What follows is a description of
Tettenhall that was published in October 1904 in “The
Wolverhampton Journal”, a monthly magazine published by
Whitehead Brothers, St. John’s Square, and King Street,
The article, written by local
historian James P. Jones includes the early history of
Tettenhall, and the history of the Wrottesley family who
lived in Wrottesley Hall. The photographs were taken by
James P. Jones, who also owned the engraving. The
section about the Wrottesleys is both interesting and
informative. It describes the family’s struggles, and
involvement in many wars. I have included the original
illustrations, and a few adverts from the magazine.
Parker |

Few busy towns of the size and
importance of the "Metropolis of the Black Country," can
boast of such a wealth of charming rural villages in
close proximity as does Wolverhampton. Strangers who are
carried through the town by the various railways have
the impression that the town and district are equally
"black." Those more fortunate, who stay, are delighted
with the picturesque country they discover. The
transition from town to country is so sudden, the
discovery so unexpected, that the beholder is
inexpressibly charmed and finds that which gives
pleasure to the eye and relief to the mind.
Few English villages possess a more
picturesque locality than Tettenhall, which is prettily
situated on the slope of an abrupt hill, rising above
the valley of the Smestow. This cliff, which terminates
in a large plateau at Tettenhall Wood, forms a natural
barrier between town and country.
The scenic beauties of the village
are undeniable, it is a haven of rest after the heat and
burden of the day, and its freshness and charm are
enjoyed and shared alike by the toiler and dweller in
the slums of Wolverhampton and the civic magnates who
have made it their home. Its peaceful charm led an
enthusiastic admirer to pen a few lines on "The
beautiful village of Tettenhall," his poetical effusion
closes with the following rapturous eulogy:
Tettenhall, thy still engaging scenes
To wake the, sages and the poets fire,
From noisy town, with worldly cares replete
To ease the mind; lo! this the choice
Here Hampton's sons in vacant hours repair
Taste rural joys, and breathe a purer air. |
These lines, though written a
century ago, do not today exaggerate its charms of
peaceful beauty. |

Tettenhall Church (south west view).
The history of the village is
attractive and interesting, for it can boast of a
greater antiquity than many English villages. It is
first mentioned in history 150 years before the date of
the Norman Conquest. The Anglo Saxon Chronicle under
date A.D. 910 says: This year the army of the Danes and
the Angles fought at Totanheale on the eighth of the
Ides of August (6th August) and the Angles obtained the
There are other versions of the
battle recorded by the various monkish chroniclers, but
all agree that it took place at Tettenhall,
Staffordshire. Collating the evidences which are extant
I am forced to the conclusion that two battles were
fought in this district A.D. 910-911.
The records show that a Danish
force landing on the East coast, came down the River
Trent and sacked Lichfield, while it is proved that
another Danish force came up the Severn as far as
Bridgnorth. These two forces effected a junction at
Wednesfield, where they were defeated, and falling back
upon Tettenhall were caught between the armies of the
West Saxons and the Mercians and totally defeated. There
is no doubt the battle was fought along the valley of
the Smestow and ranged from Autherley to beyond
Wightwick. The Danes after their defeat at Wednesfield
would naturally fall back upon Tettenhall, as the
position is just such a one as a retreating force would
take up. They probably found that the commanding ridge
at Tettenhall was occupied by the West Saxons, and so
caught between the two armies their defeat was certain.
The presence of some large tumuli
at Wightwick indicate the burial place of the slain, as
well as the site of the battlefield. Some years ago I
obtained permission from the late Colonel Henry
Loveridge to explore the largest tumulus, but owing to
the lack of funds, and worse still, an entire lack of
interest in archaeology locally, the project had to be
abandoned. I have always regretted the failure, as I am
convinced the results would have been of considerable
value, not only to Tettenhall, but to the county of
Stafford. |
The parish of Tettenhall, in area,
as distinct from the village, is considerable. It
measures in length 7½ miles, while its greatest breadth
is nearly 4½ miles. Within its boundary are included
Tettenhall Regis, Tettenhall Clericorum, Perton,
Wrottesley, Pendeford, Wightwick, Compton, Bilbrook,
Aldersley, Barnhurst, Trescott, and the Wergs. Of these
the first eight names appear in the Domesday Book, A.D.
