The Commercial
Directory, R to Y, from the Dudley section in
Kelly's 1912 Worcestershire Directory: |
Commercial R and S:
Ramsell Thomas, draper, 127
Wolverhampton Street.
Randle Walter, insurance agent, 5
Smith Street.
Rann Joseph, shopkeeper, 125 High
Street, Holly Hall.
Ray John, insurance agent, 37
Caroline Street, Kate’s Hill.
Raybould, Whitehouse & Co. Limited,
wholesale & manufacturing chemists &
druggists’ sundries men, Reform Works,
Wellington Road.
Raybould David, Crown Inn, High
Street, Woodside.
Raybould Esther Ann, (Miss),
haberdasher, 121 Salop Street.
Raybould Walter Edward, travelling
draper, 92 Oakham Road.
Rea John Thomas, druggist, 75 St.
John's Road, Kate's Hill.
Redfern Emily, (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 88
High Street.
Refuge Assurance Co. Limited, (J. H.
Dudley, district manager), Union Chambers,
High Street.
Reed William, shopkeeper, 13 Cross
Street, Woodside.
Reid Ernest Walter, pawnbroker, 4
George Street, Kate's Hill.
Reidy Elizabeth, (Mrs.), boot & shoe
maker, 54 High Street.
Reynolds Arthur, smith, Dudley Row.
Rhodes George, horse clipper, 21
Southalls Lane.
Rhodes Job, fruiterer, 197 High
Rhodes Major, grocer, 9 High Street,
Kate's Hill.
Rhodes Solomon, grocer, 144 & 145
Wolverhampton Street.
Rhodes Thomas, M.R.C.S.Eng.,
L.R.C.P.Edin., surgeon & physician, 188
Wolverhampton Street.
Rhodes Wilfred, fruiterer &
greengrocer, 14 Castle Street, & 131
Tividale Road.
Rhodes William, coal dealer,
Birmingham Street.
Rhodes William, fried fish dealer,
165 High Street.
Richards John, basket maker, 83 King
Richards Joseph T., beer retailer, 20
Dock Lane.
Richards Samuel, bird dealer, 7 Bath
Richardson Harold, clothier, 229 &
242 Market Place.
Richardson's Central Drug Stores,
pharmaceutical chemist, 222 Market Place.
Ridgway Annie, (Miss), Old Waggon &
Horses P.H., Stourbridge Road, Scott's
Riley Annette, (Miss), shopkeeper, 43
Flood Street.
Riley Thomas James, greengrocer, 40
Stafford Street.
Rissbrook William, milliner, 6 Hall
River Plate Fresh Meat Co. Limited,
butchers, 119 Hall Street.
Robbins & Co. Limited, iron founders,
Fountain Street.
Robbins James, Miners Arms P.H., 98
Salop Street.
Roberts Bernard Hamilton St. Clair,
M.RC.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond., surgeon, 97 High
Roberts Harry Brown, indoor collector
of poor & district rates, Town Hall.
Roberts John William, Ph.D.,
L.D.S.F.P.S.Glas., dental surgeon, 97 High
Robey Peter John, solicitor, Oakham
Robinson Christopher, bird dealer, 73
Wolverhampton Street.
Robinson George Thomas, watch & clock
maker, 181 High Street.
Robinson John, fancy repository, 2
Castle Street.
Robinson Joseph, Britannia P.H., 18
Queen’s Cross.
Robinson Martha Jane, (Mrs.),
servants' registry office, 2 Castle Street.
Robinson William, boot repairer, 1
Cromwell Street, Kate's Hill.
Robson Ernest, butcher, 17 Hall
Rogers Thomas, coal merchant, L. &
N.W. Railway Co.'s goads yard, Tipton Road &
18 Peel Street.
Rohrer Anselm, watch maker, 2 Flood
Rolinson Maria, (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
82 Cromwell Street, Kate's Hill.
Rollason Alice, (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
53 High Street, Holly Hall.
Rollason Arthur Adolphus, solicitor,
13 Dixon's Green.
Rollason Mary Ann, (Mrs.),
shopkeeper, 48 Salop Street.
Rollason Samuel, greengrocer, 32
Brown Street, Kate's Hill.
Rollinson Benjamin, coal dealer, Red
Rollinson John, Acorn P.H., 31 John
Rollinson Joseph, boot maker, 30
Abberley Street.
Rollinson Randolph, Green Dragon P.H.,
20 King Street.
Round Mark & Sons, builders,
contractors, undertakers & masons in
granite, marble or stone, New Street;
showrooms, Wellington Road.
Round Arthur, boot repairer, 4 St.
James' Road.
Round Benjamin, boot maker, 18
Abberley Street.
Round Bert, grocer, 416 Stourbridge
Road, Holly Hall.
Round Ellen, (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 254
Pedmore Road, Holly Hall.
Round Harry, boot repairer, 125
Stourbridge Road, Holly Hall.
Round James, news agent & post
office, 29 Wellington Road.
Round Jeremiah, shopkeeper, 26
Cromwell Street, Kate's Hill.
