Salisbury Street Secondary Modern Girls School Album |
Here is a second set of school photographs, this
time from 1953. Again I must thank
Pauline Poole, who kindly allowed me to copy them. |

The Staff.
Back Row
left to right:
Mr. Wilkins, Miss Lowe, Mrs Wisker, Miss Bosworth, Miss
Miss Needham, Miss Kennison, Mr. Davies.
Front Row left to right:
Mrs Harper, Miss Jones, Miss Wyn Jones, Miss Skinner,
Miss Keatley,
Miss Garrington, Mrs Ashcroft, Mrs Barnett, Miss
Barnett. |

Form 1A.
Back Row
left to right: V. Malsbury, E. Mogg, V. Knight,
V. Carter, M. Fiddler, J. Phillips, P. Jeffs,
P. Wilkes, C. Lloyd, N. Fellows.
Middle Row left to
right: C. Ward, G. Hall, S. Turner, B. Russon, I.
Grainger, B. Staite, J. Russell,
P. Thompson, J. Plant, P. Davies, M. Leach, Miss
Front Row left to right:
W. Beech, P. Holyhead, S. Cartwright, J. Richards, I.
Brookes, M. Crowther,
M. Whitehouse, G. Randall, V. Burfoot, B. Howell, M.
Follows, V. Palmer, C. James.

Form 1B.
Back Row
left to right: P. Partridge, D. Rudge, O. Lloyd,
S. Briggs, M. Hammond, M. Robinson,
B. Foster, S. Hartshorne, N. Clamp.
Middle Row left to
right: Miss Bosworth, N. Bytheway, R.
Walker, S. Holland, J. Fry, M. Ratcliffe,
A. Pardoe, S. Foster, G. Follos, G. Boffey, P. Siverns,
S. Crowther, S. York.
Front Row left to right:
I. James, B. Talbot, P. Toft, P. Taylor, S. Tonks, R.
Powell, S. Clifford,
K. Morgan, B. Hale, M. Nicholls, D. Bowen, M. Hunt, E.

Form 1C.
Back Row
left to right: M. Kendall, M. Pratt, K. Palmer,
J. Davies, E. Marney, J. Wilkinson,
V. Sidebotham, H. Ward.
Middle Row left to
right: Miss Lowe, P. McGauley, A. Henderson, J.
Crowther, M. Brough, R. Wilkes,
L. Holland, M. Hughes, J. Parker, G. Powell, I. Parker.
Front Row left to right:
V. Hawkes, I. Butler, M. Watson, P. Wilkes, I. Kent, V.
Pitcher, J. Dent,
I. Thomas, B. Jones, J. Bumford, D. Cooper, J.

Form 2A.
Back Row
left to right: J. Moreton, J. Pace, J.
Woodcock, J. Thompson, C. Lappage, A. Skuse,
A. Jones, J. Steventon, P. Small, L. Purcell, R. Stokes.
Middle Row left to
right: Miss Kennison, I. Sunderland. M. Andrews,
E. Male, J. Etchells, M. Hingley,
C. Horton, B. Millington, R. Morgan, M. Law, G. Parker,
B. Hale, B. Frank, E. Hackett, V. Powell.
Front Row left to right:
G. Clifford, D. Turner, M. Askey, F. Findley, O. Page,
M. Hale, M. Jones,
A. Morgan, M. Neachell, C. Cartwright, A. Foster, J.
Fiddler, P. Lynch.

Form 2B.
Back Row
left to right: B. Davies, J. Steventon, J.
Leek, D. Poultney, A. Fallon, M. Miller, V. Woolley,
M. Sawbridge, S. Lloyd, E. Woolham. (1 name missing)
Middle Row left to
right: B. Holyhead, B. Taylor, E. Humphries, R.
Titley, M. Walters, M. Cook,
S. Fletcher, Miss Jones, S. Carter, J. Hammond, N.
Steadman, M. Greensill. (1 name missing)
Front Row left to right:
D. Hartshorne, V. Unitt, I. Jilks, A. Cotterill, D.
Higginson, D. Peake, M. Archer,
D. Labon, V. York, M. Unitt, M. Goby, M. Gittins. (1
name missing)

Form 2C.
Back Row
left to right: A. Harper, C. Harris, A.
Griffiths, J. Fryer, G. Parker, C. Butler, J. Small,
V. Constable, J. Shields, J. Tinsley, B. Ashfield.
Middle Row left to
right: A. Evans, J. Walters, J. Wright, S. Brown,
N. Butler, B. Bedworth, S. McGauley,
J. Ince, S. Bayliss, J. Sidebottom, B. Morris.
Front Row left to right:
J. Cooper, J. Foster, J. Clarke, B. Lowe, S. Johnson, B.
Reeves, Miss Spedding,
P. Evans, J. Powis, J. Dangerfield, D. Bedworth, J.
Maybury, G. Davies.