At the date of the great survey of
England in A.D. 1086, Tettenhall was almost entirely
forest and woodlands, what are now main roads and
byeways were then simply trackways made through the
woods from one settlement to another, but, as the
country became more populated, fresh settlements were
made, and communication between places widely distant
became easier; clearings were made in the forest and the
trackways were widened into passable roads.
These clearings formed the centres
of the village life, and usually consisted of the church
and priest's house, the manor house within the demesne
lands, and next in importance the village mill, usually
placed on the banks of a stream in order to use its
water power. Grouped around these were the homesteads
and cottages of the tenants, most of whom inhabited the
principal street or road in the village, called Lower
In all villages with any claim to
antiquity, interest is more or less centred on the
church. Tettenhall church is built upon a gentle
acclivity rising from the Smestow Brook where "bosom’d
high in tufted trees" it overlooks the village green and
street, and seems to breathe a spirit of quiet
guardianship over its peaceful graveyard, where so many
of the village fathers sleep. Nearby, some ancient yew
trees, believed to be coeval with the Church, form a
sombre background to the eastward sloping graveyard,
brightened by promise of early dawn.
From the summit of the cliff above
the Church an extensive panorama is obtained of the
surrounding country for many miles. Looking to the East
a fine view is obtained of Cannock Chase, the borders of
which touched Tettenhall parish. Further South is to be
seen the town of Wolverhampton with its forest of tall
chimneys breaking the skyline. To the South West will he
seen Sedgley Beacon, Penn and Wombourne; farther West
still lies the village of Pattingham, with the horizon
bounded by the deep purple of the Wrekin and Clee Hills.
The history of the fine old Church
is as equally interesting as that of the village. It was
founded by King Edgar, and was a collegiate church with
a dean and five prebendaries as early as A.D. 960. No
traces of the early Saxon church exist, but the Norman
church which sprang into being later was built upon its
site. This in turn gave place to a later church, which
forms the greater part of the present edifice. The most
interesting portions of the present building are the
nave, chancel, north aisle, the tower, and south
clerestory. The Pendeford Chapel has a fine lancet
window, but the gem of the building is the east window
with its curious arcade of slender columns, a pure
example of early English work, probable date, 1207. |

Wrottesley Hall, built 1696, destroyed by
fire, 16th December, 1897.
In front of the Wrottesley Chapel
the beautiful oak screen of fine perpendicular work is a
feature of the building, while the private chapel of the
Wrottesley family contains some very fine monuments,
particularly an alabaster slab with a gracefully drawn
effigy of Richard Wrottesley and his wife, A.D. 1521.
The village greens at Tettenhall are among its most
prominent features; here in olden times rude sports were
indulged in, and at the annual wake, the Lower Green was
usually a small reproduction Wolverhampton fair.
In the days when bull baiting and
other sports of a similarly degrading character formed
the chief amusement of the people, it is recorded that
some enterprising men from Wolverhampton came to
Tettenhall and stole the bull, thereby spoiling the
sport of the Tettenhall men.
In the still more distant and
lawless times of the Middle Ages, even the Church was
powerless to cope with the lawlessness which prevailed,
for it is recorded that one man killed another before
the door of Ralph, the Canon of Tettenhall; while at the
Wergs a band of mercenaries attacked a cottage, killed
the husband, burnt his cottage, and threw his child on
the dungheap! Excommunication was the most powerful
weapon of the Medieval Church, but even this extreme
course had but slight effect.
There was at Wrottesley a letter
from Sir John Notyngham, Dean of the King's Chapel at
Tettenhall, to the chaplains of Tettenhall and Codsall,
ordering them to excommunicate certain persons for
stealing wheat and beans out of their neighbour’s barn
or field, unless they gave satisfaction.