Round Jeremiah W., coal dealer, 47
Blackacre Road.
Round Jesse, milk seller, 239 Pedmore
Road, Holly Hall.
Round Martha, (Mrs.), marine store
dealer, 124 Himley Road.
Round Martha, (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 85
Oakeywell Street.
Round Mary Jane, (Mrs.), Rose & Crown
P.H., 577 Stourbridge Road, Scott's Green.
Round Thomas, builder, see Jakeman &
Round Wilfred, draper, 42 Salop
Round William, haulier, Greystone
Round William Henry, bricklayer, 12
Castle View.
Rowe John, Reindeer P.H., 21
Oakeywell Street.
Rowlands Adam, grocer, 41 Vicarage
Rowley Alfred, shopkeeper, 2
Rowton Henry, chemist & dentist, 109
Hall Street.
Roxburgh & Rushworth, milliners, 82
High Street.
Roxburgh Ellen, (Mrs.), dressmaker,
20 Inhedge.
Royal Liver Friendly Society, (Samuel
Littler, district manager), 1 & 2 Stone
Royal London Mutual Insurance Society
Limited, (George Henry Dolby, district
supt.), 10 Queen's Cross.
Royster Charles, Angel P.H., 9 Castle
Ruck Mary, (Mrs.), Castle Hotel,
Castle Street.
Rudd Adeline, (Mrs.), fried fish
dealer, 107 Wolverhampton Street.
Rudd George, wardrobe dealer, 9 Peel
Street, Kate's Hill.
Rudd William, wardrobe dealer, 76 St.
John's Road, Kate's Hill.
Rudge Fanny, (Mrs.), basket maker, 85
King Street.
Rudge William Edward, cooper, 81 High
Rushforth Arthur, art metal worker,
Churchfield Street.
Rushworth Lily, (Miss), milliner, see
Roxburgh & Rushworth.
Russ Fred, Cross Keys P.H., 39
Oakeywell Street.
Russell Edward, colliery agent, Shaw
Russon Florence Matilda, (Miss),
apartments, 136 Holly Hall.
Russon William, boot & shoe dealer,
32 Ivanhoe Street.
Ruston Fred, greengrocer, 126
Wolverhampton Street.
Rutland & Lett Limited, importers &
bonders of & dealers in foreign wines &
spirits, agents for Worthington & Co.
Burton-on-Trent & Guinness & Co. Dublin, 63
High Street.
Rutter Edward John, yeast merchant,
90 High Street.
Sadler Lucy, (Mrs.), fruiterer &
greengrocer, see Ainsbury & Sadler.
St. Catherine's Servants' Training Home,
(Miss C. Raybould matron, Miss Elizabeth Ann
Jones, sec.), 6 Inhedge.
St. John Ambulance Brigade, (Dudley
Centre), (William E. Hartland, supt., Joseph
Henry Whorton, hon. sec., Himley Road), head
quarters, Stone Street.
Sammons William, smith, Owen Street,
Kate's Hill.
Sandford Thomas, fried fish dealer,
33 Bath Street.
Saunders & Company, domestic
machinery agents, 107 Wellington Road.
Saunders Ernest T., machinist, 108
Wellington Road.
Scarr A. W. & Sons Limited, fancy
goods dealers, 201 High Street.
School of Arts & Crafts, (W. H. Meggs,
principal, J. M. Wynne, director of
education), St. James' Road.
School of Cookery, (Miss Elizabeth
Halsall, teacher), Ragged Schools, Fisher
Street, & Harts Hill, Holly Hall.
Scriven Daniel & William Hy.,
tailors, 122 Tividale Road.
Seckerson Alice, (Miss), shopkeeper,
8 Abberley Street.
Seckerson Edmund, builder, 56 Ivanhoe
Shakespeare Brothers, stationers, 56
Wolverhampton Street.
Shakespeare Charles, greengrocer, 9
Brown Street, Kate's Hill.
Shakespeare Elizabeth, (Miss),
shopkeeper, 5 Cross Street, Woodside.
Shakespeare John, lodging house, 7
Birmingham Street.
Shakespeare Sarah, (Mrs.), boot &
shoe maker, 131 Wolverhampton Street.
Shakespeare William, fruiterer, 120
Wolverhampton Street & Opera House
Buildings, Birmingham Road.
Shaw Alfred, shopkeeper, 9 Junction
Shaw Thomas, shopkeeper, 20 St.
John's Street, Kate's Hill.
Shaw William, greengrocer, 43
Stafford Street.
Shedden Dunean Jones, auctioneer,
surveyor, machinery, general valuer, 2
Priory Street.
Sheldon Alfred, grocer, 3
Wolverhampton Street.
Sheldon Francis, beer retailer, 33
Cromwell Street, Kate's Hill.
Sheldon William, greengrocer, 106
Queen's Cross.
Shephard Joseph Arthur, solicitor;
see Ward & Shephard.
Sherratt Thomas Young, lamp
manufacturer, 158 Wolverhampton Street.
