E. F. Cope & Company, Standard Press, Station
Street, Walsall, published the wonderful Blue Book and
Directory of Wednesbury and Darlaston in 1921, 1922,
1924 & 1927. The editions included a comprehensive town
guide, with interesting photographs, many adverts and a
personal diary.
They are essential reading for anyone interested in
Wednesbury or Darlaston in the 1920s. What follows is
from Cope's Wednesbury and Darlaston Blue Book and
Directory for 1922. |

The Darlaston
Residential Directory |
Abberley E. D., Westbourne Road
Abbotts E., 40 Booth Street
Abbotts H., Richards Street
Addison R. F., 99 Wolverhampton Street
Allbutt A., 25 Castle Street
Alldritt S., 15 Addenbrooke Street
Allen J., Rough Hay
Allen W. R. 42 King Edward Street
Amos W., Slater Street
Anderson A., 90 Wolverhampton Street
Andrews J., 43 Booth Street
Armitage C. E., 10 The Green
Arnold F., 36 Bull Street
Ashmore S., Salisbury Street
Askey A. M., 17 Victoria Road
Askey J. W. E., 23 Whitton Street
Aston A., Moxley Road
Aston W. C., The Green
Autie S., Richards Street
Badham, 27 The Green
Bagg S., 348 Walsall Road
Baggott S. R., 17 King Edward Street
Baggott W. G., 52 Church Street
Bailey A., 28 Booth Street
Baker S., 5 Castle Street
Baker S. A., 5 Catherine's Cross
Baker T., 22 Dorset Road
Baker W., 332 Walsall Road
Baldwin D., St Pauls Road
Ball H., 14 Booth Street
Ball J., 4 Park Road
Ball J. J., Gladstone Street
Banks G., 2 Rough Hay Road
Banks W. G., 20 Whitton Street
Barlow S., 199 Walsall Road
Barlow W. J., 8 Waverley Road
Barraclough S. P., 4 King Edward Street
Barratt H. L., Moxley Road
Bateman J., 113 Wolverhampton Street
Bates J., Willenhall Street
Bayley A., 19 Whitton Street
Bayley A., 35 Addenbrooke Street
Bayley F. J., 49-50 King Street
Bayley J., 223 Walsall Road
Bayley J., 10 Castle Street
Bayley S., 1 Castle Street
Bayley S., 299 Walsall Road
Bayliss S., 239 Walsall Road
Beaman E., 17 Castle Street
Beards J., 3 Avenue Road
Beddall W., Whitton Street
Beddows J. H., The Green
Beech W., 1 Stafford Street
Beechy J., 77 Willenhall Road
Belcher J., 24 Rubery Street
Belcher J. E., 65 King Edward Street
Belcher J. H., 271 Walsall Road
Belcher A., 8 Rubery Street
Bennett H. W., 48 King Edward Street
Bennett T, senior, 51 Addenbrooke Street
Benton B. T., 336 Walsall Road
Berry, Rectory Avenue
Berry H. V., Slater Street
Berry W. G., 57 Church Street
Bird M., 45 Walsall Road
Bishop A. R., Slater Street
Bishop G, senior, 75 Willenhall Road
Bitterson F., 10 Whitton Street
Blackham F. E., 67 King Edward Street
Blakemore S., Willenhall Street
Blakesley S., 28 Rubery Street
Blann W. E., 38 Foster Street
Blencowe J. F., 55 Addenbrooke Street
Boaz J. G., 66 The Green
Bould A., 9 Castle Street
Bould B., 46 King Edward Street
Bourne W. T., 49 Booth Street
Bowcott J. H., 26 Waverley Road
Bowen T., The Green
Bowen W. E. Westbourne Road
Boycott A., 27 Castle Street
Bradshaw M. E., 80 Wolverhampton Street
Breese A. W., 19 Booth Street
Bromley H., 61 King Edward Street
Broome G. L., Walsall Road
Broomhall S., 84 Wolverhampton Street
Brown F., 65 Walsall Road
Brown J. W., Bull Street
Brown T., 338 Walsall Road
Bruerton W. G., 25 Dorset Road
Bryan J., 4 Rubery Street
Bryan T., 62 Wolverhampton Street
Bryant W. H., 69 King Edward Street
Buckley R. C., 10 Addenbrooke Street
Bullock I., la Waverley Road
Bundy G., 88 Wolverhampton Street
Burgess B., 14 Dorsett Road
Burgess E., Pinfold Street Extension
Burns A., Bull Street
Burns L., 29 King Edward Street
Burns R., 11 Gordon Street
Burns S., 7 Avenue Road
Burns W., 5 Park Road
Burras A., 4 New Buildings, King Edward
Butler G. R., 71 King Edward Street
Butler H., Victoria Road
Butler J., 64 Wolverhampton Street
Butler J., 149 Walsall Road
Butler J., 129 Wolverhampton Street
Butler J. H., Addenbrooke Street
Butler M. H., 18 High Street
Butler S., 13 Gordon Street |
B cont.