It appears that Adam Taylor, a
tenant of the Dean's Manor at Bilbrook, had been robbed
of eleven sheaves of wheat and six sheaves of beans, and
that suspicion of the theft had fallen upon his
neighbours, William Colett and his son John and his
daughter Margery, and these last, suffering under the
imputation of theft, had appealed to the Dean for
protection. It seems an absurd thing to excommunicate
nameless persons, but the letter probably had the effect
of stopping the defamation of the character of the
accused. It is a curious relic of the power of the
Medieval Church, and the following is a translation:
The Comissary of your venerable
lord John Notyngham, Dean of the King's Chapel of
Tetenhale to the chaplains of the parishes of Tetenhale
and Codeshale, Greeting in the Author of Salvation.
We have received the grave
complaint of William Colett of Brydbrok (Bilbrook) and
of John his son and Margery his daughter, to the effect
that certain sons of iniquity, of whose names they are
entirely ignorant, had wickedly and maliciously defamed
the said William, John, and Margery, respecting goods
and .... that the said William, John, and Margery had
carried away eleven sheaves of wheat and six sheaves of
beans from the grange or field of Adam Tayleur their
neighbour, against the will of the same.
We therefore command you by
virtue of your obedience, firmly enjoining you, after
the third monition from the day of the receipt of this,
and within fifteen days, to excommunicate al1 and
singular defamers of this nature with the ringing of the
bel1, candle lighted and extinguished, and cross and
banner held erect in hand, unless they give testimony
respecting the premises and until … but then be cited
nevertheless so that they may appear before us in the
Church Tetenhale at the next following Chapter ....
those things which the said John William and Margery may
legitimately bring against them to do or receive ....
testimony of which the present seal of our office is
appended to these presents. Dated at Wolverhampton, the
Wednesday after the Feast of St. Martin the Bishop and
Confessor, 1387.
In the original, some of the words had become so
faint that it was impossible to make them out, but there
was sufficient left to enable the meaning of every
sentence to be gathered. This document was destroyed in
the great fire at Wrottesley Hall in 1897, and the above
copy is the only one in existence. |

Tettenhall Church, with a distant view of
Among other interesting historical
features in the village, the Barnhurst must not be
omitted. It is the ancient home of the Cresswells.
Formerly the tithe barn of the Cannons of Tettenhall, it
was sold to the Wrottesley family, from them it passed
by purchase to the Leveson family, ancestors of the
Dukes of Sutherland, and was then sold to the Cresswell
family, who were merchants of the Staple in
The Cresswells are of very ancient
descent, and helped to found what in later years became
a great market in Wolverhampton; even now, long after
the market has died out, traces of it survive in the
names of the various folds of the town, such as Townwell
Fold, Wheelers Fold, Farmer's Fold, etc.
A member of this family married
Joan, the daughter of John Dyott, Esq., of Lichfield, a
monument to whose memory is still preserved on the north
wall of the chancel in Tettenhall Church. She was a
relative of the famous "Dumb Dyott" of Lichfield, the
Royalist who shot Lord Brooke, during the siege of that
city in 1643 by the Parliamentary Army.
The remains of the old Manor House
at the Barnhurst consist of a gateway tower, some
portion of the moat, and the ancient columbarium or
dovecote, this latter, a rare privilege granted to lords
of manors. The tower is a finely preserved remnant of
early Tudor architecture, and although not now used as a
dwelling house, is a valuable relic of domestic
architecture. The dovecote, octagonal in shape, is in
excellent preservation and has provision for some
hundreds of birds. The Barnhurst estate was purchased
the Corporation of Wolverhampton about 1872-3, who now
utilize it as a Sewage Farm.
The present representative of the
Cresswell family is Sackville Cresswell, Esq., of Hole
Park, Rolvenden, Kent. The hamlet of Perton is
frequently mentioned in history, and was given to the
Abbot of St. Peter's, Westminster, by King Edward the
Confessor. This grant is still preserved in the Record
Office; the following is a translation:
Eadwarcl King greets Leofwine
Bishop and Eadwine earl and all my thanes in
Staffordshire friendly; and I tell you that I have given
to Christ and St. Peter at Westminster the land at
Pertune and all the things that thereinto belong in
woods and fields; with sac and socne, as full and as
free as it stood to myself in hand, in all things, to
feed the abbot and the brotherhood that dwell within the
Minster; and I will not permit any man to oust any of
the things that thereinto belong.