Sherwood Samuel, fried fish dealer,
89 Cromwell Street, Kate's Hill.
Shore Harold, undertaker, 3 Peel
Street, Kate's Hill.
Short William, commission agent,
certified bailiff & sheriff's officer, 21a,
Stone Street.
Shorter Mary, (Mrs.), shopkeeper 32 &
glass & china dealer 33, Wellington Road.
Shrimpton Robert, confectioner &
tobacconist, 31 Flood Street.
Shutt Caroline, (Miss), shopkeeper,
26 Southalls Lane.
Shuttleworth C. & Son, wood turners,
146 High Street & King Street.
Silbers Sarah, (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 44
Cross Street.
Silverman & Martin, tailors, Tower
Silvers George Henry, pawnbrokers
Swan Street.
Simmons Charles, beer retailer, The
Square, Woodside, Holly Hall.
Simmons Joseph, ticket writer, 84
King Street.
Sims Harriet E., (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
99 Wolverhampton Street.
Singer Sewing Machine Co. Limited,
(John Corbett, branch manager), 217
Wolverhampton Street.
Sisters of Charity of St. Paul,
(Mother Aloysius, matron), 31 & 32 Bourne
Skidmore James, shopkeeper, 11
Vauxhall Street.
Skidmore Thomas, shopkeeper, 6 Crown
Skinner Herbert, station master,
Great Western Railway Company.
Slater Gilbert, solicitor, (firm,
Jones (Stanier), Slater & Camm), 198
Wolverhampton Street.
Slater Robert, apartments, 57 Tower
Smart Thomas & Sons Limited, brass
founders, 38 Cromwell Street, Kate's Hill.
Smart Daniel, beer retailer, 35
Prospect Row.
Smart Joseph, fire iron maker, see
Cox & Smart.
Smart Samuel, boot repairer, 29
Stafford Street.
Smart Samuel, mineral water
manufacturer, Lawley Street.
Smart Samuel H., boot & shoe dealer,
156 Wolverhampton Street.
Smart Thomas, boot repairer, 125
Wolverhampton Street.
Smart Thomas, shopkeeper, 8 Himley
Smellie James Limited, fender makers,
Oxford Street.
Smith & Davies, fender makers, 110
King Street.
Smith E. & Son, art metal workers, Red
Smith Harry & Thomas, weighing
machine manufacturers, 163 High Street.
Smith J. & F., safe makers, 27
Shedden Street.
Smith Edward, wholesale woollen
draper, see Grainger & Smith Limited.
Smith Elizabeth, (Mrs.), apartments,
furnished, 127 Queen's Cross.
Smith Ephraim, Fir Tree P.H., 6 St.
John's Road, Kate's Hill.
Smith Ernest, chemist, 83 Upper High
Smith Frederic Gordon, solicitor, 183
High street.
Smith Henry Percy, draper, 109
Stafford Street.
Smith Hugh, L.R.C.S.Edia., L.S.A.,
surgeon, 13 North Street.
Smith James, beer retailer, 29
Birmingham Street.
Smith James, boot & shoe maker, 5
Porter Street.
Smith James, general dealer, 20 Dock
Smith Joseph, beer retailer, 422
Stourbridge Road, Holly Hall.
Smith Joseph, fancy draper, 105a Hall
Smith Joseph, ironmonger, 28 Market
Smith Joseph, potato dealer, 13
Little Street.
Smith Joseph, shopkeeper, 21 Queen's
Smith Joseph, solicitor & clerk to
the borough magistrates, Town Hall.
Smith Maria, (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 15
Vicarage Prospect.
Smith Mary Ann, (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
38 Flood Street.
Smith Matthew, Lamp P.H., & brewer,
Queen's Cross.
Smith Richard, hairdresser, 185 High
Smith Samuel, haberdasher, 2a Maughan
Smith Sarah Jane, (Mrs.), Brown Lion
P.H., 241 Market Place.
Smith Stanley, solicitor, 182 High
Smith Thomas, shopkeeper, 15 Vicarage
Smith Thomas Naylor, house furnisher,
7 Wolverhampton Street.
Smith Walter, shopkeeper, 1 Edward
Smith William, coal dealer, 27 Grove
Street, Kate's Hill.
Smith William Henry, house decorator,
108 Stourbridge Road, Holly Hall.
South Staffordshire & East Worcestershire
Coal Masters' Association, (John Dudley,
sec.), Castle Foot.
South Staffordshire & East Worcestershire
Coal Trade Wages & Conciliation Board,
(John Dudley, employers’ sec.), Castle Foot.
South Staffordshire Mines Drainage
Commissioners, (Edmund Howl, general
manager, William. Purslow, sec.), Trindle
South Staffordshire Water Works Company,
(Joseph Porter, collector), 202
Wolverhampton Street.
Southall Annie, (Mrs.), apartments,
33 King Street.
Southall Enoch B., tailor, 27
Highland Road.
Southall Jack, cycle agent, 108
Stafford Street.
Southall Maria, (Mrs.), baby linen
warehouse, 113 Wolverhampton Street.