Form 3A.
Back Row
left to right: I. Small, V. Cooper, N.
Butler, M. Willmore, B. Moseley, J. Steventon, J. Rose,
R. Freeman, A. Foster, S. Upton, M. Dicken.
Middle Row left to
right: M. King, D. Dugmore, B. Perry, I. Carter,
M. Cooper, J. Newman, A. Street,
B. Richards, M. Smith, C. Cutler, M. Hardwick, P.
Turner, M. Marlow, Miss Jones, M. Wilkes.
Front Row left to right:
M. Gibbins, Marj. Wilkes, S. Elmore, D. Rhodes, J.
Green, J. Hesson, L. Richards,
I. Casserley, H. Foster, E. Carless, B. Foster, M.
Jukes, S. Warwick. |

Form 3B.
Back Row
left to right: P. Draisey, K. Small, B. Edginton,
F. Dummelow, G. Jude, A. Moreton, J. Hall,
J. Wiles, S. Talbot, D. Moseley, J. Haskett, B. Newell.
Middle Row left to
right: B. Haskett, B. Williams, J. Askey, H.
Saunders, B. Hill, P. Eglington, J. Martin,
M. Johnson, Mr. Wilkins, P. Mountford, B. Bott, B.
Archer, B. Johnson, I. Gibbins. (1 name missing)
Front Row left to right:
D. Bird, I. Older, S. Paddock, I. Saddler, L. Brookes,
B. Baggott, B. Guest,
P. Hollinshead, B. Carter, B. Bumford, I. Foster, P.
Fowell, M. Cooksey. |

Form 3C.
Back Row
left to right: C. Chapman, E. Cooper, M. Belcher,
W. Dangerfield, J. Pratt, B. Plackett,
B. Small, B. Maund.
Middle Row left to
right: J. Palmer, S. Fellows, M. Atkins, V.
Green, R. Parsons, S. Webb, M. Simkin,
C. Worthington, I. Groves, L. Cooksey.
Front Row left to right:
J. Sirdifield, L. Harris, B. Jones, A. Brockhouse, S.
Stoddart, M. Edwards,
B. Burton, Mrs Wisker, J. Sillitoe, L. Groves, P.
Wilkinson, J. Guest, I. Howell, S. Partridge. |

Form 4.
Back Row
left to right: M. Walters, B. Elmore, J. Foster,
C. Stokes, B. Harrison, D. Rogers, J. Ball,
J. Drew.
Middle Row left to
right: Mrs Ashcroft, D. Groves, E. Bytheway, J.
Hayes, B. Harford, M. Dafferd,
M. Holyhead, Miss Skinner, Miss Garrington.
Front Row left to right:
J. Lovell, M. Woodhouse, T. Cresswell, M. Allen, M.
Croft, B. Harrison, C. Myatt,
J. Green, E. Williams, J. Edwards, D. Weaver. |

The Prefects
Back Row
left to right: M. Croft, B. Elmore, S. Hesson,
Mrs Ashcroft, D. Carter, A. Moseley, A. Foster.
Front Row left to right:
J. Drew, J. Hayes, M. Holyhead, D. Groves, E. Bytheway,
J. Foster, B. Harrison, C. Stokes. |

Swimming team.
Back Row
left to right: Miss Kennison, J. Steventon, R.
Morgan, Miss Skinner,
G. Clifford, V. Powell, Miss Keatley.
Front Row left to right:
J. Steventon, I. Saddler, B. Elmore, M. Cooksey, A.
Foster. |

Athletics team.
Back Row
left to right: Miss Spedding, C. Horton, R.
Morgan, Miss Skinner, A. Morgan,
G. Clifford, Miss Keatley.
Front Row left to right:
V. Powell, A. Foster, J. Steventon, M. Cooksey, J. Hall. |

A scene from the play "Wanted Mr.
Left to right:
Irene Casserley, Margaret Hardwicke, Beryl Richards,
Mary Dicken. |

Another scene from the play
"Wanted Mr. Stuart".
Left to right:
Beryl Richards, Margaret Hardwicke, Irene Casserley. |

A final scene from the play
"Wanted Mr. Stuart".
Left to right:
Irene Casserley, Mary Dicken, Margaret Hardwicke. |

South East Divisional Trophies.
Left to right: Swimming
Shield, Netball Cup, Athletics Shield. |

Christine Horton. Winner of the
junior high jump. |
If anyone has any information about the school, or
memories of the school, or old photographs, that I can add to
this section, please
send me an email. |
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