In the early 1700s
the face of Dudley began to change, when
brick-built buildings became more
fashionable. There were large local clay
deposits and a number of improvements in
brick making, including blended clay,
better moulding techniques and more even
firing, which resulted in a greater
consistency, both in size and shape.
Dudley still has
two fine examples of early brick-built
houses, both from the early 1700s. In
Priory Street, then called Sheep Street,
next to the building that housed
Dudley’s museum, is a lovely house
carrying the date 1703 and the initials
of Hugh and Joyce Dixon. They were
married on the 2nd November, 1701, so
this was possibly their first proper
family home. Hugh was the first known
glassmaker in Dudley, who unfortunately
was declared bankrupt in 1713.The house was Grade II
listed on the 14th September, 1949.
The second example,
known as Finch House, is one of the
finest buildings in the town. It is in
Wolverhampton Street, on the corner of
The Inhedge. It has a Queen Anne facade
which carries the initials of the
owners, Joseph and Mary Finch and the
date 1707. The building was Grade II*
listed on the 14th September, 1949. In
1711 the Court Leet ordered that Joseph
Finch must "mend the road leading to the
bounds of the parish towards Gornal
Wood." He was required to mend the road
outside his house in Wolverhampton
Street. His grandson, John Finch, opened
the first bank in Dudley.
Another fine
example of a fine brick building is
Chaddesley House, also in Wolverhampton
Street, on the opposite side of the road
from Finch House. It was built in the
middle of the 18th century of red brick
with a moulded stone door case and
pediment. The building was Grade II
listed on the 14th September, 1949.
A prominent
brick-built building was the old town
hall that stood in the centre of the
market place. It was raised on arches
that provided a useful space beneath for
use by market traders. Sadly the
building became an eyesore. On the 24th
November, 1858, C. F. G. Clark wrote to
the Dudley Times and Express, advocating
its demolition for its acknowledged
nuisance as a public urinal, its
shameful use as a hiding place for
juvenile obscenity and adult immorality.
The building was demolished in 1860.

The Dudley
Arms Hotel. From an old
postcard. |
There was another fine brick
building in High Street,
overlooking the market place,
which was built in the late
1790s on the site of the old
Rose and Crown. The Dudley Arms
Hotel was very large and plain,
but had a certain dignity. It
was built by a group of
prominent townsmen who formed
the "Building Society" for the
purpose of buying land and
building houses on it for its
members. The initial plan was
to build the Dudley Arms Hotel.
Subscribers took £50 in shares
in the new society and a capital
fund was accumulated. Not a
great deal is known about the
activities of the society, or
how many houses were built from
its funds.
There was a great deal of
interest in the scheme to build
the Dudley Arms, which resulted
in an impressive building that
soon became the most popular meeting
place in Dudley, and provided the town
with a handsome assembly room. It was also
the main coaching inn in the town.
The hotel finally closed in May 1968 and
was soon demolished. |
During the 18th
century, the whole character of the area
changed, as many of the ancient timber
framed houses in the town centre were
refaced in brick, so that by the end of
the century it all looked very
For many years horse fairs were
held in the market place. It
began on September, 1685 when
King Charles II gave permission
to Edward Baron Ward to hold two
fairs annually, on September
21st and April 27th, each
lasting two days. Horses, sheep,
cattle and other merchandise
were sold, for which tolls were
charged. By the early 18th
century there were three fairs
annually, held on April 27th,
July 25th and September 21st.
The tolls were extremely small,
only 4 pence per horse sold, so
little money was made. In July
1703 the profit was only one
guinea. On September 21st, 1792,
only 2 shillings was received in
commission for sale of horses.
Later there were four annual
fairs, held in March, May,
August and October. The fairs in
March and August were toll-free. |

The Seven
Stars Inn that stood in the
Market Place. A drawing by Paul
Braddon. |
The Court
Leet For several
centuries, Dudley was governed by
the old manorial court, known as the
Court Leet, which had jurisdiction
over civil affairs including minor
criminal matters and
petty offences.
