This is the story of a typical Black Country town
that developed and prospered thanks to the growth of
industry. Extensive beds of coal and iron ore were
worked, and large iron and steel works operated by the
19th century. Although originally famous for the
manufacture of gun locks and nails, many other
industries soon followed and large factories were built.
Large numbers of people moved into the area to find work
and the population rapidly grew.
Darlaston was one of the largest villages in
Staffordshire until it became part of Walsall in 1966.
Its fortunes have since waned due to the demise of local
industry, much of which has disappeared. The town
centre, once a vibrant shopping area also declined and
its future was uncertain until the building of the
modern ASDA store. Many of the industrial areas fell
into dereliction with the result that post-industrial
desolation was commonplace. Over the last few years
things have greatly improved thanks to investment in the
area. Most of the large derelict factory sites have been
replaced by housing or smaller industrial units and
Darlaston can look forward to a bright future.
Although part of Walsall, many Darlastonian's are
fiercely independent, as are most of the local
communities in the Black Country. There is much interest
in the town's past and hopefully what follows will be
enjoyed by Darlastonian's and non-Darlastonian's alike.

The Bull Stake in the
early 1970s. |