Appendix 3. Ordnance
Survey Maps |
On the 1885 OS Map above: Addenbrooke Street did not exist,
Church View Cottages did not exist. No.1 Bush Street present with a
second house behind Green Cottage not present as not built until
1892. No. 1 Court in Bush Street had 7 houses of which 4 were behind
Nos. 2 and 3. Nos. 2,3, and 4 Bush Street present, built in 1851.
No.90 The Green and The Royal Exchange pub with its brewery behind
present. No. 90 had wide access, yard and buildings to the rear
which may have been stables. |
On the 1902 OS Map above: Addenbrooke Street present, but not
Holland's house. Jubilee Buildings present, so built between 1897
and 1901. Prospect Place not present- built around 1904. Green
Cottage present – built 1892. Two houses in court 1 demolished
leaving a small field, 3 houses behind Green Cottage, and 2 houses
behind 2 &3 Bush Street. Royal Exchange with brewery, and 90 The
Green with wide gate, yard and sheds. |
On 1918 OS Map of Darlaston Green above, Hollands Dairy in place
pre 1911. Prospect Place operational - built circa 1904. Green dairy
fully developed – built 1904. 2 houses left behind Nos.2 & 3 Bush
Street. Small's dairy fully operational since 1903. |
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