The Commercial
Directory, H to Q, from the Dudley section in
Kelly's 1912 Worcestershire Directory: |
Commercial H and I: Haden W. & T., fishmongers, 166
Wolverhampton Street.
Haden Arthur, greengrocer, 24 Dock
Haden Jonathan, shopkeeper, 97 Dock
Haden Thomas, Golden Fleece P.H., 2
Oakeywell Street.
Haden Thomas, shopkeeper, 48 Vauxhall
Hadley James, greengrocer, 147 Salop
Hadley John, Grand Turk P.H., 126
Queen's Cross.
Hadley John Charles, fender maker,
Alma Place, King Street.
Hadley Joseph, shopkeeper, 2 St.
James' Terrace.
Hadley Thomas, crate maker, 32 Alms
Place, King Street.
Hadley William, shopkeeper, 35
Greystone Street.
Halford Albert Henry, shopkeeper, 15
Brown Street, Kate’s Hill.
Halford Jessie, (Mrs.), draper, 19
Brown Street, Kate's Hill.
Hall Frances Elizabeth, (Mrs.),
shopkeeper, 80 Hall Street.
Hall John, shopkeeper, 51b, High
Street, Kate's Hill.
Hall Thomas, shopkeeper, 1 Pitfield
Street, Kate's Hill.
Hall William, tailor, 260 Castle
Hamblett Albert, hairdresser, 98 Hall
Hamblett John, Salutation P.B. 2U
High street
Hamblett Mary, (Mrs.), Hearty. Good
Fellow P.H., 8 Flood Street.
Hamblett William, Royal Oak P.H., 26
Martin's Hill.
Handley & Walter, shopkeepers, 13 New
Mill Street.
Hanson Julia & Sons Limited, brewers
& wine & spirit merchants, 4 Tower Street. &
T. A. Hanson, Dudley, sole proprietors of
Anti-Gout & Rheumatic Whisky.
Hardwick Harry, Hare & Hounds P.H.,
12 Birmingham Street.
Harley Brothers, pork butchers, 32
Market Place.
Harley Albert William, borough
treasurer, Town Hall.
Harley Henry, Brickmakers Arms P.H.,
206 Pedmore Road, Holly Hall.
Harley John William, fruiterer, 34
Bath Street.
Harper A. Sons & Bean Limited, iron
founders, Waddams Pool.
Harper, Jackson & Son, fire iron
makers, Tetnall Street.
Harper Arthur, grocer, 102 Salop
Harper Charles Grainger, cabinet
maker, 75 Ball Street.
Harper Ernest A., auctioneer, valuer
& insurance broker, The Auction mart &
Insurance bureau, 30 Hall Street.
Harper James A., teacher of music, 10
St. James' Terrace.
Harper Jesse, Loving Lamb P.H., 2
High Street, Kate's Hill.
Harper Joseph, dining rooms, 33 New
Harper Samuel, shopkeeper, 18
Prospect Row.
Harper Sarah Ann, (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
13 Cross Guns, Kate's Hill.
Harries, Harrison & Company,
wholesale clothiers, Hall Street.
Harris Joseph & Sons, dyers, 261
Castle Street.
Harris Elizabeth, (Mrs.), dressmaker,
22 Alexandra Street.
Harris Frederick William, Coach &
Horses P.H., 42 King Street.
Harris Herbert Jas., beer retailer,
19 Cromwell Street, Kate's Hill.
Harris William, hairdresser, 89 St.
John's Street, Kate's Hill.
Harrison Lizzie Maria, (Mrs.),
shopkeeper, 13 King Street.
Harrison Thomas, confectioner. 1
Queen’s Cross.
Hartill Albert, cycle agent, see
Whorton & Hartill.
Hartill Josiah, Shakespeare P.H., 74
Stafford Street.
Hartill Walter, boot maker, 8 Dixon's
Hartland Brothers, painters, 35
Wolverhampton Street.
Hartland George Hy., plumber, 85 St.
John's Road, Kate’s Hill.
Hartland Sarah, (Mrs.), picture
framer, 88a, High Street.
Harvey Frank Gripton, tobacconist, 38
Hall Street.
Harvey Lucy, (Mrs.), tobacconist, 11
New Street.
Harvey Thomas, cabinet maker, 18
Pitfield Street & 51 Stepping Stone Street.
Hawkins Arthur William, Blue Boar P.H.,
27 Stone Street.
Hawkins Samuel, nail manufacturer, 42
Salop Street.
Hawthorne James, shopkeeper, 41
Lawley Street.
Hay John, milliner, 73 High Street.
Haycock John, shopkeeper, 62 Stafford
Haylock L. W. Limited, boot & shoe
dealer, 232 & 233 Market Place.
Haynes E. & Co., makers & patentees
of "The Trouser Crease Clip", 8 Brown
Street, Kate's Hill.
Haynes, William Albert Edgar, news
agent, 8 Brown Street, Kate’s Hill.
Heath Frederick William, The Beehive
P.H., 3 Tinchbourne Street.