The earliest records of court
proceedings are from 1732 for the
town centre and 1701 for the
areas. The Court Leet continued
until 1865, but was largely
superseded in 1791 by the Town
Commissioners, formed under the
terms of the Dudley Town Act, passed
in Parliament in May, 1791.
The Court Leet
met twice yearly, in May and
October. Separate juries were
sworn-in for the old borough and the
other areas until 1798, when they
were combined. The meetings were
held at a number of locations
including The Swan Inn, the Town
Hall and the Dudley Arms Hotel.
Anyone summoned to attend a meeting,
and failed to be there was fined
quite heavily. In October 1787 fines
varied from 1s. 6d. to 5 shillings.
The juries
appointed the town officers. Each
year one person was elected as
bailiff, the head of the borough. In
the following year he would be
Mayor. Other appointments included a
sergeant and two constables to look
after law and order, two searchers,
leather sealers, ale tasters and two food inspectors
called flesh and fish tasters.
Fines were
handed-out for a breach of the
lord's assize of bread and ale, and
speculation in farm products sold in
the market. In 1732 no one was
allowed to sell butter in the market
before 1 o’clock, and anyone
bringing corn to the market could
not sell it elsewhere before 12
o’clock. Failure to comply resulted
in a fine for 13s. 4d. Juries also
ensured that the ancient forest laws
regarding the number of animals kept
on a small holding and the removal
of timber were within legal limits.
Other considerations included the
provision of a ducking stool for
punishments, the regulation of "plays and
games" in the Town Hall, the repair of
the pound, and the keeping of Sunday
The repair of roads and
footways was not forgotten. Orders were issued to
private individuals and the
parochial supervisors of highways,
to repair the streets, especially
the main roads leading in or out of
the town. Failure to comply would
result in a heavy fine of up to
£1.19.11d. On the 23rd April, 1741,
the supervisors of highways were
ordered to fix some stepping stones
across a brook, and in October 1786,
Mary Finch was ordered to remove
some recently built steps from her
house and Mr. Green's house, which
extended too far into New Street.
They were to be removed within
fourteen days, or she would have to
pay a substantial fine. Every
citizen had to abide by the court
rulings, no one was exempt, not even
George Jones, who had been mayor of
Dudley in the previous year. In
the October court in 1787 he was ordered
to keep open a pathway through Yokes
Park to Blowers Green where people
were in danger of falling into a
water pit. He was ordered to erect
posts and rails alongside the path
within six weeks, or pay the maximum
fine. |

High Street in 1812 by Paul
Braddon. |
Sanitation was
also scrutinised by the court. Heavy
fines could be imposed for
accumulating rubbish in the main
channels after market days or for
the illegal diversion of open and
unsanitary watercourses in busy
parts of the town, or the discharge
of sewage into the streets.
The court also kept an eye on house
building, particularly because of
the fear that more houses could
increase the number of poor people
that the parish had to maintain. In
1733 John Crump was ordered to pull
down a new building which he had
recently erected on unused land in
Netherton, near to a goat house.
This had to be done within one month
or he would have to pay a fine of
thirty three shillings.
Although the Court Leet had the
necessary powers to deal with the
affairs of a small community, Dudley
began to change from a rural area
with a relatively small population
into an industrial area with a
greatly increasing population. The
Court Leet did not have sufficient
powers to adequately deal with the
enlarged population and enforce the
minimum provisions that were
essential to the developing town,
including sanitation, cleansing and
By 1790 the streets were still
narrow, largely unpaved with many
obstructions and manure and filth
had been allowed to collect there.
Houses were still not numbered,
streets were unlit, the water supply
was inadequate, and the only police
were the two constables and a
sergeant appointed by the court. There
was little jurisdiction so disorders
were commonplace.
