The Saxons slowly migrated into the West Midlands
from the north along the River Trent and its tributaries. They
were colonising the area by the 6th century. A late
seventh century document for tax assessment called the “Tribal
Hidage” lists the dominant tribes in the area and suggests that
the inhabitants were from the Pencersaetan tribe that took its
name from the River Penk. The early Anglo-Saxon communities
lived in small villages with timber huts thatched with straw,
reeds, or heather.
The Venerable Bede, a
Priest at the Monastery of Saints Peter and Paul at Wearmouth
and Jarrow completed his “Ecclesiastical History of the English
People” in 731. It is the primary source of information on the
early English people and the coming of Christianity. This is
what he had to say about the early immigrants and their
Those who came over were of the three
most powerful nations of Germany - Saxons, Angles, and Jutes.
From the Jutes are descended the people, of Kent, and of the
Isle of Wight, including those in the province of the
West-Saxons who are to this day called Jutes, seated opposite to
the Isle of Wight. From the Saxons, that is, the country which
is now called Old Saxony, came the East-Saxons, the
South-Saxons, and the West Saxons. From the Angles, that is, the
country which is called Angulus, and which is said, from that
time, to have remained desert to this day, between the provinces
of the Jutes and the Saxons, are descended the East-Angles, the
Midland-Angles, the Mercians, all the race of the Northumbrians,
that is, of those nations that dwell on the north side of the
river Humber, and the other nations of the Angles. |

The Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms. Due to
continuous warring the boundaries changed many times. |
Anglo-Saxon England was a turbulent country
with a number of competing kingdoms, always under threat from
European invaders. As the Anglo-Saxons slowly colonised the
country seven kingdoms were established which later became known
as the “Heptarchy”. They were: East
Anglia, Essex, Kent, Mercia, Northumbria, Sussex and Wessex
There were many squabbles between them and
the last three of the kingdoms; Mercia, Northumbria and Wessex
were in a continuous state of war.
Mercia, founded in about 500 A.D. occupied much of southern
England up to the Trent basin. The first identifiable king was
Creoda, who ruled from 586 to 593. He was succeeded by his son
Wybba, who ruled until his death in 615 and followed by Ceorl
and Penda who was one of the most powerful Mercian kings.
A major influence was the coming of Christianity in the sixth
and seventh centuries. It was brought by Irish monks to many
places such as Iona in 563 and Lindesfarne in 635. |
King Penda who ruled from 632 to 654 was followed
by his sons, Peada, Wulfhere and Ethelred.
Tradition has it that King Wulfhere founded the
Abbey of St. Mary at Wolverhampton (now St. Peter’s Church) in 659 but
there is no proof of this. The diocese of Lichfield was formed when St.
Chad was appointed as bishop of the Mercians in 669 with a central
church at Lichfield.
Ethelred conquered Kent in 676 and founded the
monastery at Worcester in 679. In 685 Mercia became the supreme power
when Northumbria was invaded by the Picts. Ethelred retired in 704 to a
monastic life, to be succeeded by his nephew Cenred. His successors were
Ceolred followed by Aethelbald.
King Aethelbald came to power in 716. In his early years a hermit
called Guthlac predicted that he would have great success in the future
and he tried to live up to this by ruthlessly suppressing several of the
smaller adjacent kingdoms. He attacked Northumbria with little success
but Cynewulf, king of Wessex eventually acknowledged Aethelbald’s
superiority. He had control of most of the country and almost became the
king of the whole of England. He gave grants to many churches, created a
number of monasteries and gave alms to the poorer members of society. In
757 he was killed in battle near Burford, Oxfordshire and his cousin
Offa seized power. |
Offa is probably the best known Mercian king and
was the first ruler to be called “King of the English”. To
consolidate his position he formed alliances with Northumbria
and Wessex and his daughters were married to their kings. Like
his predecessor he ruthlessly suppressed any opposition. Between
784 and 786 he built Offa’s Dyke, a long earthwork running 149
miles along the western boundary of Mercia to keep out the
Welsh. He introduced the English penny, which
was the forerunner of modern coins. Most of the coins carried
his portrait and some carried the portrait of his wife,
Cynethryth. The coins were probably minted at Canterbury. He
formed links with the Emperor Charlemagne and visited Rome in 792 to strengthen his links with the
papacy. |

An Offa penny coin.