Butler S., 18 Rubery Street
Butler S., 21 Avenue Road
Butler S. J., 95 Wolverhampton Street
Butler A. L., Willenhall Street
Butler T. W., 16 Avenue Road
Butler W. T., 3 Dorsett Road
Cadwallader E., 26 Willenhall
Calcutt T., 30 Waverley Road
Callton J., 141 Wolverhampton Street
Camp J., 2 Stafford Street
Camp W., Willenhall Street
Capewell T., 10 School Street
Carpenter W., 89 Wolverhampton Street
Carr M., 38 Great Croft Street
Carter A, 36 Booth Street
Carter W. J., 28 Dorsett Road
Cartwright L., 27 Whitton Street
Cash J. E., 21 Waverley Road
Chapman J. L., Walsall Road
Chapman S. F., 41 Bull Street
Chew D., 17 Booth Street
Chippendale R., 18 Dorsett Road
Chorley J., 247 Walsall Road
Churn T., 97 Dorsett Road
Clapp H., 20 Avenue Road
Clarke E., 4 Gordon Street
Clarke J., Rough Hay Road
Clewer A. H., Addenbrooke Street
Clifford W. F., Crescent Road
Coleman A. E., 2 Avenue Road
Collett J. A., 26 Rubery Street
Colwell J., 31 Waverley Road
Cook W., 263 Walsall Road
Cooper A., 17 Gordon Street
Cooper F., Crescent Road
Cooper G. H., 36 Waverley Road
Cooper J., 94 Dorsett Road
Cooper J., 40a High Street
Cooper L., 2 The Green
Cooper M., 141 Walsall Road
Cope W. H., 2 King Edward Street
Corbett E., 19 King Edward Street
Costin J., 11 King Edward Street
Cotterell, 4 School Street
Cotterell A. E., 49 King Edward Street
Cotterell E., Moxley Road
Cotterell I., 9 Waverley Road
Cotterell J., 14 Waverley Road
Cotterell J., 17 Waverley Road
Cotterell J. T., 22 Booth Street
Cotterell S, senior, 62 The Green
Cotterell W., Station Street
Craddock W. A., 8 King Edward Street
Cresswell I. T., Pinfold Street Extension
Cresswell J. J., 21 Addenbrooke Street
Crossland W., 47 Walsall Road
Crow J., 5 Rubery Street
Crowson E., Moxley Road
Crowther W., 34 Booth Street
Daker G., 45 Booth Street
Daker S., 61 Willenhall Road
Dangerfield W., 10 Gordon Street
Darley W., 85 Wolverhampton Street
Davenport I., 3 Salisbury Street
Davies G., 31 Whitton Street
Davies J., 18 Whitton Street
Davies J,. 2 Dorsett Road
Davies W., Walsall Road
Davies W., 7 School Street
Day W., Salisbury Street
Dean J., 81 Willenhall Road
Dean J., 70 The Green
Dean T., 91 The Green
Deelay B., 65 Church Street
Dennis J., 91 Wolverhampton Street
Dexter E. T., Westbourne Road
Dixon J. W., 1 Victoria Road
Dixon T., Richards Street
Dooley F., 38 King Edward Street
Dowen D., 20 Addenbrooke Street
Dowen J., 41 Addenbrooke Street
Drummelow E., 50 Booth Street
Dudgeon W. J., 42 Bull Street
Duley W. E., Slater Street
Dummelow E., 39 Addenbrooke Street
Dummelow J. W., 14 Castle Street
Dunn J. F., 56 King Edward Street
Dunn W. H., Moxley Road
Dutton W, 155 Wolverhampton Street
Dyke J. G., Moxley Road
Dyson R. A , 82 Wolverhampton Street
Earp J., Richards Street
Earp W., 6 Avenue Road
Eaton H. H., 24d Pinfold Street
Ebery J., Salisbury Street
Eccleston G. W., 47 Addenbrooke Street
Edmunds A., 12 Whitton Street
Edwards T. E., 68 Wolverhampton Street
Ellis J., Bull Street
Ellson H., Wolverhampton Street
Elwell E., 57 Addenbrooke Street
Elwell T., 318 Walsall Road
England F. T., Salisbury Street
Etchells H., 14 Whitton Street
Evans E., 114 Wolverhampton Street
Evans J., Moxley Road
Evans J., 30 Addenbrooke Street
Evans J. T., 6 Castle Street
Evans R., 81 Wolverhampton Street |
