Salopian Engineers
Limited |
Salopian Engineers Limited, based at Prees in Shropshire
was founded in 1926 as the Salopian Cattle Bowl Company, and
run by Mr. W. Batkin and Mr. H. S. Morris. They produced a
range of drinking bowls for all kinds of livestock, and took
out several patents for improved designs. |

Trade Mark. |

Mr. W. Batkin. From the autumn 1948
edition of the staff magazine "Goodwill". |
Early developments included a non-return valve for use
with non-splash drinking bowls, fed from a cistern, with a
ball valve to ensure that a constant supply of clean water
was always available.
They sold under the name 'Non-Splash' and were extremely
successful. Another development was a tubular type of chain
stall for cows, with an adjustable three position quick
release fastening. They also sold well.
Other products included a range of salt-glazed mangers,
fitted with roof lights and ventilators, which led to the
development of all kinds of equipment for farm buildings,
and eventually the establishment of a Building and
Construction Department to undertake the erection of all
types of farm buildings. In 1932 the firm built the largest
cow house in Europe housing 288 cows. |
The firm's vast product range included tubular panelled
pens with gates and feeding equipment, corner bull ties,
bull field exercisers, service crates, inoculation pens,
lairage pens, sorting pens, sales rings, steel windows,
sliding doors, roof trusses, steel gates, steel silos,
seamless steel wheelbarrows, and overhead carrier systems to
carry manure, food, hay or straw. Other products included
dairy equipment such as steam-raising boilers, milk cooler
stands, milking machine racks, steps, and washing troughs.
For builders, the firm produced conveyors, angle bending
machines, and tube fittings for racks, railings, and
scaffolding. |

Mr. H. S. Morris. From the autumn 1948
edition of the staff magazine "Goodwill". |
A Pearl
Junior non-splash bowl with nose plate. |
An Excelsior
non-splash bowl. |

A wall-mounting non-splash bowl. |
In 1940 the firm was incorporated and became Salopian
Engineers Limited. During the Second World War the firm
repaired and maintained platforms for the RAF, and produced
a large number of tube fittings of all kinds. In 1946 the
firm was acquired by Rubery Owen & Company Limited and
started a successful export drive, exporting products to
Canada, Australia, South Africa and Scandinavia.
Many products were produced for use with tractors,
including ploughs, trailers with tipping gear, manure carts,
manure spreaders, and the patented 'Conveyall' for loading
and storing bags, bales, or root crops. |
On 2nd October, 1965 its retail division was merged with Salopian-Kenneth
Hudson Limited, which became Rubery
Owen (Metal Assemblies) Limited in October 1973, to absorb the
Darlaston company's Metal Assemblies Division. It then
became a
subsidiary of Rubery Owen (Darlaston) Limited. Salopian
Engineers Limited ceased trading in 1966 and remained
dormant until its name was changed to Rubery Owen (Metal Equipment) Limited in 1975. |

A Double Pearl non-splash bowl. |

The Salopian factory. |

A Salopian 'Sweeplift' which picks-up
and loads green grass, loose hay, or straw. |
The firm's many products included:
farmyard manure spreaders, with or without power take-off,
disc ploughs, fertiliser and lime distributors, grass
pick-ups for silage making, sugar beet harvesters, hay
lifts, elevators,
large and small pick-up balers, 2 and 4 wheel tractor
trailers, tumbril manure carts, food trucks, and
wheelbarrows.Complete cow houses were also built,
including what at the time, was the largest cow house in the
world, housing 288 cows under one roof.
Other products included:
yoke and chain type tubular stalls for cattle,
tubular pens, mangers, and equipment for stables and
The firm specialised in the design and erection of all
kinds of farm buildings, which were built by the
Constructional Department. |

A cow house containing equipment that
was supplied by the company. |

One of the firm's cow houses. |

A Salopian 'Conveyall' multi-purpose
loader. |
A Salopian disc plough.
Versions were available with 2 to 6
discs. |

One of the firm's cow sheds. From the
autumn 1948 edition of the staff magazine "Goodwill". |

The firm's stand at the Royal York
Show. From the autumn 1948 edition of the staff magazine
"Goodwill". |
One of the firm's conveyors.
From the autumn 1948 edition of
the staff magazine "Goodwill". |
The inside of a Salopian cow
shed. From the autumn
1948 edition of the staff magazine "Goodwill". |
Another view of the cow shed.
From the autumn 1948 edition of
the staff magazine "Goodwill". |
The erecting shop, covering
31,000 square feet. From
the autumn 1948 edition of the staff magazine
"Goodwill". |
A Salopian model 528 plough in operation.
From the summer 1951 edition of
the staff magazine "Goodwill". |
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