Offa had a number of royal palaces, his main residence was at Tamworth.
He died in 796. His son Ecgfrith became king but unfortunately
he died a few months after Offa.
Cenwulf succeeded
Ecgfrith and reined until 821. He died while preparing an
assault on Powys and is buried in Winchcombe Abbey. He in turn was succeeded
by his brother, Ceolwulf. In 823 Beornwulf forcibly took control
of Mercia but only ruled for two years.
In 789 Offa sent Egbert, the claimant to the Kingdom of
Wessex, into exile in Gaul. After his return in 802 he became
King of Wessex and decided to seek revenge by destroying the
supremacy of Mercia. This he duly did and defeated the Mercian
army at the Battle of
Ellandon in 825. He also seized Kent and Sussex
which were previously parts of Mercia.
After the defeat Mercia invaded East Anglia and King
Beornwulf was killed in battle, to be succeeded by Ludecan, who was killed two years later. Wiglaf became the next to rule,
but within a year Egbert took over the whole of Mercia.
A coin of Ethelred
II, King of Northumbria, 840 to 844. |
In the 800s and 900s the Vikings attacked the English and French coasts.
In France they were given an area in the north of the country that
became known as Normandy (land of the north men).
By the end of 828 Egbert ruled the whole of England and from now on
rulers of Mercia would answer to a national king. The first such ruler
appointed by Egbert in 830 was the deposed Wiglaf, who was in charge
until 840. Egbert ruled until his death in 839
was succeeded by
his son
Ethelwulf who reigned until 856.
In Mercia,
succeeded Wiglaf
and ruled until 852, and he in turn was followed by Burgreda who ruled
until 874 when the Danes overran Mercia.
Early Anglo-Saxon kings were military leaders who
were assisted by their lords (thanes). The kings allotted land
to the lords who oversaw their villages. The villagers were
dependant on their lord for food and labour. The kings were
advised by wise men (Witan or Witenagemot) who formed an
assembly of councillors to advise on administration and judicial
matters. The wise men included bishops and church officials,
friends or relatives of the king and local chieftains. They also
authorised taxes, grants of land and the raising of armies.
The Kings had a number of Royal Manors throughout the kingdom
and visited them with the royal entourage. This was a little
like a modern Himalayan mountaineering expedition where
everything, including the kitchen sink is carried by porters.
There is a description of this in J.R. Green's "Conquest of
England" which is as follows:
We see the king's forerunners pushing ahead of the train,
arriving in haste at the spot destined for the next halt,
broaching the beer barrels, setting the board, slaying and
cooking the kine, baking the bread; till the long company come
pounding in through the muddy roads, horsemen and spearmen,
theign and noble bishop and clerk, the string of sumpter horses,
the big wagons with the Royal hoard or the royal wardrobe, and,
at last, the heavy standard borne before the king himself. Then
follows the rough justice-court, the hasty council, the huge
banquet, the fires dying down into the darkness of the night,
till a fresh dawn wakes the forerunners to seek a fresh
Ethelwulf was succeeded by each of his four sons in turn.
The eldest;
Ethelbald ruled until his death in 860. He married Judith,
daughter of Charles the Bald, king of the Franks. King Ethelbert
followed his brother and ruled until 866. He in turn was
followed by his younger brother Ethelred, who ruled until 871
and followed by his youngest brother Alfred, who ruled until
Alfred, known as “Alfred the Great”, was born in 849 at Wantage
in Berkshire. Since the end of the 8th century the
country had been subjected to Viking raids which began in
northern England and eventually spread along the eastern and
southern coasts. In 865 a vast Viking army landed on the Isle of
Thanet and began a 12 year invasion. By 867 the Vikings had
captured York and soon invaded East Anglia and Mercia. The only
remaining independent Anglo-Saxon Kingdom, Wessex, was attacked
in 870. The Vikings were initially defeated at the Battle of
Ashdown in 871 by the Wessex army led by Ethelred and his
younger brother Alfred. The Viking onslaughts continued and
Alfred came to power in 871 after Ethelred’s death.