Helliwell's Limited, manufacturer of
fenders, Fountain Street.
Hemming Alice, (Mrs.), china & glass
dealer, 8 Wellington Road.
Hemmins William, fried fish dealer,
108 Salop Street.
Henn William Bramwell, watch maker
etc., 257 Castle Street.
Henry Thomas, corn merchant, 4 New
Mill Street.
Hickinbottom Jeremiah, baker, 19 Bond
Hicklin Alfred, Three Furnaces P.H.,
57 Lawley Street.
Hickman David, shopkeeper, 57
Stafford Street.
Hickman Thomas, coal dealer, Crown
Higgins Charles W., artist's colour
man, 208 Wolverhampton Street.
Higgins Ethel M., (Miss), fancy
repository, 8 Wolverhampton Street.
Higgins Howard, house decorator, 115
Stourbridge Road, Holly Hall.
Higgins James, confectioner, 122a,
Salop Street.
Higgins John Bennett, plumber &
glazier, 205 Wolverhampton Street.
Higgs Benjamin, grocer, 125 Queen's
Cross & 23 Maughan Street.
Higgs Thomas Frederic, M.D.,
physician & surgeon, senior hon. surgeon
Dudley dispensary, surgeon Dudley Borough
Police, medical officer Dudley union
workhouse & public vaccinator Dudley town
district, Beaconsfield House, High Street.
Hill Arthur, Railway Tavern, The
Croft, Holly Hall.
Hill Charles W., beer retailer, 264
Castle Street.
Hill Ernest, stationer, see Britten &
Hill Samuel, cabinet maker, house
furnisher, carpet factor etc., 98 Upper High
Hill William Hy., stationer & post
office, 12 Himley Road.
Hillman J. & A. Limited, leather
belting makers, Porters Fields.
Hiltons & Sons, boot & shoe makers,
(W. Hardy, manager), 216 High Street.
Hinds Arthur, newsagent, 124 Tividale
Hingley Noah, Bull's Head P.H., 12
Stone Street.
Hingley Percival James, outfitter 3a
& 4, & draper 115 & 116 Hall Street.
Hinton Mary Maria, (Mrs.),
tobacconist, 51 High Street.
Hipkins Bros., drug stores, 101 & 102
Wolverhampton Street.
Hipkins Edward & Company, safe
manufacturers, High Street, Kate's Hill.
Hiscox Caleb, boot repairer, 10
Maughan Street & 54 Stafford Street.
Histon Harry, collector of poor &
district rates, Town District, Town Hall.
Hobbs George, boot repairer, 2 Himley
Hobbs Joseph, fruiterer, 32 Hall
Hodgetts Charles, Griffin Inn, Stone
Holder David, grocer, Dixon's Green.
Holland John & Son, dyers, 27 New
Holland John, builder, 28 Brooke
Hollies John Henry, draper, 33 Hall
Street, Holly Hall.
Hollins Charles, pawnbroker, 184
Wolverhampton Street.
Hollins John, jeweller, 1
Wolverhampton Street & pawn broker 27 & 28,
& clothier 29, King Street.
Hollis Samuel, beer retailer, St.
John's Road, Kate's Hill.
Holloway Hall, (R. Tanner, sec.),
Court Passage, Priory Street.
Hollows John Edwin, Malt Shovel P.H.,
60 St. John's Street.
Holly Hall Brick & Tile Works Limited,
brick manufacturers, Holly Hall.
Holtom Joseph, beer retailer &
shopkeeper, 20 Vicar Street.
Home & Colonia1 Stores Limited, 14
Hall Street.
Homer Charity, (Mrs.), fire iron
maker, Tetnall Street.
Homer Elijah James, photographer, 164
High Street.
Homer James, insurance agent, 27
Prince Albert Street.
Hooper & Fairbairn, solicitors &
notaries public, 1 Priory Street.
Hooper & Taylor, solicitors, Union
Chambers, High Street.
Hooper Alice, (Mrs.), poulterer, 174
Wolverhampton Street.
Hooper Sydney Guest, solicitor,
(firm, Hooper & Taylor), Union Chambers,
High Street.
Hope Works Company, file and rasp
manufacturers, Shaw Road.
Horton Noah, shopkeeper, 23 Campbell
Horton William, boot & shoe maker, 58
Bond Street.
Horwood & Company, ironmongers, 33
Hall Street.
Hospital for Infectious Diseases,
(Mrs. Kate Webb, matron), Blowers Green.
Hough Alfred S., supt. Wesleyan &
General Assurance Society, 28 Wolverhampton
Houlston Amelia, (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
108 Wolverhampton Street.
Houlston John, saddler, 26 King
Household Stores (Wolverhampton) Limited,
china dealers, 6 Wolverhampton Street.
Howen William, shopkeeper, 44
Birmingham Street.
Howkins Cyril, dental surgeon, see
Knott & Howkins.
Hubbard Sidney, Windmill P.H., 10
Stafford Street.
Hubbold Hubert, insurance agent, 60
High Street, Holly Hall.
Hughes Annie, (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 67
Stafford Street.