Farquharson J. L., Moxley Road
Fasey A., 1 Park Road
Faulkner A., 2 Horton Street
Fellows E., Richards Street
Fellows E. O., Crescent Road
Fellows J. J., Westbourne Road
Fellows Mrs., 57 Willenhall Road
Fieldhouse E., 6 School Street
Finch C., 155 Walsall Road
Firkin J., 15 Avenue Road
Firman E, 133 Walsall Road
Fitton N., Pinfold Street Extension
Flavell, 171 Walsall Road
Fleming M., 12 Waverley Road
Fletcher B., The Green
Fletcher D., 49 Walsall Road
Fletcher J., 22 Castle Street
Foggin L F., 11 Rough Hay Road
Ford S., 22 Rubery Street
Forks I., 2 King Edward Street
Foster A., 17 Addenbrooke Street
Foster A. W., 249 Walsall Road
Foster D., 12 King Edward Street
Foster E., 9 High Street
Foster E., 1 Bush Street
Foster J., 12 School Street
Foster J., 12 Dorsett Road
Foster J., 16 Moxley Road
Foster J, senior, Salisbury Street
Foster J, junior, Salisbury Street
Foster J. H., 40 High Street
Foster Mrs., Alfred Street
Foster R. S., 94 Wolverhampton Street
Foster S, senior, 45 Addenbrooke Street
Foster T., 34 Pinfold Street
Foster T., The Green
Fownes F., Richards Street
Fox W., 1 Gordon Street
Franklin J., 56 Wolverhampton Street
Fulford C., 175 Walsall Road
Garrington D., 15 Castle Street
Garrington G. J., Richards Street
Gattenby T., 231b Walsall Road
Geary W., 11 Rubery Street
Genders C., 37 Waverley Road
Gibbons D., 16 Whitton Street
Gihbons E., 24 Whitton Street
Gibbs R., The Green
Gibbs T., Richards Street
Gilbert Mrs. M., Dorsett Road
Gilbert R., 53 Booth Street
Gilbert T., 28 Moxley Road
Giles J., 29 Waverley Road
Giles J. A., 105 Dorset Road
Giles R T., Bull Street
Giles W., 5 Booth Street
Giles W. H., 41 Booth Street
Gill J., 36 Church Street
Gill W, senior, 23 Castle Street
Gittings W., 14 Rubery Street
Gittings W. H., Bush Street
Glaze A. W., Pinfold Street Extension
Golcher E., 59 Walsall Road
Gore J., 12 Avenue Road
Gough, l Rough Hay Road
Gough A. J., 145 Wolverhampton Street
Gough E., 55 Willenhall Road
Gough J., Willenhall Street
Gough J, senior, 5 Addenbrooke Street
Grainger A., 177 Walsall Road
Grainger E., 6 Whitton Street
Grainger J., 29 Church Street
Grainger J., 163 Wolverhampton Street
Grainger P., 63 High Street
Grainger R., Richards Street
Gray D., Moxley Road
Green D., Bush Street
Green E., 73 King Edward Street
Green J., 10 Waverley Road
Green J., 48 Moxley Road
Green J. Y., 33 Waverley Road
Green L., 259 Walsall Road
Green W., Richards Street
Green W. T., 35 King Edward Street
Greensill E., 72 Wolverhampton Street
Greenup H., Walsall Road
Griffiths A., 49 The Green
Griffiths A., 261 Walsall Road
Griffiths C. J., 75 King Edward Street
Griffiths G., High Street
Griffiths J. J., 18 Gordon Street
Griffiths J. E., 35 Whitton Street
Griffiths L., 41 King Edward Street
Griffiths W., 6 Horton Street
Groom T., 51 Whitton Street
Groves J., 3 Rubery Street
Groves J, senior, Richards Street
Guest A. M., 40 King Edward Street
Guttridge S., 3 Booth Street
Guy W., 330 Walsall Road
Haddon J. W., 21 Booth Street
Haden E. 1 Avenue Road
Hadland B. P., Richards Street
Hadland F. E., 7 Castle Street
Hadley G., 181 Walsall Road
Haigh E. J., 32 Waverley Road
Hale J., 26 Addenbrooke Street
Halford C. E., Moxley Road
Hall C., 34 Waverley Road
Hall J, senior, Richards Street |
Hammond H., 52 Booth Street