Southall Matthew, fruit & potato
salesman, 25 Stone Street.
Southan Brothers, clothiers, 34
Market Place.
Speke Richard, chief Inspector of
county police & Explosives Act inspector,
Police Station, Priory Street.
Spibey James Russel, assistant
overseer, Town Hall.
Spratt Alfred, insurance agent, 88
St. John's Road, Kate's Hill.
Staffordshire Edge Tool Company, tool
manufacturers, Alma Place, King Street.
Staffordshire Iron & Steel Institute,
(W. H. Carder, sec. Burnt Tree, Tipton), The
Dudley Institute, Wolverhampton Street.
Stainton L. & P., (Misses),
milliners, 17 & 203 Wolverhampton Street.
Stainton Samuel J., architects, see
Cherrington & Stainton.
Stansbie George Henry, insurance
agent, 71 Wolverhampton Street.
Stanson Elizabeth, (Mrs.),
apartments, 3 Trindle Road.
Stanton James, pianoforte dealer, 10
Castle Street.
Station Hotel, (Wolverhampton &
Dudley Breweries Limited, proprietors),
Birmingham Road.
Stephens Thomas, fried fish dealer,
13 Queen's Cross.
Stevens Florence, (Mrs.), milliner,
105 High Street.
Stevens Harry, Dog & Partridge P.H.,
81 Cromwell Street, Kate's Hill.
Stevens William Thomas, greengrocer,
152 High Street.
Stevens Arnold Turner, incorporated
accountant, & hon. sec. Dudley Conservative
Club, 262 Castle Street.
Stewart's Clothiers Limited,
clothiers, 212 High Street.
Stirling & Company, art metal
workers, 7 Hope Street.
Stockley George, Oddfellows Arms P.H.,
26 Stepping Stone Street.
Stone Street Home Brewing Society Limited,
(Benjamin, Pearson, sec.), 12 Stone Street.
Stone Charles, Struggling Man P.H.,
37 Salop Street.
Stone Joseph, Ye Old Struggling Man
P.H., 95 Wolverhampton Street.
Stone Thomas, shopkeeper, 68 Salop
Stourbridge Glazed Brick & Fire Clay Co.
Limited, Thornleigh Works, Holly Hall.
Street Lillian, (Miss), dressmaker,
10 Gammage Street.
Stroyd Maud Mabel, (Miss), costumier,
211 Birmingham Road.
Sunshine Laundry, (Mrs. M. Jones,
manageress), 50 High Street.
Sutton George, chimney sweep, 74
Wolverhampton Street.
Sutton Luke, shopkeeper, 13 Ivanhoe
Sutton Sarah A., (Mrs.), midwife, 18
Brown Street, Kate's Hill.
Sutton William, chimney sweeper, 104
Queen's Cross.
Swingler William, grocer, 137 Salop
Street. |

Hall Street in the 1900s. From an
old postcard. |
Commercial T, U and V:
Tanfield Doylah,
accountant, see Wall & Tanfield.
Tanfield Thomas William, manager of
Market Place branch of United Counties Bank
Limited, & sec. to the Dudley & District
Benefit Building Society, Fountain Chambers,
Market Place.
Tarpaulin & Roofing Felt Company,
waterproof oil sheet, roofing felt, rope,
twine etc. manufacturers, Shaver's End.
Taylor H. R. & Company, wholesale
newsagents, 5 Stone Street.
Taylor Annie, (Mrs.), wardrobe
dealer, 30 Flood Street.
Taylor Fanny Beatrice, (Mrs.), nurse,
79 Ivanhoe Street.
Taylor George, cowkeeper, 10 George
Street, Kate's Hill.
Taylor George John, hairdresser, 167
High Street.
Taylor John, secretary to the
Amalgamated Nut & Bolt Makers Association, &
the Midland Counties Trades
Federation to the Anvil & Vice Trades
Association, 63 Vicar Street.
Taylor Joseph, turncock, 22 Hill
Street, Kate's Hill.
Taylor William P., solicitor, & agent
for the Earl of Dudley’s estates, Estates
office, Downing Street.
Teague Mary, (Mrs.), California P.H.,
13 George Street, Kate's Hill.
Teague William,
hairdresser, 31 Bond Street.
Territorial Force Battalion (7th)
Worcestershire Regiment, (G & H
Companies.), (Capt. W. J. Thompson G
Company), (Capt. O. S. Hooper (H. Company),
(Sergeant Instructor, J. C. Jones),
Wolverhampton Street.
Theedam E. C. Limited, ironmongers,
53 High Street.
Thomas George, Locomotive P.H., 21
Vicar Street.
Thomas John, Star Inn, 92
Wolverhampton Street.
Thomas Joseph, tobacconist, 125
Tividale Road.
Thomas Mary, (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 29
Buffery Road.
Thompson & Warmington, solicitors,
265 Castle Street.
Thompson Edward, shopkeeper, 29 St.
John's Street, Kate’s Hill.