God preserve you all.
The Bishop Leofwine, mentioned, was
the last Saxon Bishop of Lichfield, and the first Abbot
of Coventry. From his death, in 1066, until 1836, no
other bishop took title only from Lichfield, but held
the dual title of Lichfield and Coventry.
Perton during the Middle Ages was
the battle ground of the rival families of Perton and
Wrottesley. Owing to a disputed ownership of land in the
Manor of Perton, a family feud had long existed between
them, which finally culminated in the death of John de
Perton by Sir Hugh de Wrottesley, K.G., in an affray
near Tettenhall. In after years, owing to the Perton
family becoming extinct, the estate passed into other
hands and was finally bought by the Wrottesley family,
the present owners.
Perton can also boast of being the
birthplace of a man who became Lord Mayor of London in
A.D. 1644. It would be difficult to find in the annals
of any municipality a more romantic history than that of
Sir John Wollaston, who began life as a farmer’s son at
Perton and ended as Lord Mayor of London. His name is
perpetuated by the following bequests, To the poor of
Tettenhall, Co. Stafford, where I was born, £5 and
Whereas my uncle, Henry Wollaston, of London, draper,
hath formerly given fifty two shillings per annum to the
poor of Tettenhall aforesaid, I now make up the sum to
£10 per annum.
For many years before the
disastrous fire on December 6th, 1897, which destroyed
the mansion and the priceless treasures preserved here,
Wrottesley Hall from its commanding position on the
summit of a thickly wooded slope, was a conspicuous
object from many points of view in the village, it was
the last of a series of houses extending over a period
of seven centuries. |

Lower Street, Tettenhall.
The Wrottesley family has been
identified with the village of Tettenhall for many
centuries and has owned the estate from A.D. 1160. The
history of the family is of great interest, and many of
the present Lord Wrottesley's ancestors played a
prominent part in the making of the history of England.
In the long struggle between King
Henry II and the Barons, led by Simon de Montfort, in
A.D. 1260 to 1268 Hugh de Wrottesley adhered to the
party of Simon, and was present at the Battle of Evesham
in August, 1265. As a result he was a fugitive and was
disinherited of his estates. But in 1267 Parliament
passed an award, known as the "Award of Kenilworth," by
which all those who had taken arms against the King and
had been disinherited, could receive back their estates
on payment of a fine equal from one to seven years'
income, according to the degree of their guilt.
Hugh de Wrottesley paid a heavy
price to regain his estates, for he was fined 60 marks,
equivalent in modern money to £3,000. On the 10th of
May, 1300, William de Wrottesley and two other
Staffordshire knights, were appointed by letters patent,
justices, for the due observation of the articles
contained in the Great Charter and the Statute of
Winchester, in the county of Stafford, and to hear and
determine plaints thereon. In this way William de
Wrottesley became associated with one of the great
landmarks of English Constitutional history.
On 22nd May, 1306, there was
instituted the famous Order of the Bath, and William de
Wrottesley's eldest son William, was knighted with great
solemnity before the high altar at Westminster, with
Edward, Prince of Wales, and 267 others, the eldest sons
of earls, barons, and knights. Of these, sixteen were
eldest sons of other Staffordshire families. This
William de Wrottesley was the father of the most famous
of all the Wrottesley's, Sir Hugh de Wrottesley, K.G.
I can only briefly sketch the
career of this remarkable man, who by his prowess and
skill in arms played an important part in the warlike
reign of Edward III. He was educated in the Abbey of
Evesham, and gave early promise of that brilliant career
which placed him on the highest pinnacle of chivalry,
for it is remarkable that he was a knight and in
possession of his estates when only twenty years of age.
