The Commercial
Directory, A to G, from the Dudley section in
Kelly's 1912 Worcestershire Directory: |
Commercial A and B:
Abbiss Gladys
(Miss), teacher of music, 7 Ivanhoe Street.
Abbiss Ralph William, baker, 3 New Hall
Adams John, Cross Guns P.H. Cross
Guns, Kate's Hill.
Addis Eli, grocer, 35 High Street &
24 Hall Street, Holly Hall.
Adshead Thomas & Sons Limited,
bedstead & fender makers, Angel Street.
Adshead Willetts Limited,
manufacturers or artistic hearth suites,
grates, fenders, curbs etc. Falcon Works,
New Mill Street.
Aingworth Elizabeth (Mrs.),
haberdasher, 41 New Street.
Ainsbury & Sadler, fruiterers &
greengrocers, 210 Wolverhampton Street.
Ainsbury Jesse, outfitter, 66 High
Ainsbury Mary Alice (Mrs),
shopkeeper, 7 Peel Street off Salop Street.
Alderson John, draper, 128 Stafford
Allcock Alice Minnie (Miss),
professor of music, 68 Dibdale Street.
Allen Ernest, clerk to the board of
guardians & Assessment Committee & Deputy
Superintendent Registrar, Union Offices, St.
James's Road.
Allen John Thomas, printer, see
Bishop & Allen.
Allen Luke Booker, vaccination
officer for Dudley, Rowley Regis & Netherton
sub-districts, 57 Wellington Road.
Allen Mark, soda water manufacturer,
67 & 68 King Street.
Allen Ruth, (Mrs.), glass & china
dealer, 6 King Street.
Allsopp Samuel & Sons Limited, (E. A.
Davison, agent), brewers stores, Tipton
Amalgamated Nut & Bolt Makers'
Association, (John Taylor, sec.), 63
Vicar Street.
Amison Phoebe, (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 30
Swan Street.
Amos Richard, Red Lion P.H. 22 Bath
Andrews John E., beer retailer, 52
Church Street.
Angle & Parkes, pawnbrokers, 85 Hall
Anglo-American Oil Co. Limited, Shaw
Angus John, dentist, 188 High Street.
Appleton & Co., who. tailors, 4 Brown
Street, Kate's Hill.
Armishaw Robert, confectioner, 218
Wolverhampton Street.
Armistead Emily, (Miss), private
school for girls, 190 Wolverhampton Street.
Armstrong Arthur, draper, 112 High
Ashman John, baker, 51 Angel Street.
Ashman John, White Rose P.H., 18 King
Astley Arthur, shopkeeper, 54
Occupation Street.
Astley Joseph, grocer, Buffery Road.
Aston Alice, (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 26
High Street, Kate’s Hill.
Aston Charles, shopkeeper, 45
Stafford Street.
Aston Frederick, shopkeeper, 114
Stafford Street.
Aston Harold, tobacconist, 168 High
Aston Harry, Coach Makers Arms, P.H.
46 Stafford Street.
Aston Isaiah, Leopard P.H. 23 High
Street, Kate's Hill.
Atkinson Fred, Sanitary Inspector &
Inspector of Common Lodging Houses, Town
Attwood Matilda, (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
205 Prospect Row.
Avery W. & T. Limited, scale makers,
127 Stafford Street,.
Babb Ralph, pawnbroker, 25 Bond
Badley Memorial Home, (Miss Mary
Mann, matron), Bourne Street.
Badley George, chimney sweeper, 18
Fisher Street.
Badley Joseph, chimney sweeper, 37
Wolverhampton Street.
Badley Priscilla, (Mrs), china &
glass dealer, 37 Wolverhampton Street.
Badley William, chimney sweeper, 79
Hall Street.
Bagott & Co., solicitors, 188 High
Bagott Henry Pearman, solicitor &
commissioner for oaths & perpetual
commissioner, (firm, Bagott & Co.), 188 High
Bailey Brothers, tailors, 28 New
Bailey Harry, oyster merchant, 195
High Street.
Bailey Hy., fishmonger & poulterer,
224 Wolverhampton Street.
Bailey John, fishmonger, 3 Hall
Bailey Joseph William, tailor, 214
Wolverhampton Street.
Baker Alfred & Son, furniture
dealers, 99 Salop Street.
Baker J. & Sons Limited, boot makers,
44 High Street.
Baker John (Dudley) Limited,
wholesale fruiterers, 10 & 11 Stone Street.
Baker T. & Co. Limited, motor garage,
Castle Street.
Baker David, Vine Inn, 71 King Edmund
Baker Elizabeth, (Mrs.), Greengrocer,
18 Bond Street.
Baker Emily Gertrude, (Mrs.),
fruiterer, 86 Hall Street.
Baker Hannah, (Mrs), shopkeeper, 47
Vicar Street.
Baker John, wheelwright, Wellington
Baker John, wheelwright, 111 Queen's
Baker Joseph, shopkeeper, 10 Cross
Street, Woodside.
Ball Chas, greengrocer & dairyman, 16
Wolverhampton Street.
Ballard James, station master, London
& North Western Railway Company.
Banks John, billiard saloon, 184 High
Bantock Thomas & Co., railway agent,
(Benj. Edwards, agent), 249 Castle Street.
Barlow Louisa Gwen, (Mrs.), draper,
10 St. John's Road, Kate's Hill.
Barlow Robert, (Mrs.), pianoforte
tuner, 57 King Street.
Barnett Thomas, estate agent, 121
Tividale Road.
Barnett Fred, Freebodies P.H. 69 St.
John's Road, Kate's Hill.
Barrington Richard, window cleaner,
125 Himley Road.
Bartlett John Henry, superintendent,
Pearl Life Assurance Co. Limited, 186
Wolverhampton Street.
Barton Harry, boot repairer, 51 High
Street, Kate's Hill.