Thompson George Frederick,
confectioner, 10 Wolverhampton Street.
Thompson H. E., house painter &
plumber, 74 Hall Street.
Thompson Hannah, (Mrs.), floorcloth
dealer, 66 High street, Kate's Hill.
Thompson John, bridge & girder
manufacturer, Windmill Works.
Thompson Lee, fender maker, Dock
Thompson William Henry, (firm,
Thompson & Warmington), solicitor &
commissioner for oaths & secretary of
Baylis's Trust, Castle Street.
Thornsbury Mark, shopkeeper, 136
Wolverhampton Street.
Thurman James, shopkeeper, 158 High
Timmington May, (Miss), dressmaker,
49 Constitution Hill.
Timmins Abraham, baker, 2 St. John's
Road, Kate's Hill.
Timmins Arthur, Royal Oak P.H., 136
Salop Street.
Timmins David, shopkeeper, 5 Clifford
Timmins James, fender manufacturer,
King Edmund Street.
Timmins Samuel Edwin, haberdasher,
104 High Street.
Timmins Thomas, shopkeeper, 16 Crown
Timmins Thomas Joseph, shopkeeper, 16
Oakeywell Street.
Timmins William, oil & colour
merchant etc. 28 & 29 Hall Street.
Timmins William Frederick,
apartments, 59 Tower Street.
Timmins William M., Barley Mow P.H.,
37 Constitution Hill.
Tinsley Emily M., (Miss), nurse, 8
Buffery Road.
Tinsley William Henry, solicitor &
commissioner for oaths, 19 Stone Street.
Tipton Herald, (Dudley Herald Ltd.
Proprietors, pub. sat).
Todd Mary Ann, (Mrs.), Miners Arms
P.H., 236b, Market Place.
Tombs Reuben, shopkeeper, 53
Birmingham Street.
Tonks Albert, greengrocer, 143
Wolverhampton Street.
Tonks Ernest, confectioner, 170 High
Toole James, army recruiting officer,
51 Tower Street.
Tordoff Eliza, (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 8
Constitution Hill.
Town Hall, (J. Jones, keeper), Priory
Tracy James, licensed lodging house,
77 Wolverhampton Street,
Tranter Benjamin, Vine Inn, 42
Wolverhampton Street.
Trevor John, house & estate agent, 37
Vicar Street.
Troath Sidney, tailor, 112 King
Troman Harry, estate agent, see
Gardiner, Ball & Troman.
Tromans George, shopkeeper, 56 Hall
Trow William, confectioner, 256
Castle Street.
Trudell Minnie Helens, (Mrs.),
pawnbroker, 70 High Street, Kate's Hill.
Tryon Claude, agent to the Earl of
Dudley's mines & iron department, The Priory
Tucker John Samuel, turncock, 39
Abberley Street.
Turley George Archer, tailor, 15
Grainger Street.
Turner S. F. Limited, bedstead
manufacturers. Dock Lane.
Turner Benjamin, butcher, 138 Salop
Turner Edwin, beer retailer, 19 St.
John's Street, Kate's Hill,
Turner Harriet, (Mrs.), butcher, 14
Salop Street.
Turner John, jun. butcher, 100 Dock
Turner John, butcher, 147
Wolverhampton Street.
Turner John Edward, butcher, 135
Wolverhampton Street.
Turner John H., Vine Inn, 243 Market
Turner Mark Round, shopkeeper, 18
Churchfield Street.
Turner Richard, butcher, 20 Bond
Turner Richard, Ernest, butcher, 3
St. John's Road, Kate's Hill.
Turner Thomas, cattle dealer, 4 St.
John's Road, Kate's Hill.
Turner Thomas, farmer, Watson's
Green, Kate's Hill.
Turner Thomas, Jolly Collier P.H., 5
The Square, Woodside, Holly Hall.
Turnley William H., hosier & glover,
222 Wolverhampton Street.
Underwood Walter J. shopkeeper, 11
Himley Road.
United Counties Bank Limited,
(William Greenhill, manager), 1 Vicar Street
& Market place (Thomas W. Tanfield,
Universal Tea Company, tea dealers,
235 Market Place.
Vallett Thomas L., news agent, 111
High Street.
Vanes Cephas, beer retailer, 58
Constitution Hill.
Vaughan Edwin, file & rasp
manufacturer, Shaw Road.
Vert & Company, photographers, 67
High Street.
Vickers Jessie Mona, (Miss),
shopkeeper, 53 Grove Street, Kate's Hill.
Vickers William, Waggon & Horses P.H.,
586 Stourbridge Road, Scott's Green.
Vince George A., sign writer, 42
Prince Albert Street.
Viner George Henry & Son, painters &
plumbers, 63 Wellington Road.
Voce Ivy Helena, (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
1 Bond Street. |

Dudley Road, Brierley Hill, in the
1930s. From an old postcard. |
Commercial W and Y:
Wade Helen, (Miss), teacher of
languages, 67 Wellington Road.
Wade Joseph William, Fox P.H., 152
Wolverhampton Street.