The Vikings led by King Guthrum captured Chippenham in 878 and
used it as a base from which to attack Wessex. Much of the
kingdom was overrun and Alfred and a few of his followers
retreated to the Somerset marshes, which is where the story of
the burned cakes originates from. Alfred re-grouped and built a
fortified base at Athelney and gathered a mobile army to pursue
gorilla tactics against the invaders.

The area occupied by the Danes in the late
800s. |
In 878
his army defeated the Vikings at the Battle of Edington and
besieged Chippenham until they made peace. Alfred realised that
he could not drive the Vikings out of the rest of England and so
he made an uneasy peace with them in the Treaty of Wedmore. This
led to the establishment of the Danelaw, which gave the Danes
more or less the eastern half of the country.
Alfred didn’t stop there, he
organised an efficient rapid reaction force to deal with any incursions
and ensured that many of the settlements were well-defended. He had a
royal palace at Winchester and had many fast ships built for the defence
of the coastal areas. He was patron of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, which
was copied and added to in 1154. This is our main source of Anglo-Saxon
history today.
He died in 899 and is buried at Winchester. He is known as “King
of the English” and “Alfred the Great”.
Alfred was followed by his son Edward (known as “Edward the
Elder”) who ruled from 899 to 924.
From 911 until 918
ruled Mercia,
she was followed by Queen Elfwynna who ruled for 12 months.
Control then passed to King Edward.
Queen Aethelflaed became one of the most powerful people in
England. She won many battles against the Vikings and captured
parts of Northumbria and Wales. She strengthened the defences at
Gloucester against the Vikings and developed the street plan
that survives today. She captured the bones of St. Oswald from
the Danes and gave them to St. Oswald's priory at Gloucester.
She died at Tamworth and was buried in St. Peter's Church,

The Saxon church at Bradford-on-Avon. From
an old postcard. |
continued his father’s military activities and defeated a Viking army
near Tettenhall in 910. In 924 the king of the
and the king of the Scots submitted to Edward, who died later in the
year at Farndon. His son Athelstan then became king.
King Athelstan was an
accomplished soldier who continued to oust the Vikings. In 927-8 he
captured York. In 937 at the Battle of Brunanburh he led the army that
defeated an invasion by the king of Scotland in alliance with the Welsh
and Danes from Dublin.
encouraged people to move into towns, formed the first shires
and was an avid collector of works of art and religious relics.
These were often given away to his followers or the church, in
order to gain support. Athelstan died in 939 and was buried at
Malmesbury. His half-brother Edmund succeeded him.
King Edmund continued to
suppress the Danes but only ruled for seven years. He was murdered
during a feast in 946 when he was only 25 years old. Rule passed to his
brother Edred, who reigned until 955 when Edmund’s eldest son Edwy
became king.
King Edwy was crowned by Oda,
Archbishop of Canterbury in 956 at Kingston-on-Thames. At the time he
was only 13 years old. During a rebellion Mercia and Northumbria broke
away and Edwy died in 959 at the age of 16.
Edwy was succeeded in
959 by his brother Edgar, King of Mercia and the Danelaw. Edgar
ruled for 14 years before being crowned at Bath, along with his
queen, Aelfthryth. He was a good ruler who started a great
monastic revival and introduced universal coinage and laws
throughout the country. He died on 8th July 975 at
the age of 33 and was buried at Glastonbury Abbey. His death led
to a dispute between the supporters of his two sons; Edward and
Ethelred. Edward, the eldest son became king in 975. He was
murdered in 979 and replaced by his 7 year old brother Ethelred.
King Ethelred, known
as “The Unready” ruled from 979 to 1013. He was a poor ruler,
which led to a great deal of unrest and hostility in the
country. He was called "The Unready" because of his inability to
govern. He was no soldier and the Vikings took advantage of this
with many raiding parties. The Vikings raided the Welsh coast
and southwest England, they attacked London and raided the east
coast. There were raids from the armies of Norway and Sweden,
but the main onslaught was from the Danes under King Swein.
Ethelred attempted to buy-off the Danes using the money levied
from the Danegeld tax. He formed a diplomatic alliance with the
Duke of Normandy and later married his daughter Emma.