Because of the intolerable
conditions in the town, the Dudley
Town Act was passed in 1791 which
authorised Commissioners to levy a
rate to enable the essential
improvements to be carried out. The
Court Leet continued to meet until
the 28th December, 1866, but after
the formation of the Town
Commissioners it seemed to lose
confidence in itself and more often
than not, just expressed opinions
rather than dealing with problems
and issuing fines. It slowly became
obsolete. |
by the Town Commissioners
As already
mentioned, in 1791 Parliament
passed the Dudley Town Act which
led to the formation of the Town
Commissioners, Dudley's local
government which remained in
power until 1852.
ratepayers occupying or owning
property of a certain value
automatically became
commissioners after swearing an
oath. This was fatefully flawed
because of self-interest. It may
have seemed reasonable at the
time, but it did not lead to
effective local government in
the interest of all the
inhabitants. The middle class
ratepayers tended to keep the
rates down and had little
support for social improvements
to help the poor, which would be
mainly paid for by better-off
sanitation and health conditions
continued to be shocking, but
the Commissioners could not
ignore the inadequate water
supply and the poor police
protection. They did
occasionally make half-hearted
efforts to seek further powers
to improve the town, but only
due to public opinion when it
was outraged by cholera or other
Commissioners carried out some
improvements, but their
financial resources and legal
powers were inadequate to deal
with their wide ranging
responsibilities. Their efforts
were often overcome by
self-interest on the part of
local businessmen or
industrialists. In 1852 Isaac
Badger successfully fought
against an application for the
Health of Towns Act for Dudley,
even though 70 percent of
Dudley's inhabitants died before
the age of 20.
situation was not helped by the
fact that the Commissioners were
jealous of other bodies carrying
out the necessary work that they
would not do themselves. They
were resentful at the
incorporation of the Dudley
Waterworks Company by an Act of
Parliament and they fought
against the application of the
Constabulary Bill to Dudley.
Commissioners met irregularly at
the Dudley Arms Hotel and
decided matters by a majority
vote of all present. A chairman
was appointed for each meeting.
The minutes were signed by any
or all the Commissioners
present. Many meetings had to be
adjourned because the minimum
number of five Commissioners did
not attend.
Commissioners were empowered to
appoint officers including two
clerks, a treasurer, a surveyor,
and a scavenger, whose role it
was to collect rubbish in a
cart, weekly, from the
inhabitants and take it away. He
had to let people know when he
was coming by ringing a bell or
shouting loudly.
Commissioners had the power to
ensure that people were not
allowed to drive any wheeled
vehicle including wheel barrows
on public footpaths, sell horses
and cattle on footpaths, or
slaughter them there. Owners of
animals and cattle were not
allowed to let them freely
wander the streets and large
dogs had be kept under control
and securely muzzled. People
were not allowed to light
bonfires there, or let-off
fireworks. Any of the offences
would be subject to a fine of
five shillings. Bull-baiting or
bear-baiting was not allowed and
was subject to a fine of forty
The Act
gave the Commissioners the power
to whitewash the houses of the
poor at the Commissioner’s
expense, but this seems to have
been ignored. The Commissioners
also had the power to appoint
watchmen to control the lawless
conditions in the town, but only
the minimum number was appointed
and their work was largely
ineffective. The Commissioners
used their power to provide pumps to
help maintain the water supply,
but this remained inadequate
until the incorporation of the
Borough in 1865. |

Street in 1925. The building
on the far left was a malt
house which was demolished
to make way for the Fountain
Arcade. From an old
postcard. |
On the 20th
August, 1792 the Commissioners
decided that a sufficient number
of oil lamps with lamp irons
would be fitted at the corner of
the main streets and that an
advert would be published for a
person to supply the lamps with
oil during the forthcoming
winter. At the same meeting,
the Commissioners ruled that
houses in the following streets
were to be numbered by painting
large letters in a conspicuous
place. The streets were High
Street, Wolverhampton Street,
Stone Street, Queen Street, Hall
Street, New Street, Castle
Street, Fishers Street,
Birmingham Street, King Street,
Mill Street, Priory Street and
Tower Street.