Hughes Enoch, upholsterer, 53 King
Hughes Frank, commercial traveller,
87 Blowers Green Road.
Hughes Hezekiah, hairdresser, 1 Salop
Hughes Isaac, Swan P.H., 48 High
Hughes John, french polisher, 71 Hall
Hughes John, mining engineer, Priory
Farm House.
Hughes Joseph, beer retailer, 12 Bath
Hughes Joseph, hairdresser, 103 Salop
Hughes Samuel, boot retailer, 36
Stepping Stone Street.
Hughes Sarah, (Mrs.), lodging house,
17 King Street.
Hughes Walter James, master of
Jesson's charity, 88 Wolverhampton Street.
Hughes William, grocer, 9 Lloyd
Hulbert George, King & Queen P.H., 73
Stafford Street.
Hulbert Horace, New Inn, 37
Constitution Hill.
Hulson Daniel, insurance agent, 16
Park Road.
Humphrey Walter, cycle agent, 176
High Street.
Humphreys Walter, beer retailer, 14
Dock Lane.
Hunt Edwin & Walter, drapers, 27
Market Place.
Hunt Eliza, (Mrs.), apartments, 21
Stone Street.
Hyde Mary & Alice, (misses),
confectioners, 5 Wolverhampton Street.
Hyde Herbert John, New Cottage Spring
P.H., 45 Church Street.
Income & Property Tax Office, (Dudley
County district), (R. C. Bodin, collector),
Manhattan Villa, Brooke Street.
Ind, Coope & Co. Limited, (Albert
Samuel Poxon, agent), brewers, 7 Castle
Inland Revenue District Valuers Office,
(Valuation Department), (Albert Grove,
district valuer), 189 Wolverhampton Street. |

Shavers End in the late 1920s.
From an old postcard. |
Commercial J to L:
Jackson Fred,
tailor, 257 High Street.
Jackson James Horton, shopkeeper, 52
Flood Street.
Jackson's Limited, hatters, 221
Market Place.
Jacques Joseph, wardrobe dealer, 5
New Mill Street.
Jakeman & Round, builders, 1 Hellier
James Beatrice, (Mrs.), wardrobe
dealer, 31 King Street.
James Maria, (Mrs.), boot & shoe
dealer, 30 Church Street.
James Sarah Elizabeth, (Mrs.),
haberdasher, 24 Brown Street, Kate's Hill.
Jap Company, house furnishers (Dennis
Elliott, manager), 20 Hall Street.
Jeavons John, insurance agent, 71
High Street, Kate's Hill.
Jeavons Joseph, White Swan P.H. 22
Brown Street, Kate's Hill.
Jevons Joseph, bird dealer, 159 High
Jewess Thomas Frederick, beer
retailer, 220 Pedmore Road, Holly Hall.
Jewkes Benjamin O., ironmonger, 223
Wolverhampton Street.
Jewkes Charles, shopkeeper, 50 The
Croft, Woodside.
Jewkes Edward, clogger, 61
Wolverhampton Street.
Jewkes Harry, shopkeeper, 110 Salop
Jewkes John, greengrocer. 123 Salop
Jewkes Samuel J., Old Coach & Horses
P.H., Stourbridge Road, Holly Hall.
Jewkes Simeon, fried fish shop, 127
Salop Street.
Jewkes Simeon, grocer, 42 Stafford
Jewkes Walter, market toll collector,
Market Place.
Jobson & Marshall, solicitors, 199
Wolverhampton Street.
Johnson Bros., (Dyers) Limited, dyers
& cleaners, 245 Castle Street.
Johnson (Henry), Son & Bloomer,
mining engineers, estate agents & valuer, 19
Priory Street.
Johnson Elizabeth, (Mrs.), provision
dealer. 9 Fisher Street.
Johnson Harry, greengrocer, 3 New
Johnson James O., shopkeeper, 29, &
beer retailer, 30 Crown Street.
Johnson John Hughes, professor of
music. 57 Stourbridge Road, Scott's Green.
Jones Bros., builders, 79 St. John’s
Road, Kate's Hill.
Jones F. & Son, tinplate workers, 86
Wolverhampton Street.
Jones (Stanier), Slater & Camm,
solicitors, 198 Wolverhampton Street.
Jones Alice, (Miss), dressmaker, 23
Buffery Road.
Jones Caleb, grocer, 16 Hall Street.
Jones Chas Hy., cowkeeper, 3 Watson's
Green, Kate's Hill.
Jones Edward, hairdresser, 7 Union
Jones Frank., shopkeeper, 13 King
Edmund Street.
Jones Frank, White Swan P.H., 3
Castle Street.
Jones James, superintendent,
registrar, Dudley Union, Union Offices.
Jones Joseph, iron merchant, 96 Salop
Jones Louisa, (Mrs.), draper, 32
Southalls Lane.
Jones Richard, Law & Sons, stone
masons, Queen's Cross.
Jones Samuel Hy. Ignatius, provision
dealer, 64 Oakeywell Street.