Wakeman Alice, (Mrs.), apartments, 58
Tower Street.
Walker Brothers Limited, iron
merchants, Hall Street.
Walker James, hairdresser, 25 Holland
Walker John, ironmonger, 95 High
Walker John, travelling draper, 2
Victoria Terrace.
Wall & Tanfield, accountants, 19
Priory Street.
Wall William, shopkeeper, 56 Lawley
Walshe Patrick John, Britannia P.H.,
96 Hall Street.
Walter Ellen, (Miss), shopkeeper, see
Handley & Walter.
Walters James, Sir Robert Peel P.H.,
35 Salop Street.
Walters John, beer retailer, 28
Stafford Street.
Ward & Shephard, solicitors, 23
Wolverhampton Street.
Ward Basil Lawrence, manager Board of
Trade Labour Exchange, Holloway Chambers,
Priory Street.
Ward Catherine Sarah, (Miss), ladies'
outfitter, 189 High Street.
Ward Joseph, grocer, 17 High Street,
Kate's Hill.
Ward Samuel, dining rooms, 183 High
Ware William Charles, dining rooms,
108 King Street.
Waring George William, mining
engineer, 44 Wellington Road.
Waring William H., tailor, 34 Tower
Warmington Harold Henry, solicitor
(firm, Thompson & Warmington), Castle
Wassell Harry Percy, artificial teeth
manufacturer, 19 Wellington Road.
Wastall Ada, (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 6
Southalls Lane.
Wastie Frank, shopkeeper, 77 Flood
Watchorn John, fried fish dealer,
109, & 110 High Street.
Watkins Emanuel, Ivy House P.H., 1
Brewery Street, Kate's Hill.
Watton Benjamin, Old Castle P.H., 40
Wolverhampton Street.
Webb Doris Evelyn, (Miss), teacher of
pianoforte, 59 St. John's Street, Kate's
Webb Eliza, (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 102
Stafford Street.
Webb Richard Wilkinson, tailor, 255
Castle Street.
Webb Rosanna, (Mrs.), coal dealer, 55
Tower Street.
Webb Samuel, butcher, 28 Buffery
Webb Sidney Albert, builder, Porter
Street & 6 Caroline Street.
Webb Simeon, cab proprietor, 10 Tower
Webb Wm. Edward, fried fish shop, 39
Constitution Hill.
Webberley Frank, draper, 13 Hall
Wedgberrow Thomas C., Green Man Inn,
270 Castle Street.
Wednesbury Borough News & Darlaston
Chronicle, (Dudley Herald Limited,
proprietors, published Saturday).
Wellings Joseph & Son, wheelwrights,
Grange Road.
Wellings Ernest, butcher, 139 Ivanhoe
Wellington Coal Wharf, (The Earl of
Dudley's, William Henry Witton, agent),
Wellington Road.
Wenyon George H., architect &
surveyor, Birmingham Road,
Werner Florence A., (Mrs.), milliner,
247 Castle Street.
Wesleyan & General Assurance Society,
(Alfred S. Hough, superintendent), 28
Wolverhampton Street.
West William, shopkeeper, 78 High
Street, Kate's Hill.
Westley William & Son, brass
founders, Shaw Road.
Westley A. Edgar, brass founder, 10
Price Street, Kate's Hill.
Weston Mary, (Mrs.), George Inn, 74
High Street.
Westwood R. J. & Company, iron bucket
makers, 61 Wellington Road.
Westwood & Wrights, boiler makers &
founders, Stourbridge Road, Scott's Green.
Westwood Benjamin, fishmonger 142, &
fried fish dealer 140 Wolverhampton Street.
Westwood John, picture frame maker,
137 Wolverhampton Street.
Westwood John Thomas, picture frame
maker, 10 Cromwell Street, Kate's Hill.
Westwood Ralph Julius, registrar of
marriages for Dudley Union, 61 Wellington
Westwood Thomas, beer retai1er, 30
King Street.
Westwood Thomas, coal merchant,
Oakeywell Street & Minories.
Westwood William, grocer, 162 High
Street, Holly Hall.
Whale Arthur, boot repairer, 37
Edward Street.
Whale Joseph, shopkeeper, 10 Brewery
Street, Kate's Hill.
Whale William, boot maker, 5 Buffery
Whatmore J., house decorator, 42
Blackacre Road.
Whatmore Thomas, grocer, 80 Stafford
Whitcombe Harold Arthur, M.B.,
Ch.B.Birm. resident: medical officer, The
Dispensary, Priory Road.
White Alfred Henry, printer &
stationer, 34 King Street.
White Edward, butcher, 45
Wolverhampton Street.
White George, gas collector, 140 High
Whitehead Samuel, shopkeeper, 69
Stafford Street.
Whitehouse C. & Sons, bill posters,
36 King Street.
Whitehouse Albert Bernard, solicitor
& commissioner for oaths, clerk to
commissioners of taxes for Dudley, Halesowen
& Oldbury districts, & agent & referee for
Guarantee Society & Union Fire & Life
Insurance Societies, 262 Castle Street, & at
Whitehouse Alfred, draper, 214
Pedmore Road, Holly Hall.