Bate Joseph, china & glass dealer, 87
High Street.
Bate Mark, Loving Lamb P. H. 76
Oakeywell Street.
Bateman & Son, estate agents, 197
Wolverhampton Street.
Bates Frederick, shopkeeper, 580
Stourbridge Road, Scott’s Green.
Baugh Charlotte Jane, (Mrs.), boot &
shoe dealer, Queen's Cross.
Bayes Herbert, mineral water
manufacturer, 55 Wolverhampton Street.
Bayliss Ada, (Mrs.), Malt Shovel P.H.,
46 Tower Street.
Bealey Ernest, Station Inn, 58 Shaw
Beardsmore Caroline, (Miss),
shopkeeper, 587 Stourbridge Road, Scott's
Beardsmore Enoch, Unicorn P.H. 124
Salop Street.
Beardsmore John, shopkeeper, 4 King
Beckett Alfred, Accountant Clerk to
the Dudley Education Committee, St. James's
Beddoe Herbert, Nags Head P.H. 104
King Street.
Beedle Joseph, coal dealer, 24
Southalls Lane.
Bellingham Joseph M.B.C.S. Eng., surg.,
94 Queen's Cross.
Bent Enoch, carpenter, Wellington
Bent Sarah Louisa, (Miss), Earl of
Dudley's Arms P.H., 3 Wellington Road.
Bent Tryphena, (Mrs.), grocer, 9
Wellington Road.
Berry Lizzie Cicely, (Miss), teacher
of dancing. 20 Wolverhampton Street.
Betteridge Julia, (Mrs), pawnbroker,
4, 34, 35, 36 and 37 New Street.
Bill J. & Son, builders, Vicarage
Bill Alfred E., builder, Vicarage
Bill Lavinia, (Mrs.), grocer, 135
Stafford Street.
Bill Lavinia Harper, (Mrs.), grocer,
9 Queen's Cross.
Bill William Harper, solicitor &
commissioner to administer oaths, 202
Wolverhampton Street.
Birchall Reuben, shopkeeper, 115
Wolverhampton Street.
Bird Herbert & Co., coal merchants,
53 Wellington Road, & L.&N.W. coal wharf,
Tipton Road.
Bird Arthur, secretary to the Guest
Hospital, Tipton Road.
Bishop & Allen, printers, 157 High
Bissell Samuel, insurance agent, 4
Victoria Terrace.
Blackham Joseph, optician, 216
Wolverhampton Street.
Blackmore Martha, (Mrs.), grocer, 63
High Street, Kate’s Hill.
Blakemore Martha Ann, (Mrs.), haulier,
64 High Street, Kate's Hill.
Blissett Elizabeth, (Miss), paint
dealer, 159 Wolverhampton Street.
Blocksidge E., law stationer, printer
& lithographer, 20 Stone Street & Upper
Tower Street.
Bloom Henry, watch maker, 32 New
Bloomer Mary Ann, (Mrs), shopkeeper,
89 Stafford Street.
Blunt Hannah, (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 12
Hall Street, Holly Hall.
Blurton E., watchmaker & jeweller, 25
Market Place.
Board of Trade Labour Exchange,
(Basil Lawrence Ward, manager), Holloway
Chambers, Priory Street.
Bodin Robert Charles, tax collector,
Manhattan Villa, Brooke Street.
Bodin Samuel, plumber & painter, 103
Hall Street.
Bonser Thomas, china glass &
earthenware dealer, 137 Wellington Road.
Booth Frank, smallware dealer, 177,
178 & 179 Wolverhampton Street.
Boots Cash Chemist, (Western)
Limited, chemists & druggists, 26 Market
Boughey Percy E., Red Lion P.H. 86
High Street.
Bowler Elizabeth, (Mrs.),
photographer, 5 Castle Street.
Boydall Bert., fried fish dealer,
103a, High Street.
Bradley Brothers, manufacturers of
spades & shovels, Dixon's Green.
Bradley Herbert, district
superintendent Britannic Assurance Co. Ltd.,
220 Wolverhampton Street.
Bradley John Thomas, general dealer,
4 Cromwell Street, Kate's Hill.
Bradley Thomas, boot repairer,
Prospect Row.
Bradney Emily, (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 10
Waverley Street.
Branston Richard, grocer, 46 Bond
Bray T. & Son, cab proprietors &
undertakers, Union Street.
Bray Clifford, Talbot P.H., 2
Wolverhampton Street.
Bray James, Green Dragon Inn, 7 St.
John's Street, Kate's Hill.
Brazenell Thomas A., boot repairer, 6
Wellington Road.
Brettell Henry Cartwright, solicitor,
commissioner for oaths & perpetual
commissioner, clerk of the peace. Town
Clerk, Clerk to the Urban Sanitary
Authority, Sec. to the Association of
Midland Local Authorities, Clerk to Local
Authorities Joint Tramways, Hon. Sec. to
Dudley Eye Infirmary & to the Badley
Memorial Home, & Hon. Sec. to the Dudley
dispensary, Birmingham Road.
Bridgen Soloman, greengrocer, 120
Stafford Street.
Bridges Emanuel, butcher, 44 Flood
Bridges George, greengrocer, 107
Salop Street.
Bridgwater W. J. & Co., iron & metal
Bridgwater Henry, iron merchant, 32
Priory Street.
Bridgwater Joseph, carpenter, 5 Hall
Street, Holly Hall.
Briscoe Elizabeth, (Mrs.),
shopkeeper, 37 High Street, Kate's Hill.
Britannic Assurance & Co. Limited,
(Herbert Bradley, district superintendent),
220 Wolverhampton Street.
British Workman's Coffee Tavern &
Refreshment Rooms, (Daniel Davis,
proprietor), 34 Wolverhampton Street.