Jones Thomas, Highland Laddie P.H.,
41 Flood Street.
Jones William Charles, Mazeppa Inn,
11 Campbell Street.
Jones William Hy., Lester's Vaults
P.H. 228 Market Place.
Juckes W. E., (Mrs.), teacher of
music, 3 Victoria Terrace.
Jukes George, Whimsey Inn, Cross
Street, Woodside.
Jukes Henrietta, (Mrs.), Smiling Man
P.H., 1 Porter's field.
Jukes James Hy., shopkeeper, 6 Newey
Street, London Fields.
Jukes Sarah, (Miss), draper, 24 King
Jupp Samuel Ivey, confectioner, 130
Wolverhampton Street.
Kear Oscar Vernon, The Fiveways Inn,
119 Stafford Street.
Keathery William & Son, slaters, 128
High Street.
Keeling Sarah, (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 6
Fountain Street.
Kendall Henry, fishmonger, 19 Hall
Kendall John, fishmonger, 154
Wolverhampton Street.
Kendall Mary, (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 155
Wolverhampton Street.
Kendall Thomas William, fishmonger,
113 Salop Street.
Kendrick Joseph, grocer, 14 St.
John's Road, Kate's Hill.
Kenny Patrick, New Inn, 12 Flood
Kent & Dowson, artificial teeth
manufacturers, Scotch Chambers, Market
Kimberley & Company, coal merchants,
L. & N. W. coal wharf, Tipton Road.
Kings Thomas, haulier, Rowley Road.
Kneale William Robert, tailor, 251
Castle Street.
Knight Henry, coal dealer 11 Prince
Albert Street.
Knight Oliver Claude, electrical
engineer, 128 Wolverhampton Street.
Knott & Howkins, dental surgeons, 20
Wolverhampton Street.
Knott Malcolm, L.D.S.Edin., dental
surgeon, see Knott & Howkins.
Knowles Ellen, (Mrs.), grocer, 2
Buffery Road.
Knowles Hilda Gertrude, (Miss),
milliner, 6 Peel Street, Kate's Hill.
Lacey James Thomas, draper, 95 & 97
Hall Street.
Laing & Hughes Limited, wine & spirit
merchants, 68 High Street.
Lambeth John, Seven Stars P.H. 20 &
21 Market Place.
Lamsdale & Lewis, wholesale
clothiers, Wolverhampton Street.
Lane Josiah & Sons Limited, glass
manufacturers, Park Road.
Langman James Limited, pawnbrokers,
8, 9 & 10 New Street.
Langstone Florence, (Miss),
pawnbroker, 85 Stafford Street.
Latham James Frederick Harper,
joiner, 5 Brown Street, Kate's Hill.
Law Benjamin, beer retailer, 201
Pedmore Road, Holly Hall.
Law Bertha, (Miss), confectioner, 4
Castle Street.
Lawley Brothers, cowkeepers, Rowley
Lawley Mercy, (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 81
Hall Street.
Lawley Sarah Elizabeth, (Miss),
dressmaker, 18 Terry Street, Kate's Hill.
Lawrence William, shopkeeper, 24 Old
Street, Kate's Hill.
Lee Edwin, shopkeeper, 23 Vauxhall
Lee Mark, plumber & glazier, 11
Southalls Lane.
Lee Samuel, tailor, 178b High Street.
Lee William, boot & shoe maker, 18
Ludgate Street.
Leech Josiah George, (Mrs.), bird
dealer, 67 King Street.
Leech William J., photographer, 134
Wellington Road.
Leek Leonard, maltster, Burnt Tree.
Lees Charles H., auctioneer, 62 High
Lees Samuel F., boot repairer, 12
Southalls Lane.
Lees William, solicitor, 31 Priory
Lees William Joseph, horse
slaughterer, 1 New Mill Street.
Lesters Limited, wine & spirit
merchants, 228 Market Place.
Lewis Ebenezer Charles, grocer, 46 &
47 Church Street.
Lewis Herbert, who., clothier, see
Lamsdale & Lewis.
Lewis John, coal dealer, 67 Cross
Liberal Club, (John Dodson & Thomas
Ross, hon. secs.), New Street.
Lipton Limited, grocers & provision
dealers, 29 & 30 Market Place.
Littler Samuel, district manager,
Royal Liver Friendly Society, 1 & 2 Stone
Littlewood Lucy, (Mrs.), fried fish
dealer. 44 Flood Street.
Liverpool Victoria Legal Friendly Society,
(Francis E. Foster, district manager), 268
Castle Street.
Lloyd Alfred, Bird in Hand P.H., 1
High Street, Kate's Hill.
Lloyd Charles, shopkeeper, 13
Campbell Street.
Lloyd Charles H., joiner, St. John's
Road, Kate's Hill.
Lloyd George, file maker, Dixon's
Lloyd George, Four Ways P.H., 27
Brown Street, Kate's Hill.
Lloyd Herbert, boot maker, 132 Himley
Lloyd Joseph, draper, 10a, Brown
Street, Kate's Hill.
Lloyd Joseph, grocer, 28 Brown
Street, Kate's Hill.
