The Smalls’ Dairying Business in Darlaston Green by
Kathleen Mary Carter. 1977
“My parents, Thomas Small (aged
24) and his wife Florence (aged 21) were married at
St. Lawrence Parish Church, Darlaston on January
31st 1897, and went to live at No. 46 Cramp Hill.
Thomas was described as a Nut and Bolt Forger. At
this address they had 3 children, Maud in 1897,
Florence in 1899, and Sarah Anne in 1901.
In 1903 they moved to No. 90
The Green where Thomas set up a dairying business to
supply fresh “loose” milk in the locality. A fourth
daughter, Doris, was born in 1904. On the 1911
census, Thomas (38), his wife Florence, (35), their
four daughters, and Florence’s sister Eliza were
recorded at No. 90 The Green, where Thomas was an
operator of an Oliver belt-driven forging machine at
James Wiley’s nut and bolt works, described as a
dairyman working on his own account at home. A son,
Sidney, was born in 1914 and finally myself,
Kathleen Mary, in 1921. Infant mortality at the time
was still very high and the Smalls lost a boy,
George, who died at birth, and a daughter Kate born
in 1905 who died at 6 months.
Up to about 1919, in addition
to the dairying operation, Thomas continued to work
in the nut and bolt industry, in particular at a
bolt manufacturing plant nearby in The Green. Around
1919 he gave all his time, and much of his family’s
time, to the dairy business.
90 The Green was a typical
2 up/2 down worker’s house which predated the 1886
OS map on which it can be seen. It was the first in
a terrace of 3 houses which faced directly on to the
street pavement with an entry between nos. 90 and
91. The three houses backed on to a common blue
brick paved yard, beyond which was a row of three
“brew houses”. Behind the brew houses were two
toilets with fixed wooden seats, shared between the
three houses and not connected to a sewer until much
later on.
Our brewhouse was a large
building in which the previous occupant of No 90,
William Small, a baker, had built a large bread oven
of sufficient size to carry out his trade, his shop
being in the front room of the house, which had a
large shop window. There was a large cast iron solid
fuel cooking range with a water heater alongside,
which was a copper boiler for laundering with its
own fire grate. There was a large red earthenware
sink with a South Staffs water supply cold tap
adjacent to which was a capped off well which was
the house’s original supply of water. A hand
operated mangle, tub, maid, buckets brooms and mops
completed the loose fittings. Also kept there
hanging on the wall was a loose galvanised steel
bath, there being no bathroom in the house.
No.89 The Green was the Royal
Exchange public house on the corner of Richards
Street. In 1911 this was run by George Lucas, 42, a
Beer Retailer, working on his own account, his wife
Lydia, 39, and their seven children
(ages 16, 15, 11, 7, 5, 3, 1). They had previously
lost three children. The pub was locally known as
“The Glamour House” or simply “Lucases”. They brewed
their own beer and had a brewery at the rear in
Richards Street.
Between the Royal Exchange and
No. 90 was a wide driveway with high black double
gates which was the access for Small’s dairy. The
driveway ran down to the end of the property where
there was a second brick surfaced farmyard which ran
right across the bottom of the yard common to 90-92.
Facing this yard was a row of cowsheds which
accommodated 6 stalls, and a shed for the calves. We
also had some pigsties, and pens for poultry.
Storage for animal feed was by space in the shed for
the calves and in the loft of the brewhouse.
Machinery such as a Chaff Cutter and a cutter for Mangolds were also housed there. A door at the top
of the side entrance led on to a plot of land used
as a garden which we used mainly for growing
flowers. In addition we had one of the nearby
allotments which we used for growing vegetables.
All of my sisters, and in due
course myself, were put to good use in my father’s
dairying activities. My older sisters and brother
often talked about taking the cows down the streets
opposite 90 The Green and over to the fields between
Darlaston and Willenhall, then later rounding them
up and herding them back home. There is a famous
story of a cow going up an entry in Perry Street,
and in order to extract it, it had to be led through
the house, turned round in the back garden, then led
back through the house into the street. The other
chores were cutting chaff and mangolds, cleaning out
the cow sheds and pigsties, making butter, and of
course delivering the milk to our customers using a
small churn and measure.
My father, Thomas Small, died
in 1925 and we had to reduce the dairying activities,
although we still continued as milk distributors.
The “loose” milk was supplied to us by Mills of
Willenhall Street.
