History of St. Stephen's Church of England Primary
By Peter Waterhouse
Peter Waterhouse's father Stan, was
headmaster at the school for many years. The following
pages were written by Peter in 1981 as part of a
St. Stephen's
C.E. (C) Primary School was first opened in March 1880,
and known as Springfield St. Mary's after the parish of
St. Mary’s in which the original building was situated,
but to outline a history of this school, it has been
necessary to give a brief history of primary education
on a national scale, and in more detail, primary
education in Wolverhampton. For the latter, great use
has been made of the published work of local historians,
particularly those of Dr. George Barnsby and Frank
Mason, former Borough Librarian.
Thus, this study
is divided into three major sections. It begins with a
study of Primary education on a national scale and is
followed by a study of primary education in
Wolverhampton; both up to the year 1880. The third
section includes information from both these areas, but
deals mainly with the historical development of the
present St. Stephen's C. E. (C) School, Wolverhampton.
emphasis has been placed upon the influence of national
decisions, as interpreted through the pages of the
school log books.

The old school building in
Grimstone Street.
The story is told in the following