Whitehouse Benjamin, rope & twine
maker, 134 High Street, Holly Hall.
Whitehouse Frank, tobacconist, 213
High Street.
Whitehouse Isaac, boot & shoe maker,
148 Wolverhampton Street.
Whitehouse John, town crier &
sergeant at mace, 12 Brook Street.
Whitehouse John, Waggon & Horses P.H.,
22 Hall Street.
Whitehouse William, Black Swan P.H.,
76 King Street.
Whitehouse William, butcher, 138
Wolverhampton Street.
Whitfield George, costumier, 71 High
Whitford Herbert, stationer &
newsagent, 77 High Street.
Whitley Mary Maria, (Miss), fancy
repos. 128 Tividale Road.
Whitmore Joseph, fruiterer, 106 & 107
Hall Street.
Whitmore Joseph Elton, poulterer, 7
Hall Street.
Whittaker Brothers Limited,
electrical engineers, 204aWolverhampton
Whittaker J. P. & Son, saddlers, 214
High Street.
Whitwell James, cabinet maker, 42
Hall Street.
Whitworth William E., surveyor of
taxes, Priory Street.
Whorton & Hartill, cycle agents, 220
& 221 Wolverhampton Street.
Whorton Alice, (Miss), shopkeeper, 97
Salop Street.
Wilden Walter, greengrocer, 163
Wolverhampton Street.
Wilding Henry C., British Oak P.H., 9
Cross Street.
Wilkes Arthur, pork butcher, 56 High
Wilkes James, shopkeeper, 3 Porter's
Wilkes John, shopkeeper, 39 Vicar
Wilkes Richard, glass manufacturer,
27 Campbell Street.
Wilkes Samuel, Good Fellows Arms P.H.,
57 Flood Street.
Wilkinson Joshua, jun. (Dudley)
Limited, manufacturers of anvils & vices,
Freebodies Works, St. John's Road,
Kate's Hill & Dock Forge.
Wilkinson Joshua & Sons, vice & anvil
manufacturers, Churchfield Street.
Wilkinson & Company, vice & anvil
makers, 8 Spring Gardens.
Wilkinson Frederick, boot dealer, 9
Cross Street, Woodside.
Wilkinson George Herbert, baker, 24
Price Street, Kate's Hill.
Wilkinson James Howard, M.R.C.S.Eng.,
L.R.C.P.Lond., D.P.H.Oxon., surgeon &
physician, & medical officer of health to
the borough, Ednam Lodge, St. James' Road.
Wilkinson William, jun., Old Priory
Inn, 15 New Street.
Willcox Alex James, hairdresser, 9
Wolverhampton Street.
Willetts John, fruiterer, 104
Wolverhampton Street.
Willetts Joseph, general dealer, 15
New Hall Street.
Williams Bros., printers &
bookbinders, 38 King Street.
Williams S. D. & Company, lime
merchants, Castle Mill.
Williams & Son, furniture dealers,
112 Salop Street.
Williams Alfred Ernest, clothier, 38,
39 & 40 New Street.
Williams Arthur H., grocer, 176
Wolverhampton Street.
Williams Benjamin, wholesale
clothier, Stone Street.
Williams Benjamin F., hardware
dealer, 6 Wolverhampton Street.
Williams George, hairdresser &
newsagent, 102 Hall Streeet.
Williams Harry, glass & china dealer,
38 Church Street.
Williams Martha, (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
15 Fisher Street.
Williams Mary, (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 43
High Street, Holly Hall.
Williams Thomas, outfitter, 209 & 210
High Street.
Williams William, dairy, 153 Upper
High Street.
Willimott Wm. Harvey, umbrella maker,
209 Wolverhampton Street.
Willis William, shopkeeper, Pitfield
Street, & 11a, Cross Guns, Kate's Hill.
Wills William George, apartments, 1
Wilsh Annie, (Miss), shopkeeper, 42
Constitution Hill.
Wilshire Henry, painter, 142 High
Wilson & Company, carriage builders,
Himley Street.
Wilson George Charles, wallpaper
dealer, 39 King Street.
Wilson Hannah M., (Mrs.), milliner,
156 High Street.
Wilson James, shopkeeper, 33 Brewery
Street, Kate's Hill.
Wimlett Arthur Henry, beer retailer,
23 Abberley Street.
Winbow Stephen Edwin, shopkeeper, 41
Bond Street.
Wiseman Albert, designer, 220
Wolverhampton Street.
Witton Wm. Vinn, drug stores, 172
Wolverhampton Street.
Wolverhampton & Dudley Breweries Limited,
Hall Street.
Wood Henry & Son, wholesale & family
grocers, tea, coffee, provision & hop
merchants & wine & spirit merchants, 46 High
Street & 58 Owen Street, Tipton.
Wood Benjamin Francis, money lender.
10 New Hall Street.
Wood Elizabeth, (Mrs.), nurse, 16 St.