Hammonds A., Addenbrooke Street
Hammonds S., The Glen, Avenue Road
Hammonds S. E., Avenue Road
Hammonds R., 197 Walsall Road
Hammonds W., 34 Addenbrooke Street
Hampton S., 88 Dorset Road
Hampton S., 22 Avenue Road
Harford F. J., 16 Waverley Road
Harper A. L., Richards Street
Harper D., Rectory Avenue
Harper E., Richards Street
Harper J., Whitton Street
Harper J., Richards Street
Harper J., 203 Walsall Road
Harper J. J., 5 Gordon Street
Harper J. T., 1 Waverlev Road
Harper M., 6 Willenhall Street
Harper M. A., 63 King Edward Street
Harper R., 81a Wolverhampton Street
Harper R. G., 37 Whitton Street
Harper T., 5 Waverley Road
Harper W., 12 Rubery Street
Harris E. T., 11 Booth Street
Harris J., 43 King Edward Street
Harris S., 111 Wolverhampton Street
Harris W. L., Moxley Road
Harrison A., Pinfold Street Extension
Hartshorne J. G., 241 Walsall Road
Hartshorne J. G., 53 King Edward Street
Harvey C. H., 35 Bull Street
Harvey E. 103 Dorsett Road
Harvey H., 91 Dorsett Road
Haskett S. J., 2 Bell Street
Hawley J., The Green
Hawley J. 73 Willenhall Road
Haycock A. J. J., 10 Avenue Road
Haycock E., 6 King Edward Street
Haycock J., 11 Avenue Road
Hayes A., 39 Bull Street
Haynes G., 19 Avenue Road
Haynes W. H., Station Street
Hayward M., 9 School Street
Head G. W., Richards Street
Heaven W, senior, 2 Wolverhampton Street
Hemmard S., Westbourne Road
Hemmings H., Bush Street
Heritage C. E., 43 Whitton Street
Heritage J. H., 65 Willenhall Road
Hickinbottom, 37 Addenbrooke Street
Higgins J., 138 The Green
Higginson A., 26 Castle Street
Hill B., 65 The Green
Hill G., 171 Wolverhampton Street
Hill S. F., 83 Wolverhampton Street
Hitchens J., Bush Street
Hitchman W., Whitton Street
Hobbs W., Willenhall Street
Hoberry E. E., Pinfold Street Extension
Hodson T. C., 131 Wolverhampton Street
Holden W., Salisbury Street
Holland G., Victoria Road
Holland W., 22 Addenbrooke Street
Hollingshead C. H. 13 The Green~
Hollingshead C. H., 23 Booth Street
Hollowood G. E., Richards Street
Holmes, 10 Bentley Road
Holmes I., 24 Waverley Road
Hooper A., 153 Wolverhampton Street
Horn H. W., 29 Whitton Street
Horne J., 334 Walsall Road
Home J., 83 Dorsett Road
Home J., 60 Wolverhampton Street
Horton A. E., 29 Pinfold Street
Horton A. J., 13 Whitton Street
Horton B, Slater Street
Horton E., Moxley Road
Horton G., 6 Rough Hay Road
Horton G., Willenhall Street
Horton I., 25 Avenue Road
Horton Mrs., Victoria Road
Horton N., 24b Pinfold Street
Horton S., 347 Wolverhampton Street
Horton S., 40 Station Street
Horton S, senior, 20 Castle Street
Horton S. J., 58 The Green
Horton T., Richards Street
Horton W., 253 Walsall Road
Horton W., 31 King Edward Street
Horton W., 9 Willenhall Street
Horton W., 4 Moxley Road
Horton W, senior, 19 Addenbrooke Street
Hossack F. R., Salisbury Street
Howl B., Moxley Road
Howl J., Bills Street
Howl J. S., 7 King Edward Street
Hubbard E., 110 Wolverhampton Street
Hubbard J., 11 School Street
Hubbard S., 60 The Green
Huffadine J. T., 23 Avenue Road
Hughes C. T., 60 Church Street
Hull H. T., 135 Walsall Road
Hume J. W., 63 Church Street
Humpage E., Willenhall Street
Humphreys F. G., Moxley Road
Humphries J., Moxley Road
Humphries W., 2 Bush Street
Hunt C., Willenhall Street
Hunt J. T., Westbourne Road
Huskison T., 25 Addenbrooke Street