The amount
of the annual rate levied by the
Commissioners was defined in the
Act. Two shillings in the Pound
was paid by occupiers of houses,
granaries, malt houses, glass
houses, or other buildings, and
for yards, gardens, and land
valued at Five pounds or more.
At a
meeting on the 4th December,
1812 the Commissioners decided
to sell the manure lying near
the castle wall to Mr. Parker
and also to sell the manure
arising from the sweeping of the
streets to Samuel Smith. On June
the 26th, 1813 they appointed
Mr. Stokes as inspector
nuisances and annoyances in the
town, at a salary of £5.5s.0d. a
On the 21st
February, 1821, Messrs. Barlow
informed the Commissioners of
their intention to obtain an Act
in the present Session of
Parliament for incorporating the
Town of Dudley Gas Light
Company. The Commissioners’
clerk was ordered to take steps
to protect the interests of the
Commissioners who were more
concerned with preserving their
own powers than implementing
On the 22nd
November, 1827 the following
people were appointed as
watchmen at a salary of twelve
shillings per week: William
Baird, Joseph Southall, James
Farren and Thomas Neale. At the
same meeting, James Robinson was
appointed superintendent of the
watchmen at a salary of five
shillings per week. He was under
the direction of Mr. Joseph
Cooke, Chief Constable. Each
watchman was provided with a
suitable uniform, a lantern
and a rattle.
On the 12th
September, 1828, the first
complaint against the watchmen
was made. James Farren and
Joseph Southall, two of the
watchmen were accused of
negligence and drunkenness. It
was ordered that Mr. Cooke was
authorised to discharge them if
he thought that was the proper
thing to do. In
future he was empowered to
discharge or suspend any
watchman for drunkenness or
improper conduct and to appoint
others in their places.
On the 6th
May, 1834, it was ordered that a
place be acquired for storing Fire
Engines and that Richard Paskin,
be appointed as engineer to
take care of them at an annual
salary of eight pounds. Also
that twelve firemen be paid the
sum of one pound each per year.
On the 16th
June, 1848, it was ordered that
the cattle market in fair days
be confined to the north side of
Wolverhampton Street, both sides
of Priory Street and Hare Pool
Green and that no cattle be
permitted to stand on the South
side of Wolverhampton Street.
On the 20th
October, 1848, it was
unanimously resolved that five
of the Commissioners would form
a committee to carry out the
provisions of the Nuisances
Removal and Diseases Prevention
Act, 1848, and that they
continue in office for one year.
On the
9th January, 1851, it was
ordered that the Common
Lodging Houses Act, 1851 be
put in force and that the
keepers of all common
lodging houses and beer
shops within the limits of
the Town Act were required
to register them and that a
register of the keepers
would be provided and
kept at the clerk’s office.
As already
mentioned, the Commissioners
consisted of some of the
wealthier members of the local
community who were more
concerned about keeping down the
rates, rather than helping the
poorer members of society, many
of whom lived in terrible
housing. Everything was done on
the cheap. To save money the
Commissioners only appointed 9
watchmen who were under the
control of the constable,
appointed by the Court Leet. The
small number of watchmen were
incapable of patrolling the
hundreds of taverns and beer
shops in the area, so
drunkenness and crime went
A public
inquiry held in 1852 revealed
that Dudley's health and
sanitation was the worst in the
country. The inquiry revealed
the failure of the Commissioners
to remedy the terrible
conditions in the town and so
they were replaced by the Dudley
Local Board of Health.
By 1777
Dudley had a workhouse in Tower
Street (formerly Pease Lane), that could accommodate up
to 100 people. It continued in
use until the 1850s, long after the creation of the
Dudley Poor Law Union in 1836,
which was established under the
terms of the 1834 Poor Law
Amendment Act. |

location of Dudley's first
workhouse. |
The 18th century was a
century of change, from a small
rural town to the beginnings of
a large industrial one. By the
beginning of the 19th century
the population was over 10,000.
It is listed as 10,107 in the
1801 census. |
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