Britten & Hill, stationers, 70 High
Brooker Sarah Hannah, (Mrs), draper,
58 Flood Street.
Brookes & Co., wholesale druggists,
Wolverhampton Street.
Brookes Alfred James, greengrocer, 72
High Street, Kate’s Hill.
Brookes Edwin Chas, haberdasher, 26a
Brown Street, Kate's Hill.
Brookes James, coal dealer, 16 St.
John's Street, Kate's Hill.
Brookes William Hy., shopkeeper, 25a
Pitfield Street, Kate's Hill.
Brooks Brothers, wholesale
fruiterers, 10 Priory Street.
Brooks Henley, (Mrs.), boot maker,
114 Salop Street.
Brooks James, fried fish dealer and
greengrocer, 16 and 17 Southalls Lane.
Brooks John, shopkeeper, 44 Cross
Broom Louisa, (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 5
Dunn Street.
Brown & Gittins, who, confectioners,
Pitfield Street, Dock Lane.
Brown Eleanor, (Miss), aparts., 27
North Street, Kate's Hill.
Brown Frederick Charles, beer
retailer, 145 Salop Street.
Brown Frederick Charles, shopkeeper,
41 King Edmund Street.
Brown Harry, Castle & Falcon P.H.,
207 Wolverhampton Street.
Brown John Richard, confectioner, 31
Brown Street, Kate's Hill.
Brown Thomas C., inspector of weights
& measures, Weights & Measures Office, Stone
Bruntnell Lizzie, (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
102 King Street.
Bruton Fred, (Mrs.), fishmonger, 11
Stafford Street.
Bruton Henry, plumber, 9 Tinchbourne
Bruton Thomas, fish dealer, 34 Brown
Street, Kate’s Hill.
Bryce Ernest Albert, pawnbroker, 169
High Street, Holly Hall.
Buckley John Limited, fender makers,
Alma Place, King Street.
Buckley John, malleable iron founder,
Church Street.
Buckley John, Royal Exchange P.H., 13
Church Street.
Buckley Sarah, (Mrs.), greengrocer,
16 Tower Street.
Builder & Son, woollen merchants, 200
Wolverhampton Street.
Bullock Harriet, (Mrs.), beer
retailer, 56 Stafford Street.
Bullock James, milliner, 215
Wolverhampton Street.
Bunce Joseph, draper, 203 High
Bunch Hugh, shopkeeper, 9 Tower
Bunney Hannah, (Mrs.), fancy goods
dealer, 204 High Street.
Buott Stanley Dunbar, refreshment
rooms, Great Western Railway Station.
Burchall Jenny, (Miss), milliner, 24
Wellington Road.
Burchell Edward, Vauxhall Inn, 13
Vauxhall Street.
Burchell Joseph, boot maker, 15 Hall
Burchell Naomi, (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 4
Swan Street.
Burford George, Inspector of County
Police, Police Station, Priory Street.
Burgin Mary Jane, (Mrs.), stationer,
167 Wolverhampton Street.
Burnet Edwin John, tea merchant, 60
Wellington Road.
Burnt Tree Company, castor
manufacturers, Burnt Tree Works.
Burton Edgar, hairdresser, 165
Wolverhampton Street.
Burton Henry, newsagent, 252 Castle
Butchers' Hide, Skin, Fat & Wool Co.
Limited, (Edward Talby, managing
director), Russell Street.
Butler Albert Thomas, F.R.I.B.A.,
architect & surveyor, 31 Priory Street.
Butler Henry John, tobacconist, 94
Hall Street.
Butler John, shopkeeper, 142 Salop
Butler Thomas, (Mrs.), confectioner,
18 Hall Street.
Bytheway George Samuel Overton,
hairdresser, 150 Wolverhampton Street. |

The Priory Estate in 1912. From an
old postcard. |
Commercial C and D:
Caddick Henry,
butcher, 60 Wolverhampton Street.
Cadman James, shopkeeper, 9 Grove
Street, Kate's Hill.
Cadman William, shopkeeper, 71
Stepping Stone Street.
Cambridge Thomas, fried fish shop, 76
High Street, Kate's Hill.
Camm William Charles, (firm, Jones
Stanier), Slater & Camm), solicitor, 198
Wolverhampton Street.
Cannon William, shopkeeper, 11 Dudley
Capes Henry Harling, L.D.S.Edin.,
surgeon-dentist, 269 Castle Street.
Cardo Richard, Hilly House Inn,
Corser Street.
Carpenter Thomas Edward, shopkeeper,
180 Wolverhampton Street.
Carrington William, Coach & Horses
P.H., 560 Stourbridge Road, Scott's Green.
Carroll William Henry, draper, 175
Wolverhampton Street.
Carter Reuben, haberdasher, 139 Salop
Carter Sarah Jane, (Mrs.),
shopkeeper, 5 Old Street, Kate's Hill.
Cartwright William Henry, butcher, 99
Hall Street.
Cash Alice Maud, (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
1 Brooke Street.
Cash Edwin J., boot maker, 45 Swan
Cash Susan, (Mrs.), confectioner, 173
Wolverhampton Street.
Cassell Louis, loan office, 4 Priory
Caster Charles Leonard, shopkeeper, 7
Maughan Street.
Castle Drug Co. Ltd., chemist, 16
Castle Street.
Caswell George, tobacconist, & post
office, 22 Market Place.
Cave William Lashford, laundry, 65
Cromwell Street, Kate's Hill.
Cemetery, (George Dean, registrar),
Stourbridge Road, Spring Mire.
Cetti Charles, cabinet maker, 60 High
Cetti Harold Howard, architect, 60
Himley Road.
Chambers J. & Son, harness makers, 21
Hall Street.
Chambers John William, fried fish
dealer, 7 New Street.
Chambers Thomas, M.R.C.V.S.,
veterinary surgeon, 41 Wolverhampton Street.