The introduction of sterilised
bottled milk and the poaching of customers by the
Midland Dairies reduced our sales of loose milk and
in due course necessitated our changing over to
bottled milk, which also initially reduced our
customers further. Our bottled milk was obtained
from Imperial Dairies at Wolverhampton. There was a
small wooden shed at the rear of the house that we
called “The Dairy”, in which the bottled milk was
stored in crates and protected from the elements.
By the end of the war, I was the
only daughter living at No.90, with my husband, Bill
Carter, and our two sons, born in 1942 and 1945, and
my mother Florence Small. We had given up on the
milk distribution business and the cow sheds were
being used as garages for motor cars. We left the
house in 1948 to escape the noise and pollution from
the factories and coal fires in the area to live in
a new council house on the new Rough Hay estate
which of course was built on open land nearby where
we used to pasture the cows. There is a short street
there called Khyber Close which was named after some
remains of the Addenbrooke's Iron Works known as The
Khyber Pass through which my sisters said that they
would drive the cows.
90 to 92 The Green were
demolished in 1977. My husband , Bill, took some
photos after the demolition showing the Royal
Exchange and the garages at the end of the site,
previously our cow sheds.” |

Site of Nos. 90, 91 and 92
The Green, between the Royal Exchange and a new
bank, after demolition. Showing cow sheds then
in use as garages in 1977. |
The Royal Exchange, 89 The
Green, on the corner of Richards Street in 1977.

Royal Exchange on the
corner Number 89. Nos. 90, 91 and 92 in a yard
with cowsheds and driveway between the pub. Nos.
93 & 94 two small cottages. Number 95 a white
house and Cox's forge. |
Herding cows into open pastures had its own
risks, as can be seen from the following
newspaper entries: |
11th August,
1910. County Express:
THEFT OF COWS. Local Purchasers' Surprise. A somewhat
peculiar case which excited
considerable local interest was
unfolded at Willenhall Police Court,
on Monday, when a charge of stealing
two cows of the value of £ 38 10s,
belonging to Thomas Small, a
dairyman, of 90, The Green,
Darlaston, was jointly preferred
against Robert Worrall (41), a
dairyman, and Arthur Glover (31), a
carpenter, both of Beard Street,
Darlaston. Both were allowed out on
bail and committed for trial. |
21st October, 1910. Lichfield
On Friday, at
Staffordshire Quarter Sessions,
Arthur Glover (31), carpenter, was
indicted for stealing two cows on
the 27th July, the property of
Thomas Small, of Darlaston. Worrall
did not appear, it being stated that
he had since absconded. With regard
to the theft, the facts were that
the two cows were left in a field,
and that subsequently the prisoner
was seen driving them along the
road. They were afterwards offered
for sale at a market, and a
purchaser was found for them. In his
defence the prisoner said that he
was under the impression that the
cows belonged to Worrall.
The jury
returned a verdict of guilty, and
the accused was committed to prison
for fifteen months. |
On the 1911 census Arthur Glover (32) was
serving time in Stafford Gaol. The Walsall
Observer and South Staffordshire Chronicle
published a detailed account of the first trial
on 13th August 1910 from which, apart from it
being a good story, we can glean more
information about the Smalls' operation. |
13th August,
1910. Walsall Observer:
Alleged Theft or Cows by
Darlaston Men.— At the Police
Court on Monday, before H.
Vaughan, C. Tildesley, and J. H.
James, Esqs. Robert Worrell
(41), a dairyman, of Beard
Street, Darlaston, and Arthur
Glover (31), a carpenter, also
of Beard Street, were Jointly
charged with stealing two crows,
value £38.10s, belonging to
Thomes Small, a dairyman, of 90,
The Green, Darlaston, on the
27th of July inst.
Mr. H. E.
Sargent (Messrs. Stockdale and
Sargent, Wednesbury and Tipton,
defended). Prosecutor said he
had five cows turned into a
field off the Old Bilston Road.
Later in the day he found two
were missing. Subsequently he
visited the Four Elms Farm at
Lutley, in Worcestershire, and
there identified a cow with an
auction number ticket upon it,
as being one of the two cows
which he had lost. He also
visited a slaughterer named
Homer, of High Street, Cradley
Heath, who had slaughtered a cow
which witness believed to be the
other lost cow. It was
impossible for him, however, to
identify the portion of the
carcase which he saw.
Picken a locksmith, of 66.