Hyde W., 48 Booth Street

Jackson H., Westbourne Road
Jackson J., 87 Dorset Road
Jackson J, 55 King Edward Street
Jackson T. 12 Addenbrooke Street
James W. H., 15 Waverley Road
James W. S., Moxley Road
Jarvis M., 3 King Edward Street
Jeffs T., Bills Street
Jeffs T. H., 41 Whitton Street
Jeffs W. H, senior, Victoria Road
Jeffs W. H, junior, Victoria Road
Jinks J. T., Moxley Road
Johns E., Rectory Road
Johns F. R., 54 King Edward Street
Johnson A., 7 Addenbrooke Street
Johnson E., 201 Walsall Road
Johnson F., 64 The Green
Johnson T., back of 64 High Street
Johnson R. F., 97 Wolverhampton Street
Johnson T. H., 51 Booth Street
Johnson V. E., 324 Walsall Road
Johnstone J., Westbourne Road
Jones A., 2 Waverley Road
Jones A., 21 Castle Street
Jones A. E., 167 Walsall Road
Jones E., Whitton Street
Jones E., 84 Dorsett Road
Jones E., 13 Waverley Road
Jones E. A., Rectory Avenue
Jones F., 43 Bull Street
Jones G., 45 Willenhall Road
Jones J., 39 Whitton Street
Jones J., Bush Street
Jones J., 27 Waverley Road
Jones J. E., 44 King Edward Street
Jones L., 193 Walsall Road
Jones M., 25 Albert Street
Jones R., 103 Wolverhampton Street
Jones T., 19 Castle Street
Jones T., 17 Whitton Street
Jones W., 25 Blockall
Jones W. C., 3 Castle Street
Joyner W., 2 School Street
Keay C., Westbourne Road
Keay H., 15 Booth Street
Keeling D., 346 Walsall Road
Kegan F., 59 Willenhall Road
Keif E., 328 Walsall Road
Kempson B., 66 High Street
Kesterton J., Richards Street
Kimbley J, senior, 3 Bush Street
Kingston G., Walsall Road
Kirk J. W., Westbourne Road
Kirk T., Richards Street
Knight W., 151 Wolverhampton Street
Knowles W. W., 52 King Edward Street
Lamb W., 33 Bull Street
Lane H. J., 44 Blakemores Lane
Large H., 35 Waverley Road
Lavender H., 34 Bull Street
Lavender J., 8 Gordon Street
Lawley A., 35 Willenhall Road
Lawton J., Bills Street
Lealan E., 5 School Street
Lealan F. W., 11 The Green
Lee F, 92 Wolverhampton Street
Lees G., Slater Street
Lees J., Slater Street
Lees S., 17 Dorsett Road
Lees S., 37 King Edward Street
Lenthall F. J., 183 Walsall Road
Lippett W. H., 10 Dorsett Road
Lloyd, Richard Street
Lloyd H., Victoria Road
Lloyd R, Moxley Road
Longmore T., 51 Mill Street
Lowe D., 59 King Edward Street
Lowe F., Victoria Road
Lowe S., 161 Walsall Road
Lowe S. A., 8 King Edward Street
Lowe T., 26 Moxley Road
Lowe T., 41 Dorsett Road
Lucas J. A., Richards Street
Lynall F., 33 Pinfold Street
Manders Mrs., 17 Perry Street
Mann F., 69 Walsall Road
Manning A. E., 109 Wolverhampton Street
Mapley T. H., Richards Street
Marigold J. S., 8 Avenue Road
Marshall J., 18 Avenue Road
Martin G., Victoria Road
Martin G., 17 Avenue Road
Martin S. E., Moxley Road
Martin T., 98 Wolverhampton Street
Mason J., 12 Gordon Street
Mason S., Willenhall Street
Mason T. M., The Green
Massey J., 11 Waverley Road
Maul E. E., Richards Street
McNulty T., Willenhall Street
Micklewright J., Richards Street
Middlebrook W., 55 Station Street
Middleton F. E., 9 Addenbrooke Street |
Millard A., Pinfold Street Extension
Millard A., 7 Church Street
Miller S., 28 Addenbrooke Street
Millward S., 189 Walsall Road
Mitchell W. E., 63 Willenhall Road
Mobley A., 23 Waverley Road
Moore J. E., 16 Gordon Street
Moreton, Slater Street
Moreton G., Victoria Road
Moreton J. H., 47 Booth Street