Cherrington & Stainton, architects, 6
Priory Street.
Chilton Brothers, wholesale
clothiers, 30 & 31 Queen's Cross.
Chilton Joseph, tailor, & post
office, 94 High Street.
Chowen Arthur, confectioner, 49 High
City Life Assurance Co. Limited, (Thomas
William Goldie, district inspector), 194
Wolverhampton Street.
Clark Annie, (Mrs.), apartments, 33
Bourne Street.
Clark George, paper bag maker, 111
Salop Street.
Clark Janet, (Mrs.), teacher of
music, 42 Park Road.
Clarke J. & Sons, machinery dealers,
Birmingham Road.
Clarke & Co. house furnishers, 146
Wolverhampton Street.
Clarke Arthur, shopkeeper, 17
Porter's Field.
Clarke George Heaton, smallware
dealer, 105 Salop Street.
Clarke John Edwin, greengrocer, 19
Queen's Cross.
Clement Harriet A., (Miss), music
seller, 64 High Street.
Clements Bros., engineers &
millwrights, Red Hill Works.
Clements George, draper, 30 Brown
Street, Kate's Hill.
Cliff Hannah, (Mrs.), apartments, 130
Queen's Cross.
Cliff Hannah, (Mrs.), draper, 103
Wolverhampton Street.
Coates William, shopkeeper, 89
Stepping Stone Street.
Coborn Harriet, (Mrs.), second hand
clothes dealer, 61 Stafford Street.
Cochrane & Co. (Woodside) Limited,
engineers, iron founders & iron masters,
Woodside Iron Works.
Cohen Hyman, tailor, 236a, Market
Cohen John, penny bazaar, 234 Market
Cole Brothers, hairdressers, 245
Castle Street.
Collins Annie, (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 50
Brettell Street.
Collins Laura, (Miss), dress maker,
46 Vicarage Prospect.
Collins Thomas Alfred, boot & shoe
factor, 192 Wolverhampton Street & boot &
shoe warehouse, 219 & 239 Market Place.
Collison Arthur, plumber, 19 Pitfield
Colosseum Picture Palace, (J. Maurice
Clement, proprietor & manager), Birmingham
Conner Edwin, glass & china repairer,
7 Queen's Cross.
Conservative Club, (Arnold T.
Stevenson, hon. sec.), Dudley House,
Birmingham Road.
Conservative Working Men's Club,
(David Dunn, sec.), 60 Tower Street.
Cook F. W. Limited, wholesale &
retail drapers, mantle, millinery, mourning
warehouses & dress makers, 75, 76, 78, 79 &
80 High Street, offices, factory &
warehouse, 78 to 81 King Street, carpet
warehouse, Imperial Buildings, High Street.
(& branches).
Cook Thomas P. & Co., fender makers,
Cromwell Street, Kate's Hill.
Cooling George, beer retailer, 36
Salop Street.
Cooper Arthur, curator Dudley
Training College, 5 Castle View
Cooper George, furniture dealer, 79
Oakeywell Street.
Cooper Hyman, tailor, 11 Caroline
Street, Kate's Hill.
Cooper Joseph, butcher, 122 Salop
Co-operative Wholesale Society Limited,
(John Round, manager), fender makers,
Charlotte Street.
Corbett Charles, butcher, 33 Flood
Corbett Clara, (Miss), milliner, 123
Tividale Road.
Cornfield William, beer retailer, 78
Stafford Street.
Cornish Eliza, (Mrs.), Peacock P.H.,
6 High Street.
Coslett Edward George, architect &
surveyor, 193 Wolverhampton Street.
Cottam James, junior, pork butcher,
12 Hall Street.
Cottam Jas., pork butcher, 123 & 124
Wolverhampton Street.
Cotton Enoch, shopkeeper, 106 Salop
Coulson Charles, builder, see Oakley
& Coulson.
Coulson Joseph, hairdresser, 107
Wolverhampton Street.
County Court, (His Honour R. W.
Ingham, judge; Cyril Young, registrar),
Priory Street.
County Herald for Staffordshire &
Worcestershire, (Dudley Herald Limited,
proprietors; published Friday for Saturday),
Priory Street.
Cox & Smart, fire iron makers, 6
Cox Herbert Edward, Inspector of
County Police, Police Station, Priory
Cox John Wilfred, chemist, 55 High
Cox Samuel, carpenter, 4 Dudley Row.
Cranage William, confectioner, 69
High Street.
Crannage & Dentith, fine art dealers,
11 Hall Street.
Crewe & Company, art metal workers,
56 Junction Street.
Crewe Fanny, (Mrs.), milliner, 172
High Street.
Criterion Electric Theatre, (The
Criterion Syndicate Limited, proprietors),
Market Place.
Crook T. W. & Sons Limited, provision
merchants, Abberley Street.
Crump Arthur James, builder, Aston
Crump Jane, (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 116
High Street, Holly Hall.
Crumpton Alice, (Mrs.), hardware
dealer, 10 Southalls Lane.
Cumming Samuel William, L.B.C.P. &
S.Irel. physician & surgeon, 194 High
Customs & Excise District Valuers' Office,
Valuation Department (Albert Grove, district
valuer), 189 Wolverhampton Street.
Customs & Excise Office, (W. H.
Wright & J. W. Ellis, supervisors: James
Eccles & E. Turnbull, officers), 20 Priory
Daffy Alfred Joseph, shopkeeper, 42
Birmingham Street.
Daintry Arthur, herbalist, 175 High
Dando Alfred W. & Co., auctioneers,
valuers, surveyors & house, estate &
insurance agents, 193 Wolverhampton Street.
Dando Edwin Arthur, L.R.C.P.Lond.,
M.R.C.S.Eng., surgeon, Dixon's Green.
Dandy William, shopkeeper, 209
Pedmore Road, Holly Hall.