Lloyd Joseph, shopkeeper, Low Town,
Holly Hall.
Lloyd Joseph, shopkeeper, 72 Salop
Lloyd Joseph, H., travelling draper,
10 Hill Street, Kate’s Hill.
Lloyd Myra, (Miss). dress maker, 3
Bennett's Hill, Kate's Hill.
Lloyd Paul, shopkeeper, 82 Salop
Lloyd Rhoda, (Mrs.), second hand
clothes dealer, 100 Salop Street.
Lloyd Samuel Cook, draper, 33 Market
Place & 113 Hall Street,
Lloyd William, builder, St. John's
Road, Kate's Hill.
Lloyd William, shopkeeper, 256
Pedmore Road, Holly Hall.
Lloyds Bank Limited, (Josh. Nichols,
manager), 25 Wolverhampton Street.
London & North Western Railway Company’s
Parcel & Enquiry Office, (John Webb
Lazenby, agent), 192 High Street.
Longmore Albert Edward, hosier, 45
High Street.
Loxton Emma Louisa, (Mrs.), hosier,
199 High Street.
Loxton Martha H., (Mrs.), newsagent,
196 High Street.
Love & Flint, builders, contractors &
coffin makers, Chapel Street.
Love Charles, builder, see Love &
Lovell John, boot repairer, 101
Stafford Street.
Lovell John, (Mrs.), licensed lodging
house, 78 Wolverhampton Street.
Lowe Joseph, Junction P.H., Watson's
Green, Kate's Hill.
Lucy Jane, (Mrs.), confectioner, 8
Union Street.
Lunn John, draper, 45 Ivanhoe Street.
Lunn Mary, (Mrs.), greengrocer, 77
Hall Street.
Lunn Samuel, Grange Inn, 90
Wolverhampton Street.
Lunn Thomas, shopkeeper, 5 Castle
Lyons James Isidore, confectioner,
231 Market Place. |

Union Street in about 1930. From
an old postcard. |
Commercial M and N:
Mc'Cann James, Beehive P.H., 88
Stafford Street.
Macdonald & Co. Limited, artificial
teeth makers, 222 Wolverhampton Street.
Macharg Helen S., (Miss), pawnbroker,
109 King Street.
McDowell Frederick R., registration
agent & sec., Dudley Unionist Association,
Tower Street.
McNaney Peter, coal dealer, 17a,
Abberley Street.
Madeley W. & Son Limited, fender
manufacturers, Oakeywell Street.
Mahler Brothers, motor garage,
Birmingham Road.
Maiden William, butcher, see Evans &
Maiden William, jun., tripe dresser,
174 High Street.
Maitland John, Old Cottage Spring P.H.,
Fountain Street.
Major Hubert Richard, supt.
Prudential Assurance Co. Limited, 94
Blower's Green Road.
Mallin Isaac, butcher, 74 St. John's
Road & 13 Brown Street, Kate's Hill.
Malpass & Company, fishmongers, 219
Wolverhampton Street.
Malpass Richard, greengrocer, 3a,
Wolverhampton street.
Malpass William, fruiterer, 6 Hall
Marks & Spencer Limited, bazaar, 9 &
10 Hall Street.
Marlow Henry, iron & brass bedstead
manufacturer, Vicarage Prospect, Wellington
Marsh T.G. & F.J., colliery factors,
206 Wolverhampton Street.
Marsh Alfred, pork butcher, 236
Market Place.
Marsh Benjamin, general dealer, 7
Wellington Road.
Marsh Benjamin, hardware dealer, 230
Market Place.
Marsh Frederick, baker, 49 King
Edmund Street.
Marsh George, pork butcher, 118
Stafford Street.
Marsh James, baker, Himley Road.
Marsh John, fruiterer, 2 Ivanhoe
Marsh Mary A., (Mrs.), Crown & Anchor
P.H., 104 Hall Street.
Marsh William, shopkeeper, 4 Peel
Street off Salop Street.
Marshall Robert, solicitor &
commissioner for oaths & coroner for the
county borough of Dudley,
(firm, Jobson &
Marshall), 199 Wolverhampton Street.
Martin A. B., collector of poor &
district rates, County District, Town Hall.
Martin Benjamin, charter master,
Holly Hall House, Holly Hall.
Martin Joseph, tailor, see Silverman
& Martin.
Mason D. & Co. Limited, manufacturers
of dry soaps, Lawley Street.
Mason George Limited, provision
dealers, 38 Market Place.
Mason John & Company, iron merchants,
Shaw Road.
Mason, Williams & Co. Limited,
provision dealers, 111 & 112 Hall Street.
Mason Annie Louisa, (Mrs.), milliner,
114 High Street.
Mason Arthur E., accountant, 193
Wolverhampton Street.
Mason John G., coffee tavern, 248
Castle Street.
Masters C., (Mrs.), dress maker, 128
Queen's Cross.
Masters Charles, horse dealer, 6
Buffery Road.
Mayer Harry, insurance agent, 13
Turner Street.