Moreton W. L., Bull Street
Morgan A., 67 The Green
Morgan A. A., 1 Church Street
Morgan D., 123 Wolverhampton Street
Morgan F. A., 54 Church Street
Morgan T. J., 9 Avenue Road
Morgan W., Richards Street
Morris A., 1 Alfred Street
Morris D., 5 King Edward Street
Morris T., 29b Bell Street
Moss J., Richards Street
Mould W., 7 King Edward Street
Nash D., Walsall Road
Nash E, senior, 93 Dorsett Road
Newbould A, 76 Wolverhampton Street
Newman J, 8.5 Dorsett Road
Newton R, 86 Dorsett Road
Newton G, Avenue Road
Newton T., 20 Pinfold Street
Newton T., 8 Whitton Street
Nicholls F. E., Moxley Road
Nicholls N., 63 The Green
Nicholls R., 28 Waverley Road
Nixon A., Salisbury Street
Nixon W., 58-60 Willenhall Road
Norman G. S., Pinfold Street
Norris W. A., Wolverhampton Street
North T., Willenhall Street
Norton A., Victoria Road
Norton F., 8 Booth Street
Norton H, senior, 14 Addenbrooke Street
Norwood A, 4., Waverley Road
Norwood I., 19 Bilston Street
Orton E. C., 94 Pinfold Street
Owen S., 25 Waverley Road
Paddock W., 49 Blockall
Page B., 101 Wolverhampton Street
Page C., 27 King Edward Street
Page J., 27 Addenbrooke Street
Page J., 39 Willenhall Road
Page O. E., Slater Street
Page R., 6 King Edward Street
Page R. G., Westbourne Road
Page T., 12 Castle Street
Pallet C., 8 School Street
Pardoe R., 118 Wolverhampton Street
Parker H. S., 33 King Edward Street
Parkes E., Willenhall Street
Partridge F. N., 33 Whitton Street
Partridge V. J. H., 38 Bull Street
Peake W. J, senior 7 Gordon Street
Pedley J. R., 4 Whitton Street
Peplow D., Addenbrooke Street
Perks E. 78 Wolverhampton Street
Perks H. 37 Booth Street
Perry F. C., 6 Addenbrooke Street
Perry G. B., 1 Booth Street
Perry J., 92 The Green
Perry R., 6 Gordon Street
Perry T., 8 Addenbrooke Street
Perry W., Richards Street
Perry W. G., Slater Street
Phillips A. M., Moxley Road
Phillips G, senior, 18 Addenbrooke Street
Phillips H., 3 School Street
Phillips J. W., 53 High Street
Phillips M., 14 King Edward Street
Phillips T. W., Walsall Road
Pinner A., 24 Church Street
Pitt J., 10 Rubery Street
Plant C, senior, 70 Wolverhampton Street
Platt J., 9 King Edward Street
Plimmer G., 40 Church Street
Plumb R. C., 15 King Edward Street
Pomeroy C. W., Victoria Road
Poole T., 7 Willenhall Street
Potts J., 38 Booth Street
Poulton J., 165 Walsall Road
Povey R., 160 Wolverhampton Street
Povey S. A., Richards Street
Powell D., 39 Station Street
Powell F., 4 Horton Street
Powell G. H., 42 Booth Street
Powell W., 2 Rubery Street
Price J., 7 Waverley Road
Price J., Richards Street
Print E., back 35 Foster Street
Pritchard C., 18 Station Street
Pritchard H., Richards Street
Pugh T., 10 Rough Hay Road
Pullar F., 29 Addenbrooke Street
Purcell T., 50 King Edward Street

Ramsbottom T., 20 Waverley Road
Ratcliffe A., 4 The Green
Read A., 167 Wolverhampton Street
Read M., 179 Walsall Road
Reade H., 5 Dorsett Road
Reader M., 101 Dorsett Road
Reddington J., 33 Booth Street
Reddy T., 45 King Edward Street
Reece W., 340 Walsall Road
Rhodes F., 8 Wolverhampton Street
Rice T., 37 Bull Street
Richards C., 17 Gordon Street
Richards O., 14 Gordon Street
Richardson T., 31 Booth Street
Riley, A., 157 Walsall Road
Riley J., 9 Gordon Street
Roberts A., 11a Church Street
Roberts A., 18 Booth Street
Robinson F., 19 Waverley Road