Dangerfield George, shopkeeper 16 &
17, & boot repairer, 12 Queen's Cross.
Danks John, boot repairer, 80 St.
John's Road, Kate's Hill.
Danks John, hairdresser, 423
Stourbridge Road, Holly Hall.
Darbey William, Three Crowns P.H.,
166 High Street.
Darby Edward, cooper, Junction Street
& 16 Queen's Cross.
Darby James, pork butcher, 120 Salop
Darby Joseph, Albion Inn, 15 Stone
Darby Joseph Daniel, shopkeeper, 591
Stourbridge Road, Scott's Green.
Davenport Thomas, fried fish dealer,
44Wolverhampton Street.
Davenports (C. B.) Limited, (J. B.
Keeley, manager), wine & spirit merchant,
branch, 118 Wolverhampton Street.
Davey William Thomas Edwin,
hairdresser, 9b, Queen's Cross.
Davies L. & N., grocers, 59 Flood
Davies & Company, brass casters, 30
Southalls Lane.
Davies Adelaide, (Miss), milliner, 42
New Street.
Davies Arthur, baker, 46 Wellington
Davies Ernest, land, house & estate
agent, auctioneer, brewery & hotel valuer,
188 High Street.
Davies Gertrude H., (Mrs.), fancy
draper, 161 Wolverhampton Street.
Davies Horace George, butcher, 20
Queen's Cross.
Davies John, beer retailer, Peel
Street off Salop Street.
Davies John, fender manufacturer, see
Smith & Davies.
Davies John, shopkeeper, 38
Constitution Hill.
Davies John Joseph, butcher, 10 High
Street, Kate's Hill.
Davies Joshua, draper, 202 High
Davies Lewis Austin, plasterer, 39
Bath Street.
Davies Moses, lodging house, 51
Birmingham Street.
Davies Samuel, chemist, Scotch
chambers, Market Place.
Davies Samuel, Golden Cross P.H., 71
King Street.
Davies Thomas, furniture dealer, 107
High Street.
Davies Thomas C., grocer, 113
Stourbridge Road, Holly Hall.
Davies William, grocer, 12 & 14
Wolverhampton Street.
Davies William Henry, shopkeeper, 20
Bath Street.
Davis Edward & Sons, wheelwrights,
Wolverhampton Street.
Davis Daniel, parcels receiving
office, Midland Tramways Co. Limited, 34
Wolverhampton Street.
Davis Frederick William, shopkeeper,
24 St. James' Terrace.
Davis Edward, West End P.H., 64
Wolverhampton Street.
Davis John William, Three Swans P.H.,
177 High Street.
Davis Robert William, tobacconist, 11
Wolverhampton Street.
Dean Emma, (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 3 The
Square, Woodside.
Dean George C., tailor, 46a, High
Deeley Frank, solicitor &
commissioner for oaths. 5 Priory Street.
Deeley Stephen, Bush Inn, Dixon's
Deeley William Henry, Barrel Inn, 173
High Street.
Denning Frederick William, baker, 26
Bond Street.
Dentith Leonard, fine art dealer, see
Crannage & Dentith.
Desmond Daniel G., Malt Shovel P.H.,
101 High Street.
Devis William, butcher, 23 Market
Place, 17 Castle Street, & 5 Hall Street.
Dews Cecilia, (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 123
Stourbridge Road, Holly Hall.
Dickins Ernest, grocer, 109
Wolverhampton Street.
Dickinson Robert & Son, timber &
slate merchants, saw mills, Stepping Stone
Street & Stafford Street.
Dickinson Arthur H., architect, see
Gammage & Dickinson.
Dispensary, (T. P. Higgs M.D., M. A.
Messiter M.B.C.S., J. Howard Wilkinson
M.R.O.S., L.R.C.P. & W. E. Newey, visiting
surgeons, Harold Arthur Whitcombe Y.B.,
Ch.B.Birm. resident medical officer, J. E.
Doo, dispenser, B. C. Brettell, hon. sec.),
Priory Road.
District Registry of Supreme Court of
Judicature, (Cyril Young, registrar),
Priory Street.
Doughty William, lodging house, 59
Birmingham Street.
Dovey William, cart, van & Wagon
builder, 28 Southalls Lane.
Downing John, Black Horse P.H., 147
High Street.
Dowson George, hairdresser, 6 Stone
Dowson Sidney J., artificial teeth
manufacturer, see Kent & Dowson.
Doyle James, shopkeeper, 14 Pitfield
Dudley Arms Hotel, (The Wolverhampton
& Dudley Breweries Limited, proprietors),
Market Place.
Dudley Bowling Green Club, (Arnold
Stevenson, hon. sec.), Conservative Club, Birmingham
Dudley (The) Cafe Co. Limited, dining
rooms, Temperance buildings, High Street.
Dudley Chamber of Commerce, (F. W. Cook,
president; Thomas H. Gough, sec.; Arthur F.
Prince, agent), 267 Castle Street.
Dudley Chronicle, (Ford & Addison
Limited, publishers; published Friday for
Saturday), 263 Castle Street.
Dudley Co-operative Society Limited,
(Henry E. Crew, manager; Benjamin Pearson,
sec.); registered office & central stores,
Waddams Pool.
Dudley Corporation Electrical Power
Station, (Charles E. Savage, engineer),
Stourbridge Road, Springsmire.
Dudley Cricket Club Limited, (F. W.
Green, sec.), 6 Priory Street.
Dudley District Benefit Building Society,
(Thomas William Tanfield, sec.), Fountain
Chambers, Market Place.
Dudley District Laundry Company, 99
High Street, & 41 Hall Street.
Dudley & District Liberal Association,
(John Dodson, agent & sec.), Liberal club,
New Street.