Mayer Walter, hairdresser, 1
Southalls Lane.
Mayer William, tailor, 1 Southalls
Maypole Dairy Co. Limited, butter
factors, 35 Market Place.
Meller Charles, White Horse P.H., 5
New Mill Street.
Meredith John Young, builder, 12 Bond
Messiter Matthew Arden, M.R.C.S.Eng.,
surgeon, Cappoly, Priory Road.
Metcalfe's (Manchester) Limited,
mantle warehouse, 198 High Street.
Metropolitan Bank (of England & Wales)
Limited, (Frank Morley Baker, manager),
Market Place.
Midland Counties Express, branch,
Wolverhampton Street.
Midland Counties Mutual Benefit Society,
(R. Tanner, sec.), Holloway chambers, Priory
Midland Counties Trades Federation,
(John Taylor, see.), 63 Vicar Street.
Midland Manufacturing Company,
outfitters, Alma Place, King Street.
Midland Mutual Plate Glass Insurance
Company, (John H. Rann, sec.), 7 Priory
Midland Tramways Co. Limited, (Daniel
Davis, receiver), parcels office, 34
Wolverhampton Street.
Midwinter Frank, beer & wine
retailer, 64 Salop Street.
Miles Harry A., inspector of county
police, Police Station, Priory Street.
Millard Harriett, (Mrs.), beer
retailer, 12 Stafford Street.
Millington Arthur, builder, 53 North
Street, Kate's Hill.
Millington David, canal carrier,
Blackbrook Road, Holly Hall.
Millington Thomas, beer retailer, &
post office, 101 Stourbridge Road, Holly
Mills Mary, (Mrs.), butcher, 118 Hall
Mills Mary Ann, (Mrs.), grocer, 141
Salop Street.
Mills Matilda, (Mrs.), beer retailer,
18 High Street, Kate's Hill.
Mills Richard, Field House Cottage
P.H., 43 Oxford Street.
Mills Sarah, (Miss), wardrobe dealer,
25 New Hall Street.
Millward William John, brick maker,
Bunn's Lane, Kate's Hill.
Mitchell W. B. & T., hosiers &
glovers, 43 High Street.
Mitchell Ernest, baker, 20 Peel
Street, Kate's Hill.
Mitchell Frederick Charles, saddler,
4 & 21 Stone Street.
Mitchell Thomas, watch maker, 100
Wolverhampton Street.
Mitchell William, greengrocer, 157
Wolverhampton Street.
Moore Benjamin, coal dealer, 105 Dock
Moore Charles, pork butcher, 37 Bond
Moreton David, second hand clothes
dealer, 128 Salop Street.
Morris Daniel, butcher, 111 Stafford
Morris Frank, L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng.,
dentist, 204 Wolverhampton Street.
Morris George, dairyman, Oakham Road.
Morris George E., Railway Vaults P.H.,
37 Market Place.
Morris Harry, shopkeeper, 25 Dibdale
Morris Joseph S., deputy town clerk,
Town Hall.
Morris Thomas, furniture dealer, 12 &
13 Fisher Street.
Morton Albert, solicitor, clerk to
Dudley Grammar School & deputy steward of
the manor of Sedgley, Kingswinford & Rowley
Regis & steward of Church Clent, Birmingham
Moseley David, shopkeeper, 43 Church
Street & coal dealer, Prospect Row.
Moss Florence, (Miss), smallware
dealer, 30 Bond Street.
Moule Thomas, Hope Inn, 169 High
Mountford F. M., (Mrs.), grocer &
post office, 129 Tividale Road.
Moyle & Company, grocers, 105 Hall
Mullins A., hide & skin merchant &
broker, Dudley Row.
Mullins Isaac, butcher, 13 George
Street, Kate's Hill.
Mundon Samuel, shopkeeper, 242
Pedmore Road, Holly Hall.
Musty John Thomas, shopkeeper, & post
office, Dixon's Green.
Myers Agnes, (Miss), ladies'
outfitter, 178 High Street.
National Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Children, (John Henry Bowden,
18 North Street, Kate's Hill, inspector),
125 Wellington Road.
Nayler John & Son Limited, leather
merchants & curriers & manufacturers of
india rubber washers, sheets, belting,
hose, mitts, waterproof coats, leggings, air
proof goods & leather driving bands; samples
& prices on application. Castle Belting
works. Dudley.
Nayler William Limited, iron
merchants, Bond Street.
Naylor Edward, coal dealer, Himley
Naylor Harriet, (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
15 Dock Lane.
Naylor William, coal dealer etc.,
Stepping Stone Street.
Neales' Tea Stores, grocers, 18 & 19
Market Place.
Neath Harriet, (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
108 High Street.
Neath John, shopkeeper, 79 Stepping
Stone Street.
Needhams Limited, chemists, 218
Market Place.
Nelson J. & Sons Limited, butchers, 2
Hall Street.
Newey & Homer, mfrs. of bronze, steel
& brass fenders, kerbs, fire dogs, brasses
etc., quotations on application, London
Fields Works, Dudley.