Robinson G., 64 Church Street
Robinson G., 74 Wolverhampton Street
Robinson G. F., 45 Whitton Street
Robinson I., Addenhrooke Street
Robinson J., 2 Whitton Street
Robinson J., 9 Rough Hay Road
Robinson M., 30 Rubery Street
Robinson N., 30 Rubery Street
Robinson T., 46 Willenhall Road
Robinson W., Alfred Street
Rock J., 35 The Green
Roden W. H., 7 Rubery Street
Roger I., Walsall Road
Rollinson A. V., 116 Wolverhampton Street
Ronchetti F, senior, 33 Addenbrooke Street
Ross J., 92 Dorsett Road
Rosier E., 31 Bull Street
Routlidge R., 326 Walsall Road
Rowley F., 139 Wolverhampton Street
Rowley R., 149 Wolverhampton Street
Rowlinson J. W., 79 Willenhall Road
Rudkin H. J., 267 Walsall Road
Russell F. W., The Green
Rutkin E., Richards Street
Sadler S. B., 54 Wolverhampton
Salisbury J. W., 19 Dorsett Road
Sambrook W., 5 Avenue Road
Samuel P. J., 21-22 Church Street
Sanders J., 23 King Edward Street
Sanders M., Rectory Avenue
Saunders, 46 Booth Street
Saunders S. L., 20 Dorsett Road
Seaman, 3 Addenbrooke Street
Seaman W., 1 Addenbrooke Street
Scott A., 143 Wolverhampton Street
Shakespeare E., 19 Whitton Street
Shakespeare S., 22 Waverley Road
Shakespeare W., 9 Rubery Street
Shaw A., 102 Wolverhampton Street
Shaw F. J., Pinfold Street
Shaw J. H., Walsall Road
Shaw S., Richards Street
Shaw W., 127 Wolverhampton Street
Shemmans J. T., 15 Whitton Street
Shepherd E., 16 Booth Street
Shields W. H., Westbourne Road
Shorthouse W., Bush Street
Sillitoe J., 42 Blakemores Lane
Simkin J., 63 Station Street
Simkin J., East View, Slater Street
Simkin J., 105 Wolverhampton Street
Simkins T., 39 Booth Street
Simpson H. J., Slater Street
Simpson T. W., Victoria Road
Slater R., 14 Avenue Road
Sleigh F., Moxley Road
Small J., 47 Whitton Street
Small T., 11 Addenbrooke Street
Small T., 90 The Green
Small W., 39 King Edward Street
Smith B., 4 Booth Street
Smith E., Richards Street
Smith F. J., 1 Rubery Street
Smith F. J., 2 Gordon Street
Smith F. W., Westbourne Road
Smith G. G., 16 Mill Street
Smith O. G., 24c Pinfold Street
Smith J., Walsall Road
Smith J. E., Waverley Road
Smith J. T., 56 Wolverhampton Street
Smith R., Church Street
Smith R., 100 Wolverhampton Street
Smith S., 2 Park Road
Smith S. B., Pinfold Street Extension
Smith T., 27 Booth Street
Smith T., 8 Dorsett Road
Smith W., Victoria Road
Smith W., Rough Hay
Spellman J., 12 Booth Street
Staite A., 7 Horton Street
Staite C., 8 Castle Street
Stalkard C., 231a Walsall Road
Stanaway W., 24 Castle Street
Standley H. L., Moxley Road
Stanford W. T., Moxley Road
Steatham S., 6 Great Croft Street
Steatham T., 212 Walsall Road
Steen J., 51 King Edward Street
Stevens A., Richards Street
Stokes A., 13 Booth Street
Stokes H., 44 Booth Street
Street H. J., 11 Westbourne Road
Swann W. E., 67 Walsall Road
Swift W. T., 71 The Green
Swindells H., 69 Willenhall Road
Talbot E., Salisbury Street
Taylor F., 165 Wolverhampton Street
Taylor F., 32 Addenbrooke Street
Taylor F. H., 61 Walsall Road
Taylor H. J., 131 Walsall Road |
Taylor R., Slater Street
Teece G., 1 Dorsett Road
Teece H. S. S., 6 Dorsett Road
Teece S. S., Moxley Road
Thomas A. P., 43a Bull Street
Thomas N., 10 King Edward Street
Thompson J. A., 237 Walsall Road
Thompson W. J., 22-23 Pinfold Street
Thould F., 56 Church Street