Dudley & District Licensed Victuallers &
Beer Retailers Benevolent & Protection
Association, (G. H. Pearson, sec.), The
Windmill Inn, St. James' Terrace.
Dudley Electrical Company, electrical
engineers, 53 High Street.
Dudley (The Right Hon. Earl of),
Estate Offices, (William F. Taylor esq. B.A.
agent), Downing Street.
Dudley Eye Infirmary, (B. H. St.
Clair Roberts, hon. ophthalmic surgeon; B.
C. Brettell, hon. sec. & treasurer), Guest
hospital, Tipton Road.
Dudley Football Club, (A. J. Lane,
hon. sec.), Tipton Road.
Dudley Gas Light Company, (Thomas
Edward Stillard. sec., George White,
collector), Spring Gardens.
Dudley Golf Club, (J. Nicholls & F.
Gordon Smith, hon. sec.), Himley Lane
Dudley Guest Hospital Charity Football
Association, (John A. Robinson, hon.
sec.), Old Bush Hotel, High Street.
Dudley Guild of Help, (Miss A. H.
Cole, sec.), Charlton House, Priory Street.
Dudley Hame, Chain & Ironwork Co.,
saddlers' ironmongery manufacturers, 31 Hall
Dudley Herald, (Dudley Herald
Limited, publishers, published Friday for
Saturday), Priory Street.
Dudley Herald Limited, (Robert
Hudson, managing director), printers &
publisher of the Dudley Herald, Priory
Dudley High School for Girls, (Miss
W. E. Burke B.A. Lond. principal). Priory
Dudley Institute Litrary Society, (E.
J. Gammage, hon. sec.), The Dudley
Institute, Wolverhampton Street.
Dudley Institute & Public Hall, (E.
J. Gammage, hon. sec., Miss M. Gunning,
librarian), Wolverhampton Street.
Dudley & Midland Geological Society &
Field Club, (Hy. Johnson, hon. sec.).
The Art School, St. James's Road.
Dudley (The Right Hon. Earl of),
Mines & Iron Department (Claude Tryon,
agent). The Priory Offices.
Dudley Opera House, (J. Maurice
Clement, proprietor & manager), Birmingham
Dudley & Price, costumiers, 62, 63 &
64 Birmingham Street.
Dudley Public Library, (Miss E. J.
Southall, librarian, J. F. Timmins, sec.),
St. James's Road.
Dudley & Stourbridge & District Electric
Traction Co. Limited, Birmingham Road.
Dudley Swimming Club, (D. Caddick,
hon. sec.), The Baths, Queen's Cross.
Dudley Syphon Co., mineral water
manufacturers, 55 High Street.
Dudley Technical
Schools, (Alfred Coulson B.A., M.Sc.
principal, J. M. Wynne, director of
education), Stafford Street & St. James's
Dudley Temperance Institute, (Thomas
Knott. hon. sec.), Public Hall, High Street.
Dudley Temperance Society, (Thomas
Knott, hon. sec.), Temperance Institute,
High Street.
Dudley Training College for Pupil
Teachers, (Ivor B. John M.A., principal,
J. M. Wynne, sec.), Castle View.
Dudley Unionist Association, (F. B.
McDowell, registration agent & sec.), Tower
Dudley Young Men's Christian Association,
(J. Edgar Davies & Ernest J. Davies, hon.
secs.), 24 New Street.
Dudley Alex Milton, wholesale saddler
&; harness manufacturer & coach builder,
Tower Street & jobmaster, Dudley Arms,
Station Hotel Mews.
Dudley Elizabeth, (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
6 Bath Street.
Dudley Frances Mary, (Mrs.),
costumier, see Dudley & Price.
Dudley Henry, tailor, 145 High
Dudley John, sec. to the Priory
offices, Castle Foot.
Dudley Thomas, builder, 19 Prince
Albert Street.
Dudley William L., grindery dealer, 6
Castle Street.
Duff Annie, (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 12
Shaw Road.
Dugmore Arthur, Hen & Chickens P.H.,
244 Castle Street.
Dunn Brothers, boot repairers, 106
High Street.
Dunn Elizabeth, (Mrs.), pork butcher,
153 Wolverhampton Street.
Dunn James William, teacher of music,
22 Buffery Road.
Dunn William, pork butcher, 1 George
Street, Kate's Hill.
Dyke William & Son, fishing tackle
dealers, 121 Wolverhampton Street.
Dyke Simon, ironmonger, 164
Wolverhampton Street.
Dyke William, umbrella repairer, 56
Wolverhampton Street. |

Part of the Priory Estate in the
1920s before the houses were built. In the background is
the lodge at the entrance to Castle Woods. From an old
postcard. |
Commercial E to G:
Earl of Dudley's Baggeridge Colliery
Limited, (Claude Tryon, managing
director), Priory Offices.
Eastmans Limited, butchers, 2 New
Hall Street & 4 Wolverhampton Street.
Eccles Patricia, (Miss), dressmaker,
12 Castle Street.
Edwards Alfred Walter, Bird In Hand
P.H., 6 New Street.
Edwards Alice, (Mrs.), confectioner,
113 High Street.
Edwards Frederick Barton, watchmaker,
190 High Street.
Edwards Isaac, builder, 51
Constitution Hill.
Edwards James, beer retailer, 6
Spring Gardens.
Edwards James, watchmaker, 160
Wolverhampton Street.
Edwards James H., shopkeeper, 115
Salop Street.
Edwards Joseph, builder, 3 Oxford
Edwards Sarah, (Mrs.), Duke of York
P.H., 128 Wolverhampton Street.
Edwards Sophia, (Miss), dressmaker, 4
Buffery Road.
Edwards Thomas Fletcher, cycle
dealer, 93 High Street.
