The school is
surrounded by coal deposits that lie just below the
surface. A good example was to be found behind the
school where the old houses stood in Moxley Road. The
road is now a dual carriageway and the coal seam is
roughly beneath the northern carriageway. She encouraged
us to go and look for leaf fossils which were often
found with the coal. We were always congratulated when
we produced our finds which were displayed along the
Although she was
a strict disciplinarian and many children found her
frightening at times, she had a heart of gold and would
warmly praise anyone who had done well in her class.
After Class 3
was Class 2 with Mr. West, another good and enthusiastic
teacher, who I fondly remember. Mr. Scarth looked after
Class 1, and I have many happy memories of my time in
his class. He was a gentleman who treated the children,
almost as adults. He was very interested in sport, such
as football and cricket and enjoyed the children’s games
periods. As the school playing field didn’t exist in
those days, we would go the playing fields alongside
George Rose Park. I think that’s where I obtained my
love of canals, because the playing field ran alongside
the Darlaston canal and it was fun to explore. Mr.
Scarth was an excellent teacher who made learning an
enjoyable experience. He also made us aware of
Darlaston’s past and it’s importance as a Black Country
manufacturing town.
One member of staff that I haven't
yet mentioned is Mr. Mayland. Like the other teachers he
was a kindly man, very enthusiastic and always ready to
give encouragement. He would sometimes look after a
class when one of the teachers was absent. I remember
him as a good teacher, and greatly enjoyed his time in
class. He had a light blue Morris Minor car, and that
would often be seen at the school during the school
holidays, showing his great dedication to the school.
All of the staff were dedicated to
the school, the children and their profession. They all
had their own way of doing things, and looking back it’s
easy to see that they had the children’s interests at
I’m sure many
generations of ex pupils will have the same happy
memories of the school as I do. I feel it was a good
school, and more importantly still is.

The school playground in 2007.
Patricia Peacock's Memories
I was a pupil at Pinfold
Street from 1956 until 1962, if I remember correctly,
and was thrilled to see the old faces and names. All the
faces of the teachers in the photographs, and Mr.
Maybury were as I remembered them.
I remember Mr. Mayland
so well. As you have already stated, he used to stand
in for absent teachers and I remember one day he was
particularly exasperated by a few children yawning in
class. Not to be outdone, he marched over to the fish
tank, dunked a cloth into it and threatened to "wash the
face of the next person who yawned." Nobody did !
Today, I think he would be frogmarched off to prison.
Mr. West was such a
lovely teacher - approachable, kind, patient and with a
talent for bringing out the best in a child. I think he
was replaced by a Mr. McKenzie, a similarly nice man.
Good old "Polly" Haig
! I was delighted to see her dear old face again. I got
one of her famous knuckle raps for not remembering 9x6.
My small granddaughter was fascinated when I told her
about it the other day. Miss Haig taught us all to do
beautiful embroidery (always a problem for me). She made
us sing the National Anthem on the Queen's birthday and
who can forget the Friday afternoon desk polish with the
smell of vinegar and lavender polish? My niece was in
Miss Haig's class when she retired and apparently she
bought every child in the school a packet of sweets.
Miss Shuker - quite
plump and patient. We always bought our class teachers
a Christmas present and mine to her was a box of
chocolates wrapped up by my mother in old brown paper
with used string from a shoe box. The other presents
were wrapped so daintily in Christmas paper with all the
trimmings. When she saw mine she smiled, not unkindly,
probably thinking I had wrapped it myself. I remember
her reading aloud to us from "Worzel Gunmmidge" one hot
spring day with the sun belting into the classroom,
sending all of us into a mild doze.
The infant school
teachers, Mrs Hughes, Mrs Jones and Mrs Ince were so
sweet. I remember Mrs Hughes singing an aria from
"Carmen" one day just before a lesson. It has always
stayed with me. She had a son called William who
attended the school.
Mrs Lewis was the School
Sec. at the time and such a pleasant, kindly woman. She
used to knit during the lunchtime.
Mr. Maybury I remember
walking round the school carrying various tools and
planting the bulbs for Spring.
I also remember the arrival of the fairground children
to Pinfold Street whenever Pat Collins's fair was in
Darlaston. I was fascinated by their brightly-coloured
knitted sweaters and their accents of course were
different from ours. I asked one boy where he came from
and he said "Lancashire". I'm not sure how much time
they spent travelling around. They could have only have
spent a week or two at a time at Pinfold Street but they
seemed to fit in very well. I remember two children in
particular who became regular features of the school.
One was a boy called Richard and the other a girl called
Laramie. Wasn't it exciting when the "Wake" came to
Darlo ? We could hardly concentrate on our lessons.
I attended the school in the early 1950s. Of particular
interest was the picture of the 1955 football team for
which I played. Unfortunately I am not one of the
unidentified players although I did at first think I was
the urchin you identify as Colin Gould. The picture
brought back many happy memories of some names I had
forgotten and some who became lifelong friends like Ben
Tonks, Terry Wain and Eddie Norman. Sadly both Terry and
Eddie passed away several years ago, so the picture was
particularly poignant.
I also have happy memories of Miss Haigh
and Mr. Scarth who In our final year took us all to
Edgbaston to see the Australians play. It was also Mr
Scarth I think, who organised trips to Wembley to see
the England schoolboy's internationals. Finally if no
one else has claimed it, I may just possibly be the boy
standing in front of Mr. Mayland in his introduction
picture (the ears being a bit of a give away).
Diane Watson's
Memories (nee Bishop)
I attended the school from 1962 at the
age of 5 until I was 11 and then attended Darlaston
Comprehensive. When I was 13 my family and I moved out
of the area to Dawley New town as it was then, but
Telford now.
I enjoyed my school years at Pinfold
street and so did my brothers and sisters, as I am the
oldest of 7. My best friend all through the school from
infant to juniors and on to comprehensive was Diane
Hicken who I have been trying to trace, but to no avail,
she lived in Wiley Avenue.
I remember Pat Collins fair on the wake
field, what exciting times they were. I remember the
whole class walking to Darlaston baths for our weekly
swimming sessions, which was great, however I learned to
swim in the pool at the comprehensive school at holiday
Does anyone remember the tip at Moxley,
set on fire in the middle of night? I remember being in
the street in my nightie with the rest of the neighbours
wondering if it was going to spread to our house which
backed onto the fields in Berry Avenue.

If you have any memories, or old
photos and would like them added to this section please
send me an
email. |