He had won his spurs on the field of battle, and was one
of those knighted by the King in Scotland in A.D. 1333,
on the eve of the Battle of Hallidoun Hill.
In 1334 Sir Hugh was making
preparation to join the Crusade under Philip de Valois
the French King, and King's Letters of Attorney for
three years were granted to him whilst on a pilgrimage
to the Holy Land. The departure of the Crusaders was
fixed for the Spring, 1334, and was afterwards postponed
to 1336, but the hostilities which broke out between
France and England prevented the execution of the
design. Just about this time some suits of law in which
Sir Hugh was involved, afford a glimpse of the family
feud between the Wrottesleys and the Pertons, lords of
the neighbouring manor.
The dispute appears to have arisen
over the ownership of some land which had been given as
the marriage dowry of a daughter of the Pertons who had
married a Wrottesley; and the Perton family were suing
Sir Hugh for its recovery. Numerous suits at law were
instituted by the Perton family against Sir Hugh de Wrottesley and his tenants for trespass and assault,
until it became unsafe for either party to go abroad
unless they were attended by a considerable retinue of
Sir Hugh had been absent fighting
for the King in Scotland, and during one of his visits
home to Wrottesley, he with a party of his servants had
met John de Perton, and some of his friends at
Tettenhall, where the two parties came quickly into
collision, with the result that John de Perton was so
severely wounded that he died a few days later.
Sir Hugh de Wrottesley and his
friends were arrested and put in prison at the
Marshalsea, Kingston-on-Thames. The Marshal of the Court
at this time was the famous Sir Walter de Manny, who
being a friend of Sir Hugh, connived at the escape from
prison of Sir Hugh and his friends, who went with the
Marshal to France. For this offence the Perton family,
through the influence of the Chief Justice, obtained a
sentence of outlawry against Sir Hugh.
While abroad, however, Sir Hugh's
prowess won such favour with the King that he obtained a
full pardon for all offences committed by him. In spite
of this, on his return to the country, the sentence of
outlawry was enforced, and he and his friends were cast
into prison again, and brought before the Chief Justice,
Sir William de Shareshull, of Patshull.
Sir Hugh and his friends were now
in great peril, for by a recent enactment they had lost
their right to a trial by jury, and could be sentenced
to death without further trial. These proceedings
contrast so strongly with the usual dilatory procedure
of the Law Courts, as to suggest animus on the part of
the Chief Justice, who was connected by marriage with
the Perton family. Luckily for Sir Hugh, he was able to
produce in Court the King's pardon, and so frustrate the
conspiracy against him. To meet his expenses for the
expedition to France, Sir Hugh had mortgaged part of his
estates, and a daring exploit recorded of him is equally
illustrative of his bravery, and his enterprise in
obtaining a ransom to pay off this mortgage.
It seems that while in France, Sir
Hugh taking with him a party of armed men from the
English Army, made a sudden raid upon the French Camp,
and captured as prisoners, Ralph de Montfort and other
nobles, and with the ransom he obtained from them paid
off the debt on his estates. While in France he also
received a Charter from the King to make a Park at
Wrottesley. The Charter is dated 23rd November, 1347.
Two years later on St. George's Day, 23rd April, 1349,
was founded the famous Order of the Garter. The original
Companions numbered 26, including the King and his son,
12 knights on the King's side, and 12 on the Prince's
side. Amongst whom appears the name of Sir Hugh de
Wrottesley, whose banner now hangs in St. George's
Chapel, Windsor, amongst the banners of the original
Knights of the Garter.
Sir Hugh afterwards spent several
years in France, serving under King Edward III. and the
Black Prince, and died early in 1381 in the 67th year of
his age. |
The next member of the family who
distinguished himself was Sir Walter Wrottesley who was
head of his house from A.D. 1464 to 1473. He was made
Sheriff of Staffordshire in 1460, by Edward IV, and was
knighted the same year.