Edwards Walter, coal dealer, 11 Swan
Elcock Edwin, newsagent, 97 Stafford
Eld Agnes D., (Miss), tobacconist,
246 Castle Street.
Ellis J. W., Supervisor of Customs &
Excise, Customs & Excise Office, Priory
Elston Edith M., (Mrs.), grocer, 96
Wolverhampton Street.
Elwell William, colliery proprietor,
Bunn's Lane, Kate's Hill.
Emery Elizabeth, (Miss), second hand
clothes dealer, 112 Stafford Street.
Emery Louis J., provision dealer, 32
Vauxhall Street & beer retailer, 33 Vauxhall
Empire Picture Palace, (Bernard
Walker, manager), Hall Street.
Engelrest Joseph, shopkeeper, 4
Potter Street.
Evans & Maiden, butchers, 171 High
Street & 108 Hall Street.
Evans Edward, wheelwright, 49 & 50
Stepping Stone Street.
Evans Esther Lucy, (Mrs.), Fountain
P.H., 3 Dixon's Green.
Evans John, china & glass dealer, 151
High Street.
Evans Joseph, hairdresser, 81
Cromwell Street, Kate's Hill.
Evans Walter, tool maker, Bath
Evening Express & Star, (Midland News
Association Limited, publishers), 13
Wolverhampton Street.
Eves Albert, R.M.L.I. (Colour
Sergeant), naval recruiting sergeant, 23 New
Fairbairn Andrew Martin, M.A.
solicitor & notary public & official
receiver in bankruptcy, (firm, Hooper &
Fairbairn), 1 Priory Street.
Farmer Smith, draper, 41 Market
Fellows Benjamin, hairdresser, 6
Ivanhoe Street.
Fellows Isaac, deputy registrar of
births & deaths, 25 Bean Road & 97 King
Fellows John, pork butcher, 120
Tividale Road.
Fellows John, shopkeeper, 23 Pensnett
Road, Holly Hall.
Fellows Joseph, fishmonger, 3 King
Fellows Keturah, (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
30 High Street, Holly Hall.
Fellows William, shopkeeper, 106
Stourbridge Road, Holly Hall.
Fire Brigade, (Supt. Richard Speke,
Chief Officer), Priory Street.
Fisher F., (Mrs.), loan office, 32
Wolverhampton Street.
Fisher Thomas Norman, solicitor, 7
Priory Street.
Flanagan Sarah, (Mrs.), bedding
maker, 29 Stone Street.
Flavell Joseph, caretaker, Dudley
Castle, Castle Grounds.
Fleming, Reid & Co. Limited, hosiers,
215 High Street.
Fleming Frederick, shopkeeper. 11
Peel Street, off Salop Street.
Fleming Frederick, shopkeeper, 116
Wolverhampton Street.
Fleming James, dining rooms. 87 Hall
Fletcher W. & R. Limited, butchers,
237 Market Place & 151 Wolverhampton Street.
Fletcher Alice, (Mrs.), Duke of
Wellington P.H., 46 Wolverhampton Street.
Flewett Edward James, grocer, 29 New
Flewitt Edward W., confectioner.
Opera House Buildings, Birmingham Road.
Flint William Samuel, builder. see
Love & Flint.
Fones James Hy., Plume of Feathers
P.H., 148 High Street.
Ford & Addison Limited, publishers of
the Dudley Chronicle, 263 Castle Street.
Forrest Joseph, hairdresser, 82 Hall
Foster Brothers Clothing Co. Limited,
(Lewis Charles Honey, local manager),
clothiers, 220 Market Place.
Foster Francis E., district manager,
Liverpool Victoria Legal Friendly Society,
268 Castle Street.
Foster George, grocer, 40 Market
Foster George, rag merchants, 63
Wolverhampton Street.
Fountain Stationery Co. Limited,
stationer, l24 Market Place.
Fountain Herbert, boot & shoe dealer,
34 Buffery Road.
Fox Mary, (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 10 Earl
Street, Kate's Hill.
Foxall William, boot maker, 7 Brown
Street, Kate's Hill.
Fradgley Sarah, (Mrs.), draper, 4
Wellington Road.
Frahm Ernest, watch maker, 13 Castle
France William, chimney sweep, 26
Oakeywell Street.
Frearson Alfred, butcher, 101 Hall
Freedman Reuben, draper, 4 New Hall
Freeman, Hardy & Willis Limited, boot
& shoe makers, 208 High Street.
Freeman J. & Company, electrical
engineers, 179 High Street.
Freeman Louie, (Miss), nurse, 130
Queen's Cross.
Freeman Walter, cowkeeper, Spring
Mire Farm, Scott's Green.
Frost Edward, hairdresser, 30 New
Fryer Herbert, gasfitter, 7 New Hall
Fullwood Samuel, shopkeeper, 50 Cross
Fulwood Thomas, boot repairer, 32
Prince Albert Street.
Furnival Charles, confectioner, 1
Castle Street.
Gammage & Dickinson, architects &
surveyors, 7 Priory Street.
Gammage John, surveyor to the
Corporation, Town Hall, Priory Street & 46
Park Road.
Ganner James, tailor, 127 Tividale
Garbett George, coal dealer &
shopkeeper, 231 Pedmore Road, Holly Hall.
Garbett Luke, beer retailer, 2 Fisher
Gardiner-Ball & Troman, estate
agents, 6 Priory Street.
Gardner Charles, shopkeeper, 14
Vauxhall Street.
Garland Carolina, (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
1 Prince Albert Street.
Garner George Thomas, wholesale
confectioner, 40 King Street.
Garratts Limited, colliery owners,
Park head, Holly Hall.
Gates John, Horse & Jockey P.H., 10
King Street.
Gerrard Peter, Horse Shoe P.H., 93
Hall Street.
Gilding William, second hand
furniture dealer, 41 Stafford Street.
Gillman Arthur H., Woolpack P.H., 15
Castle Street
Gittins John, wholesale confectioner,
see Brown & Gittins.