Newey William Edward, L.S.A.Lond.,
M.R.C.S.Eng. surgeon & medical officer &
public vaccinator, Dudley North district,
Dudley Union, 40 Wellington Road.
Newton Samuel, shopkeeper, 17
Waterloo Street.
Nicholls Frances May, (Miss),
dressmaker, 30 Bath Street.
Nicholls Harry, tailor, 50 Wellington
Nichols Joseph, manager to Lloyds
Bank Limited, 25 Wolverhampton Street.
Nichols Sydney C., seedsman, 180 High
Nicholson H., oil merchant, Great
Western Goods Yard.
Nicklin lsaac, boot repairer, 92 Hall
Nicklin James William, fried fish
dealer, 140 Salop Street.
Nicklin Thomas, boot repairer, 82
Grange Road.
Noade Henry, shopkeeper, 1 Grainger
Nock Harry Arthur, maltster, corn
merchant & seedsman, 11 Castle Street,
Dudley & corn mills, The Delph, Brierley
Norris Albert E., butcher, 21 Dock
Northwood James, Hearty Good Fellow
P.H., 3 Maughan Street.
Nott Thomas, hairdresser, 29 Flood
Street. |

Wolverhampton Street in 1902 or
1903. From an old postcard. |
Commercial O to Q:
Oakes Joseph, grocer, 3 Martins Hill
Oakley & Coulson, builders, Stafford
Oakley Benjamin, beer retailer &
draper, 104 Salop Street.
Oakley Richard, Welch-Go-By P.H., 24
Salop Street.
Oakley William, confectioner, 3 Union
O'Dowd James Joseph, Locomotive Inn,
Trindle Road.
Old Bush Hotel, (Thomas Short), High
Ollis Thomas, brass designer, 1
Victoria Terrace.
O'Neill Patrick, confectioner, 37
Ball Street.
Ordish Edmund, confectioner, 149
Wolverhampton Street.
Orford Richard, fried fish dealer,
100 Hall Street.
Overfield Levi, shopkeeper, 65 St.
James' Terrace.
Owen George Thomas, wholesale
druggist, 101 High Street.
Owen James, shopkeeper, 93 Stafford
Owen Mary, (Miss), haberdasher, 89
Hall Street.
Pagett Levi Thomas, confectioner, 8
Castle Street.
Pallett & Company Limited, coach
builders, Birmingham Road.
Palmer Alexander, shopkeeper, 115
Stafford Street.
Pargeter John, currier & leather
seller, 111 King Street.
Pargeter John William, hairdresser, 6
Cromwell Street, Kate’s Hill.
Pargeter Thomas, Hope & Anchor P.H.,
23 Bond Street.
Parkes James & Son, cycle agents, 7
King Street.
Parkes Bertram Leonard, shopkeeper,
11 Brown Street, Kate's Hill.
Parkes John, shopkeeper, 56 Oakeywell
Parkes Joseph, iron founder, Abberley
Parkes Mary, (Mrs.), baker, 10 Earl
Street, Kate's HiIl.
Parkes Mary, (Mrs.), midwife, 30
Pitfield Street, Kate's Hill.
Parkes Thomas, Brewer's Arms P.H., 10
Fisher Street.
Parkes Thomas, shopkeeper. 22 Church
Parkes Walter, greengrocer, 5 St.
John's Road, Kate's Hill.
Parkes William Henry, hardware
dealer, 28 Bond Street.
Parks Mary, (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 67
Salop Street.
Parsons Ann, (Mrs.), stay maker, 115
Parsons Elizabeth, (Mrs.),
shopkeeper, 58 Vicarage Prospect.
Parsons Matthew, Saracens Head P.H.,
18 Stone Street.
Parsons Reuben, phonograph dealer, 26
New Street.
Partridge George S., draper, 132, 133
& 134 Wolverhampton Street.
Pasfield James, coal merchant, 1
Dixon's Green.
Peacock Emma, B. M., (Mrs.), wardrobe
dealer, 37 King Street.
Peake Joseph James, pawnbroker, 153
Salop Street.
Pearcey Edward, boot dealer, 73 High
Street, Holly Hall.
Pearcey Enoch, boot repairer, 101
King Street.
Pearl Life Assurance Co. Limited,
(John Henry Bartlett, supt.), district
office, 186 Wolverhampton Street.
Pearsall Mary, (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 3
Cross Street, Woodside.
Pearson David, boot & shoe maker, 111
Stourbridge Road, Holly Hall.
Pearson George Henry, Windmill Inn,
St. James Terrace.
Pearson John, draper, 26 Hall Street,
Holly Hall.
Pearson John, greengrocer, 23 Cross
Street, Woodside.
Pearson Phares, boot maker, 12
Martins Hill Street.
Pemberton Joseph, coal merchant, 92
Dixon's Green & L. & N. W. coal wharf,
Tipton Road.
Penn John, insurance agent, 37
Wellington Road.
Percy Albert Ernest, A.C.A.,
accountant, Charlton House, Priory Street.
Percy Henry Charles, travelling
draper, 8 Vicar Street.