Tildesley M. M., Rectory Avenue
Tilley B. A., 191 Walsall Road
Tittley A. F., Moxley Road
Tolley J. H., 11 Eldon Street
Tonks J. T., 11 Castle Street
Tranter T., Moxley Road
Turner A. H., Bull Street
Turner H., 163 Walsall Road
Turner J., 41 Blakemores Lane
Turner J., 41 Willenhall Road
Turner J., Walsall Road
Vaill W. M., 31 Addenbrooke
Vale A. E., 16 Castle Street
Vale J. E., 29 Booth Street
Vaughan J., Moxley Road
Vernon J., 21 King Edward Street
Wainwright E., 3 Waverley Road
Waite T., 131a Wolverhampton Street
Walker H., Westbourne Road
Walker J. J., Slater Street,
Walker M.,Walsall Road
Wall J. R., 8 Horton Street
Wall J. T., 115 Wolverhampton Street
Wallace P., Moxley Road
Wallis C., 20 Booth Street
Wallis R. J., Moxley Road
Walters G., 47 King Edward Street
Walters J. 67 Willenhall Road
Walters J. J., The Green
Walters M., Richards Street
Walters T., 86 Wolverhampton Street
Ward J. B., 107 Wolverhampton Street
Warner A., Pinfold Street Extension
Warner B., 13 Castle Street
Wassall J. W., 26 Dorsett Road
Watkins J., 25 King Edward Street
Wearing W., 24 Dorsett Road
Weaver J., Moxley Road
Webb J., Richards Street
Webb J., 21 Dorsett Road
Webster B., Rough Hay Road
Webster E., 7 Rough Hay Road
Webster J. A., 96 Wolverhampton Street
Wells G., 41 Willenhall Street
Wells S., Moxley Road
Wenlock Mrs., 41 Station Street
West G. R., Westbourne Road
Weston F. W., 159 Wolverhampton Street
White A. E., 25 Moxley Road
White G. V., 7 Booth Street
White J., 24 Addenbrooke Street
White J., 27 Dorsett Road
Whitehouse C. H., 133 Wolverhampton street
Whitchouse R. W., Willenhall Street
Whitehouse S., 3 Gordon Street
Whitehouse W. C., Rectory Avenue
Wilcox P. B., Westbourne Road
Wiles S., 30 The Green
Wiley E, senior, 48-50 Willenhall Road
Wiley F. G., Avenue Road
Wilkes A., 25 Church Street
Wilkes A., 74 The Green
Wilkes A., Rectory Avenue
Wilkes B., 57 King Edward Street
Wilkes B. J., 2 Addenbrooke Street
Wilkes C., Crescent Road
Wilkes D., 3 Park Road
Wilkes E., Moxley Road
Wilkes F. M. A., Avenue Road
Wilkes F. W., Slater Street
Wilkes G., 187 Walsall Road
Wilkes G. A., Bush Street
Wilkes H, senior, The Green
Wilkes J., Addenbrooke Street
Wilkes J. J., Victoria Road
Wilkes L. M., 24c Pinfold Street
Wilkes S., 22 Whitton Street
Wilkes S. J., 43 Blakemores Lane
Wilkes T., 344 Walsall Road
Wilkes T., Moxley Road
Wilkinson W. I., 3 Moxley Road
Williams D., Slater Street
Williams J., 285 Walsall Road
Williams J., 35 Booth Street
Williams L., Richards Street
Willis H., 24 Avenue Road
Winwood A. W., 4 Avenue Road
Wood A. E., 137 Wolverhampton Street
Wood W. H., 12 Salisbury Street
Woodcock T., 1 Dorsett Road
Woodhead W. R., Rectory Avenue
Woodhouse Mrs., Pinfold Street
Woodward F. C., 1 Bull Street
Woodward M. E., 37 Moxley Road
Woolley D., 13 King Edward Street
Wright J. R., 58 King Edward Street
Wright T. W., Walsall Road
Wright W. R., 16 Addenbrooke Street
Wyers F., 6 Rubery Street
Wyley H. E., 63 Walsall Road
Wynn P. H., 13 Avenue Road
Yarlow S., 145 Walsall Road
Yates B. F., 4 Addenbrooke Street
Yates E., 147 Walsall Road
Yates J. W., Moxley Road
Yates W. A., 21 Whitton Street
Yates W. H., 16 Dorsett Road
Yeomans J., 66 Wolverhampton Street
Yorks J. S., Richards Street |

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