Road, Wolverhampton |

The front of the old Baker's Shoe
Factory, after a fire in 2001.

Another view of the building. From the
23rd August, 2001.

The empty Baker's Shoe Company's
offices on the 13th December, 2001.

Another view of the empty offices on
the 13th December, 2001.

Another view of the empty Baker's Shoe
factory on the 13th December, 2001.

The still empty Baker's Shoe Company's
offices on the 4th January, 2003.

The rear part of Baker's shoe factory
was occupied by DIY company, Swift Save, on the 13th
December, 2001.

Another view of Swift Save, from the
13th December, 2001.

The old bus depot in Cleveland Road,
when it was a car park on the 13th December, 2001.

Another view of the car park, also
from the 13th December, 2001.

A final view of the outside of the car
park, on the 13th December, 2001.

The interior of the car park, on the
17th May, 2004.

The old stonework from the front was
preserved inside. Seen on the 17th May, 2004.

Some of the old buses stored in the
rear part of the building on the 17th May, 2004.

A final inside view at the rear of the
old bus company's offices. Seen on the 17th May, 2004.

The derelict old Newmarket Hotel which
was next to the bus depot, seen on the 13th December, 2001.

The rear of the Newmarket Hotel with
the old brewery on the right. Also from the 13th December,

The old Cleveland Road Working Men's
Club and the B. and T. Café.
Also from the 13th December, 2001.

Looking along Cleveland Road on the
13th December, 2001.

Part of Dixon's DIY store on the
corner of Hospital Street. Also seen on the 13th December,

Another view of Dixon's store, on the
13th December, 2001.

Looking back alond Cleveland Road on
the 13th December, 2001.

Dixon's building in Hospital Street,
seen on the 13th December, 2001.

The Royal Hospital on the 4th January,

The Royal Hospital Lodge, seen on the
13th December, 2001.

Another view of the Royal Hospital
Lodge, seen on the 13th December, 2001.

The view from the front yard on the
13th December, 2001.

Another view from the front yard on
the 13th December, 2001.

The main entrance, seen on the 13th
December 2001.

Looking towards the
Edward VII Memorial Wing on the 13th December, 2001.

The Edward VII Memorial Wing seen on the 13th
December, 2001.

The outpatient's department on the
13th December, 2001.

Looking towards the outpatient's
department and the boiler house, on the 13th December, 2001.

The entrance to the rear of the
buildings, with the mortuary on the left and outpatient's on
the right.

The boiler house on the 13th December,

Looking towards the boiler house from
Sutherland Place on the 13th December, 2001.

The side entrance to the accident and
emergency department, seen on the 13th December, 2001.

The main entrance to the accident and
emergency department, seen on the 13th December, 2001.

The four storey building from the late
1930s. As seen on the 13th December, 2001.

The occupational therapy, the Adams,
Scott/Twentyman, Harper Millar and Sheldon/Langley wards.

The western end of the late 1930s
building, on the 13th December, 2001.

Cleveland House, that contained
the school of physiotherapy, the radio isotope department
and the cobalt unit.

Another view of Cleveland House, seen
from Sutherland Place seen on the 13th December, 2001.

The nurses home, on the 13th December,

The main entrance to the nurses home,
on the 13th December, 2001.

Another view of the nurses home, on
the 13th December, 2001.
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