1011 the Danish army continued to do much as it pleased. They
even attacked Canterbury and captured Archbishop Elfeah,
Abbess Leofruna, Bishop Godwin and Abbot Elfmar. In 1012 the
Archbishop was brutally murdered and King
Ethelred handed over £48,000 from the Danegeld in an attempt to
pacify them. In 1013 Swein became King of Northumbria and
resistance from Wessex failed. Ethelred was dispossessed by
Sweyn and fled to Normandy.
English lords were so disillusioned with King Ethelred that they
eagerly accepted Sweyn as their new king. Sweyn died in 1014 and
Ethelred’s son Edmund took over the throne. Edmund died in 1016
and Sweyn’s son Canute became undisputed king. He strengthened
his position by marrying Ethelred’s widow Emma. He also became
king of Denmark and Norway. During his time abroad England was
governed by a group of English and Danish earls. Canute went on
a pilgrimage to Rome in 1027-8 and his Christian humility led to
the story of him demonstrating that even he could not stop the
waves. He died in 1035 and is buried at Winchester.

A Canute silver coin.
had two wives, Elfgifu and Emma. He had a son by each wife and
the two sons became rivals, initially sharing the
country. Harold Harefoot was Canute’s first son and became King
of Mercia and Northumbria. Hardicanute, the second son was king
of Wessex. In 1040 Harold Harefoot died and Hardicanute became
king of the whole of England. Hardicanute’s rule was very short.
He died at Lambeth in 1042 and his half-brother Edward “the
Confessor” became king.
A penny from Edward
the Confessor's reign. |
Edward was no soldier. He grew up in exile in Normandy and on
his return he was accompanied by a number of influential
Normans. At the time England was dominated by three earls;
Godwin of Wessex, Leofric of Mercia and Siward of Northumbria.
Godwin became the most important of the three when Edward
married his daughter Edith in 1045. Godwin hoped that the couple
would have a child which of course would be heir to the throne.
This was not to be because Edward had taken a vow of celibacy.
Norman sympathies were viewed with suspicion by Godwin and this
came to a head when the king ordered Godwin to punish the people
of Dover after a group Normans had been involved in a brawl
Godwin assembled an army
against Edward in 1050 but Leofric and Siward remained loyal to the
king. The army was defeated and Godwin and his family left the country
and went into exile.
In 1051 Edward received his
distant relative William Duke of Normandy as a guest. It is believed
that during the visit Edward named William as his successor.
After this defeat Edward
increased the number of his Norman advisers, giving some of them
important posts in office. There was much hostility towards the Norman
appointments and Edward lost the loyalty of the other Earls. In 1052
Godwin arrived on the south coast with his sons Harold and Tostig and a
huge army. Edward was unable to raise an army to oppose them and had to
agree to Godwin's terms.
Godwin was now the most
powerful man in England. He
forced Edward to remove his Norman councillors, but died in 1053 and was
replaced by his son Harold, who became Edward’s chief advisor. Edward
founded a new abbey at Westminster, dedicated to St. Peter. He is said
to have named Harold as his successor on his deathbed, even though he
had earlier promised the throne to William Duke of Normandy. He may have
been manoeuvred into this by the Saxon lords. Edward died on 5th
January 1066 and on the following day Harold was crowned as the new king
in Westminster Abbey.
King Harold would have feared
the rival claims to the throne from William Duke of Normandy and Harald
Hardrada of Norway. In his earlier years Harold had been captured in
France. Whilst still a prisoner he is said to have sworn, under duress,
that he would not accept the English throne but would support Duke
William’s claim.
He awaited the expected
Norman invasion but his plans to defend the country were thrown into
disarray when his estranged brother Tostig, Earl of Northumbria and
Harald Hardrada of Norway led an invading army from the northeast.
Harold, an outstanding soldier marched northwards with a large army and
ruthlessly defeated the invading forces. In the meantime William and his
invading army arrived in Sussex and Harold marched southwards to defend
the country. Harold and his 7,000 strong army were at a great
disadvantage because they were suffering from the exertions of their
previous battle and the 240 mile long march to the south. The
Anglo-Saxon era ended when Harold was defeated near Hastings and killed
during the battle. William became the first Norman king and was crowned
in London on Christmas day 1066.
Anglo-Saxon influence is still all around us today. Not only
did they give us the name of our country but also the basis of
our language. |
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