of Department, I. K. Wymer,
with 2 senior staff members. There were also 9
Social Studies courses include
the Special tutorial course in G.C.E. Advanced
English Literature, and general courses for post
G.C.E. and mature students, with lectures in the
following subjects: Current affairs, The individual
and society, Democracy and participation, Education
and the future, Literature, society and human

The art studio.
Art and craft courses include a
full time general art course, a part time technical
illustration course, Understanding art,
Commercial art, Painting for pleasure, Painting and
drawing from life, Pottery, Siversmithing and jewellery,
and Design and decoration in the home.

A silversmithing and jewellery
The college had an excellent
library containing lending and reference books,
visual aids and journals. There were over 19,000
books covering all subjects, over 800 filmstrips and
film slides, over 200 journals, general, technical
and specialised, over 400 wall charts and maps,
information concerning careers and educational
courses, copies of past examination papers,
syllabuses and regulations, and bibliographical
information and literature searches.

The library.
In the
1960s the
college had around 80 part time lecturers, a
registrar, a senior clerk, 10 clerical assistants, a
canteen manageress and 4 caretakers. |