The year before had marked the
beginning of that long and bitter strife, known as the
"Wars of the Roses," and Sir Walter was a close follower
of the fortunes of Richard, Earl of Warwick, the famous
Kingmaker. From the Earl he received many honours, and
was appointed Sheriff of Glamorgan, and was at Cardiff
in 1464. When the Earl of Warwick decided to restore
King Henry VI to the throne in 1470, he appointed Sir
Walter Wrottesley, Governor of Calais Castle. In April
of the following year, the Battle of Barnet was fought
and the Earl of Warwick killed.
On hearing of the death of the
Earl, and the complete defeat of the Lancastrian cause,
Sir Walter made the best terms he could for himself, and
the garrison at Calais. He obtained a free pardon for
himself and his friends, and regained his estates. He
died in London two years latter and was buried in the
Grey Friars Church. The next event of any importance is
the purchase of the Collegiate Church of Tettenhall with
all the spiritual and temporal rights, by Walter
Wrottesley, Esq., in 3rd Edward VI, 1550. By this
purchase, Walter Wrottesley and his successors became
Secular Deans of Tettenhall and as it was a Royal
Peculiar, exempt from all Episcopal supervision, the
wills of the parishioners were proved and registered in
his Manor Court for many generation's afterwards, until
the abolition of the Peculiars in the early part of last
In 1642 the country was convulsed
by the disputes between the King and Parliament, and
both sides endeavoured to secure the support of Walter
Wrottesley, the then head of the family. The Earl of
Essex, who had been appointed Lieutenant of
Staffordshire, by the Parliament, appointed Walter
Wrottesley, Deputy Lieutenant, but he declined the
honour, for shortly before, he had been created a
Baronet by the King at Shrewsbury, on 22nd September,
1642. There is no doubt his personal sympathies were
enlisted very strongly on the King’s side, for on the
5th January, 1643, he sent to Shrewsbury nearly the
whole of his plate to be melted down and coined for the
King's use.
In spite of this Sir Walter seems
to have changed his mind afterwards, and determined to
maintain a neutral position in the Civil War. He refused
to obey the imprests made upon him by Colonel Leveson,
for the King's garrison at Dudley Castle, and a
detachment of this garrison sallying out, carried off
all his cattle, and burnt his granaries and barns, which
were outside the defences of Wrottesley. He estimated
his losses from this cause at £2,000.
In his Composition paper, he
describes Wrottesley as very strong and moated, and that
he had taken into his house several of his tenant's sons
and neighbours to form a garrison, for as he says he
stood on his guard, there was so much plundering.
At the close of 1645, the King's
cause was hopeless, and Sir Walter Wrottesley
surrendered to the Parliamentary Forces. A troop of
horse, and a company of foot were sent to occupy
Wrottesley, and it must have formed a very respectable
military post at this period. The same martial spirit
which is such a marked characteristic of the Wrottesley
family is exhibited in Sir John Wrottesley who served
with distinction with the Guards during the American
War, and subsequently attained the rank of Major
General. He was also Equerry to Edward, Duke of York.
His son, also Sir John, was M.P.
for Staffordshire in several parliaments, and served
with the 16th Lancers in Holland, and France, under the
Duke of York. He was raised to the Peerage in 1838, and
was grandfather of the present Peer. Shortly before
midnight on the 16th December, 1897, it was discovered
that a fire had broken out in Lord Wrottesley's dressing
room at the Hall. It was found impossible to locate the
source of the fire, and in spite of the heroic attempts
of those on the spot it was soon realized that the
mansion was doomed. The plate and most of the more
valuable pictures and heirlooms were saved, but the
valuable library, and the contents of the muniment room,
with its unique collection of deeds and historical
manuscripts were entirely destroyed.
The old engraving of Tettenhall
Church, with a distant view of Wolverhampton, A.D. 1796,
is interesting as showing the great changes made in
Wolverhampton during the last hundred years. At that
time, only two churches could be seen, i.e., St.
Peter's, and the "New Church," St. John's. The smoke
from the building in the centre of the picture indicates
the site of the "Old Hall," now, occupied by the New
Free Library. What a contrast the same view presents
today! Without the aid of this old engraving, it would
be difficult to imagine that the densely populated
district between Tettenhall and the town was once green
fields and gardens. |
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