Percy Martha, (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 32
Edward Street.
Percy William James, travelling
draper, 4 Vicar Street.
Perkes & Company, carters, 27 Hall
Perkins Albert, butcher, 86 Stafford
Perkins Richard, insurance agent, 9
New Bond Street.
Perks Frances Kate, (Mrs.),
tobacconist, 112 Wolverhampton Street.
Perks Joseph, mattress manufacturer,
17 West Street & 16 Salop Street.
Perks William, Board P.H., 223 Market
Perks William, seedsman, 19
Wolverhampton Street.
Perry Alfred, tobacconist, 164
Stourbridge Road, Holly Hall.
Perry James A., butcher, 46 High
Street, Holly Hall.
Peters James, marine store dealer,
52a Himley Street.
Phillips Abrabam, shopkeeper, 36 High
Street, Holly Hall.
Phillips William, boot repairer, 101
Salop Street.
Phipps Rose, (Mrs.), apartments, 6
Bourne Street.
Picton & Company, carriers, Castle
Hotel yard, Castle Street.
Pictureland Picture Palace, (Bishop &
Hollis, proprietors) Temperance Hall, High
Piggott J. & C., fender makers, 9
Maughan Street.
Pittaway Henry, builder, 96 Himley
Plant Daniel, fishmonger, 36 Church
Plant Elizabeth, (Mrs.), furniture
dealer, 116 Stafford Street.
Plant George Thomas Sheridan,
solicitor & commissioner for oaths, 187
Wolverhampton Street.
Plant Martha, (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 9
Fountain Street.
Plant Richard, shopkeeper, 38 Swan
Plevey Edward, insurance agent, 14
Vicar Street.
Pleydon John, cattle dealer,
Blackacre Road.
Pool George, shopkeeper, Price
Street, Kate's Hill.
Poole George, shopkeeper, 23 Crown
Poole Thomas, Shoulder of Mutton P.H.,
29 Dixon's Green
Porter Joseph, collector to South
Staffordshire Water Works Co., 202
Wolverhampton Street.
Post Office Telephone Service, 64
Tower Street.
Potter Alfred, furniture dealer, 43
Wolverhampton Street.
Potter George Hy., general dealer, 28
St. John's Street, Kate's Hill.
Potter John, vice maker, New Mill
Poulson John D., Vine Inn, 23 Flood
Poultney Charles, printer, 5 New Hall
Poultney Mary Rebecca, (Mrs.),
shopkeeper, 5 Bond Street.
Powell Alfred Thomas, commercial
traveller, 216 Burnt Tree.
Powell Martha, (Mrs.), coal dealer,
35 Fisher Street.
Powell William, marine store dealer,
44 Stafford Street.
Powell William, pawnbroker, 18 West
Street & 103 High Street.
Power Thomas, blacksmith, Court
Pratt Elizabeth, (Mrs.), milk seller,
4 Queen's Cross.
Pratt Sarah Jane, (Mrs.), Court House
Inn, 25 New Street.
Pratt Thomas Plimmer, jeweller, 52
High Street.
Prattley George Henry, milk dealer,
29 Bond Street.
Preece & Company Limited, wholesale
grocers, 96 High Street.
Preece Albert, shopkeeper, 54
Wolverhampton Street.
Preedy Alfred & Sons, wholesale
tobacconists, 84 High Street & retail, 36
Market Place.
Price Brothers, bakers, Brewery
Street, Kate's Hill.
Price Enoch, haulier, 85 St. James'
Price Enoch, White Swan P.H., 6 Swan
Price Frederick William, commercial
traveller, Quarry House, Bennett's Hill,
Kate's Hill.
Price Harry, training school for
clerks, 202 Wolverhampton Street.
Price John Dudley, L.R.C.P.Lond.,
M.R.C.S.Eng. surgeon & medical officer &
public vaccinator, Dudley South district,
Dudley Union, Waddam's Pool.
Price Matilda, (Mrs.), coal dealer, 2
Constitution Hill.
Price Thomas, toy dealer, 162
Wolverhampton Street.
Prince Silas, builder, 113 Queen's
Priory Clothing Company, who,
clothiers, 49 Tower Street.
Priory Motor Engineering Company,
motor garage, New Street.
Pritchard Thomas, shopkeeper, 14
Provident Clothing Supply Company Limited,
(Thomas Wilcox, manager), 5 Priory Street.
Prudential Assurance Company Limited,
(Hubert Richard Major, superintendent), 94
Blower's Green Road.
Public Baths, (John Thomas Smith,
manager), Queen's Cross.
Public Benefit Boot Company Limited,
boot dealers, branch, 31 Market Place.
Purnell Joseph Lewis, tailor, 91 High
Purnell Samuel, pawnbroker, 154 Upper
High Street.
Purslow William, secretary &
accountant to the South Staffordshire Mines
Drainage Commissioners, Trindle House.
Quinton Mary, (Miss), boot & shoe
dealer, 220 Wolverhampton Street. |

Stone Street in the 1930s. From an
old postcard. |
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