Birmingham Street Willenhall,
said that on July 27th he stood,
in company with other men, at
the corner of Birmingham Street,
and saw the prisoner Glower
driving two red and white
milking cows in the direction of
Wolverhampton. Last Friday be
visited the Four Elms Farm at
Tutley, and from a number of
beasts identified the one
referred to by the last witness
as being one of the, two animals
which he had seen Glover driving
towards Wolverhampton on the
27th ult.
By Mr.
Sargent: There was peculiar
mottled colour about the cow be
identified. He had lived in
Birmingham Street sixteen years,
and had never seen a cow driven
down that street before. He was
surprised to see Glover, whom he
knew well as a carpenter,
driving cows, and be remarked to
his companions. that it was a
shame to see a man with a good
trade in his fingers driving
cows. William Wolverson, a
polisher of 63 Birmingham
Street, Willenhall, corroborated
the evidence of Picken, and also
to identifying the cow at Lutley.
Grainger, a labourer of Bush
Street Darlaston, said that on
Wednesday July 27th, he was in
Messrs Walker and Lloyds auction
place in the cattle market,
Wolverhampton, and there saw
Glover, with whom he went and
had a drink. George Harbeach, a
beerhouse keeper of the Foye
Tavern, St. Anns Street,
Willenhall, said he kept several
cows. On July 27th last he met
the prisoner Worrall by the tram
terminus in Willenhall, and
asked him to go and have a
drink. They went into the Royal
George Hotel. Worrall appeared
to be in a hurry, said he had to
meet a man in Wolverhampton and
hurried off by tramcar. Witness
knew the two cows which Small
had lost as he had sold one of
them to the prosecutor for £21,
while the other one was called
by the prosecutor his “Lichfield
On Friday
last witness went with the
others to Tutley, and identified
a cow there as the one which the
prosecutor called his “Lichfield
Cow”. William Thurrock, a
butcher, of High Street, Cradley
Heath, deposed to attending
Wolverhampton cattle market on
July 27th. He remembered the two
red and white milking cows being
there. One was knocked down to
Mr. Homer, a butcher, of Cradley
Heath, while witness bought the
other and sent it on to his
brother-in-law's farm at Lutley.
Homer, a butcher, also of High
Street, Cradley Heath, deposed
to purchasing the other cow,
which he slaughtered the same
night. Frederick Davies Simpson,
a clerk in the employ of
Frederick Lloyd Hill,
Auctioneer, at Wolverhampton
Cattle Market: said the two were
entered in their auction in the
name of M. Walker, Wednesbury.
They were sold for £10.12s.6d.
and £10.10s. respectively, and
when the sale was over, witness
paid over the money to the
prisoner Robert Worrell, who
said his name was Matthew
Walker, and gave his address as
Fallings Heath, Wednesbury.
Matthew Walker, of Fallings
heath, Wednesbury, said the
prisoner Glover formerly worked
for his father. Witness had not
given him permission to use his
name, nor was it his signature
upon the receipt given to the
Constable Watson related a
conversation which he bad with
the prisoner Worrell in
Darlaston on the morning of
Wednesday, July 27th, Police
Sergeant Brough deposed to
arresting the two prisoners on
the 3rd inst. They lived
together in Beard Street.
Darlaston. At the time of the
arrest Worrall was drunk, and
said he had not been out of
Darlaston on July 27th. When
charged at Willenhall, Glover
replied he knew nothing at all
about it. Subsequently, when
charged jointly Glover repeated
this statement, while Worrall
said,” I never took a cow to.
market in all my life. I was
never out of Darlaston that day.
prisoners were. committed to
take their trial at the Quarter
Sessions, bail being allowed. |
From the above newspaper report we learn
that the Smalls were keeping Red and white
cows, which were most probably Shorthorns,
which were good for both milk and meat.
These were valued around £20 each at the
time. The field from which the cows were
stolen was in Willenhall, hence the trail
being there, so would be on the north side
of the canal. It was on Old Bilston Road.
which I am guessing would be the top end of
what is now Midland Road and was just a cart
track at the time. Glover walked the cows to
Wolverhampton Cattle Market via Willenhall
which would be around 8 miles. Worrall took
the tramcar! One of the witnesses had sold
Thomas Small one of the cows for £21, so was
able to identify it. Worrall and Glover only
received £10 a head for the cows, which I
wouldn’t have thought worth the 15 month
gaol sentence that Glover received. |
Return to
the beginning |
Proceed to
The Worrals |