John's Road, Kate's Hill.
Wood Frank, photographer, 12 Castle
Wood George Thomas, wholesale grocer,
St. Thomas' Street.
Wood John, hairdresser, 104 High
Street, Holly Hall.
Wood John Vincent, maltster, Himley
Wood Joseph Lawrence, coal dealer,
152 Salop Street.
Wood William B., Junction P.H., 11
Queen's Cross.
Wood William M., beer retailer, 226
Pedmore Road, Holly Hall.
Woodall Alfred, boot dealer, 88 Hall
Woodall Alfred, boot maker, 126
Tividale Road.
Woodall Daniel, milk dealer. 18 Earl
Street, Kate's Hill.
Woodall Frederick, boot maker, 5
Union Street.
Woodall George, shopkeeper, 62 High
Street, Kate's Hill.
Woodall Isaiah, fender maker, Town
Works, Porter's Fields.
Woodall James, coal dealer, 15 Owen
Street, Kate's Hill.
Woodall James, shopkeeper, 16
Cromwell Street, Kate's Hill.
Woodall James, shopkeeper, 55 Grove
Street, Kate's Hill.
Woodall John Thomas, insurance agent,
19a Owen Street, Kate's Hill.
Woodall Joseph, boot & shoe dealer,
97 & 98 Wolverhampton Street.
Woodall Mary Ann, (Miss), shopkeeper,
74 King Street.
Woodall Sarah, (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 21
George Street, Kate's Hill.
Woodall Sarah, (Mrs.), upholsterer, 5
Southalls Lane.
Woodall William, bird dealer, 25 King
Woodall Wm. Henry, shopkeeper, & beer
retailer, 10 Dock Lane.
Woodhouse Brothers, clothiers, 24
Market Place & 8 Hall Street.
Woodhouse Benjamin, Alma P.H., 91
Hall Street.
Woodhouse Jenny, (Miss), shopkeeper,
15 Maughan Street.
Woodhouse John, grocer, 114 Hall
Woodhouse Sarah, (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
23 Hill Street, Kate's Hill.
Woodhouse Thomas, baker & flour
dealer, 110 & 117 Hall Street & (office),
259 Castle Street.
Wooldridge Mary Ann, (Mrs.),
shopkeeper, 9 Tetnall Street.
Wooldridge Thomas, cowkeeper,
Woolley William & Son, engineers, 6 &
7 North Street.
Woolley Frederick E., tailor, 38 Bond
Woolridge John, hatter, 240 Market
Worcestershire Furnishing Company,
(George Nicholls, manager), house
furnishers. 211 & 212 Wolverhampton Street.
Worcestershire Yeomanry, (Queen's Own
Worcestershire Hassars) Territorial Force (A
Squadron), (Major The Rt. Hon. the Earl of
Dudley, commander; Major H. J. Selwyn,
commanding, Capt. the Hon. J. C. Lyttelton
M.P. second in command; Squad. Sergt. Major
J. W. Stevens, instructor), Saracen's Head
Hotel, Stone Street.
Wright Henry & Company, anvil & vice
makers, 49 Shaw Road.
Wright J. & Company, solicitors, 21
Wolverhampton Street.
Wright John Green & Son, auctioneers,
28 Wolverhampton Street.
Wright Albert, pattern maker, 1 Terry
Street, Kate's Hill.
Wright Ebenezer, grocer, 43 New
Wright Edward, Round House P.H., 11
Dock Lane.
Wright Elijah, teacher of shorthand,
34 North Street, Kate's Hill.
Wright John, solicitor & commissioner
for oaths, (firm J. Wright & Co.), 21
Wolverhampton Street.
Wright John George, boot factor, 50
King Street.
Wright John Thomas, coal dealer, 58 &
59 High Street, Kate's Hill.
Wright Samuel, shopkeeper, 16 High
Street, Kate's Hill.
Wright W. H., supervisor of customs &
excise, Customs & Excise Office, Priory
Wright William, carpenter, New Road.
Wright's Dining Rooms, 250 Castle
Wyman & Sons Limited, booksellers &
newsagents, Railway Station.
Wynne James M., director of Education
Committee, St. James' Road.
Wythes Hy. & Son, plumbers &
decorators, 58 & 59 High Street.
Yale Mildred M., (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
119 Wolverhampton Street.
Yardsley Joseph, paperhanger, 10
Brown Street, Kate's Hill.
Yates John Walter, Blue Gate P.H., 58
Church Street.
Young Alex & Son, tailors, 22
Wolverhampton Street.
Young Men's Christian Association,
(J. Edgar Davies & Ernest J. Davies, hon.
secs.), 24 New Street.
Young Clement A., architect, 19
Priory Street.
Young Cyril, solicitor, registrar of
county court, district registrar of the
supreme court of judicature & (acting) high
bailiff; offices, Priory Street.
Young Lucy, (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 56
Himley Street.
Young Noah, beer retailer, Low Town,
Holly Hall. |

Dixons Green in the early 1900s.
From an old postcard. |
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