Globe Parcels Express Office, (Britten
& Hill, agents), 70 High Street.
Goldie Thomas William, district
inspector, City Life Assurance Co. Limited,
194 Wolverhampton Street.
Goodman William, hairdresser, 106
King Street.
Goodreds Ellen, (Mrs.), seed dealer,
15 Wolverhampton Street.
Goodridge William, pawnbroker, 17
Shaw Road.
Goodwin D. W. & Co., millers, 37
Bourne Street.
Goodwin, Foster, Brown Limited, who,
grocers, Parsons Street.
Goodyear Motor Wheel Co.,
manufacturers of motor wheels (steel, wood &
wire), Churchfield Street.
Goodyear W. & Sons, file & tool
makers, Churchfield Street & Shaw Road.
Goodyear James, butcher, 102 High
Gordon Laura, (Mrs.), Crown P.H., 201
Wolverhampton Street.
Gorton W. S. & Son, manufacturers of
hemp ropes, twines & cordage, rick covers,
cart, wagon & truck sheets, dealers in
cotton waste & sponge cloths; tent makers &
marquees for hire; Eve Hill Ropery.
Goss James B., boot & shoe maker, 57
High Street.
Gough & Wright, chartered
accountants, 267 Castle Street.
Gould Thomas, dairyman, 7a New
Grainger & Smith Limited, wholesale
woollen merchants & manufacturing clothiers,
65 High Street, 87 King Street & New Mill
Grainger Frederick, butcher, 9
Queen's Cross.
Grainger John, bootmaker, 9a, Queen's
Grainger John Thomas, house
decorator, 29 Brown Street, Kate's Hill.
Grainger Joseph S., Old Bush Inn, 223
Pedmore Road, Holly Hall.
Grainger Thomas, King William P.H. 22
Pensnett Road, Holly Hall.
Grainger William, grocer, 107 Ivanhoe
Grammar School, (Hugh Watson B.A.,
head master, H. M. Fraser B.A., second
master), St. James's Road.
Gray Agnes, (Miss), confectioner, 182
Wolverhampton Street.
Gray Clara, (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 47
Wolverhampton Street.
Gray Elizabeth, (Mrs.), confectioner,
90 Hall Street.
Gray John Charles, travelling draper,
Edmund House, King Edmund Street.
Grazebrook Tom, architect & surveyor,
23 Wolverhampton Street.
Green Annie Jane Lloyd, Sarah Ann &
Kate, (Misses), private school, 92 High
Green & Son, M.R.C.V.S., veterinary
surgeons, 44 & 45 King Street & New Mill
Green Abraham, M.R.C.V.S., veterinary
surgeon & veterinary inspector, 44 & 45 King
Street & New Mill Street.
Green Florence, (Miss), dress maker,
46 North Street, Kate's Hill.
Green Frederick William, solicitor,
commissioner for oaths & deputy coroner for
the borough of Dudley, 6 Priory Street.
Green Jemima, (Mrs.), girls' school,
13 Terry Street, Kate's Hill.
Green William, tailor, 41 King
Greenhill William, manager of United
Counties Bank Limited, treasurer to the
Coseley & Sedgley Urban District Councils,
the Dudley Chamber of Commerce, the Dudley &
Coseley Educational Committees, the Dudley
Dispensary & the Dudley Conservative Club, 1
Vicar Street.
Grey Edward, draper, 61, 205 & 206
High Street.
Griffin James, shopkeeper, 2 New
Griffin John, boot repairer, 40
Constitution Hill.
Griffin William, sheet iron worker,
10 Wellington Road.
Griffith Harry D., L.D.S. dentist, 82
Upper High Street.
Griffiths Esther, (Mrs.), draper, 150
High Street.
Griffiths Evan, herbalist, 23 King
Griffiths John, cutler, 13 Stone
Grosvenor George Fred., boot dealer,
25 George Street, Kate's Hill.
Grove Albert, district valuer Inland
Revenue Valuation Department, 189
Wolverhampton Street.
Grove Ann, (Miss), shopkeeper, 18
Holland Street.
Grove Thomas, shopkeeper & post
office, 33 Brown Street, Kate's Hill.
Groves George Henry, fire iron maker,
St. Thomas' Street.
Guest Hospital, (Alfred Henry Carter
M.D., P.B.C.P. Lond., consulting physician,
Thomas Underhill M.D., A. S. Underhill M.D.
& Bennett May M.D. consulting surgeons;
Thomas Wilson M.D., F.R.C.S.Eng. consulting
gynaecologist; Henry Eales M.R.C.S.Eng. hon.
consulting ophthalmic surgeon; Matthew Arden
Messiter M.R.C.S. James Howard Wilkinson
M.R.C.S., L.B.C.P.Lond. & Harold C. Brown
M.B. hon. Surgeon, B. H. St. Clair Boberts
M.R.C.S., L.B.C.P. Lond. hon. ophthalmic
surgeon; Henry L. Paddon M.A.Oxon., M.B.C.S.,
L.B C.P. & Anan Watson M.B., B.Ch.Edin.
resident medical officers; Arthur Bird,
sec.; Miss Jessie F. Parsons, matron),
Tipton Road.
Guest Edward Thomas, shopkeeper, 36
Ivanhoe Street.
Guest Walter, shopkeeper, 39 Brettell
Gunning James, travelling draper, 52
Wellington Road.
Guy Mary, (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 10
Cross Street.
Guy William Frederick, coal merchant,
Church Street & office, London & North
Western coal wharf, Tipton Road.
Gwilliams Hannah, (Mrs.), wardrobe
dealer, 42 Bond Street. |

The Worcestershire Furnishing
Company's Shop in Wolverhampton Street, as seen in 1903.
On the left is Mr. J. Ashley, the manager, who later
started his own furnishing business. From an old
postcard. |
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