From an old postcard. |
Great Bridge:
Richard, Railway Vaults
Ashton J,
The Swan, Eagle Lane
Baker James, greengrocer
Barker Ed & Sons, drapers
Barton Thomas, slit nail and washer maker
Bayley James, blue and red brick and tile manufacturer
Beardsmore John, beer retailer and boot maker
Brewster J. S, The Stork
Bridgwater B, furniture dealer
Bumford Edward, boot maker
Butler James, surgeon
Butler James, junior, chemist
Caulking John, newsagent and hairdresser
Churchill J. C. & Company, coal and coke merchants, Railway
Claye S. J, coke merchant, Railway Station
Cocks Thomas, tailor and woollen
Cocks Francis, draper & hatter
Cooper G, surgeon
Cottam William, ironfounder
Cox Thomas, timber & slate
Cubley Robert, shopkeeper
Danks John, pawnbroker
Davies James, beer retailer, Toll end
Davis James, butcher
Davis Thomas, corn dealer
Davis Thomas, butcher
Daws & Son, coal masters, Cophall colliery
Deeley Frederick, roman cement manufacturer
Edwards John, grocer
Fisher James, iron tube maker
Fulwood Sarah, confectioner
George Benjamin, beer retailer
Gibson William, bookmaker
Glover Elizabeth, tobacconist
Goddington William, hay and corn dealer
Gregory J. & Company, grocer
Hale Richard, beer retailer
Hanley James, grocer
Harper G, pawnbroker, tailor and draper
Hodgkins J, maltster and miller
Hodgkins William, tobacconist
Hollier William, plumber, etc.
Horton Henry, hinge manufacturer and beer retailer
Horton William H, tobacconist
Law John, general dealer
Lees Charles M, grocer and ironmonger
Lewis William, boot maker
Lucy Charles & Nephew, corn and flour merchants
Middleton John, saddler and harness maker
Mills Joseph, ironfounder
Mist John Gleaver,
The Waggon and Horses
Moorhouse Ed, clog maker
Morris William, boot maker
Oliver Samuel, grocer
O'Neal William, shopkeeper
Partridge Joseph, plumber
Patterson George, The Limerick
Piddington George, newsagent, and
post office
Purcell James, earthenware dealer
Purser C. W, printer and
Pywell Joseph, saddler and
Roome Thos, earthenware dealer
Salt William, hairdresser
Shorthouse John, beer retailer, Eagle Lane
Smith William, greengrocer
Solly Bros, ironmasters
Solly James, iron and steel works
Stokes Alfred, boot maker
Stonehewer Thomas, timber merchant and builder
Sutton Arthur, beer retailer
Taylor William, grocer, Cophall Street
Tranter Edward, cooper and beer retailer
Underhill Thomas, surgeon
Wagstaff T, tinner and brazier
Ward Thomas, beer retailer
Wilday W. J, timber merchant
Wood John, butcher

Great Bridge Post Office. From an
old postcard. |
New Road:
Aldridge H, tailor
Bamford J, butcher
Beard S, pawnbroker
Beasley Hy, Griffin
Beckley David, grocer
Beddow William, brick maker and grocer
Beedle John, ironmonger
Blodon Charles, shopkeeper
Bordell William, grocer
Brinley E, flour dealer
Butler J, pork butcher
Butterworth Thomas Taylor, The Tipton Tavern, canal
carrier and sand merchant
Caine Sarah, earthenware dealer
Coole William R, grocer
Cox Joseph, pork butcher
Crowther Richard, cabinet maker
Dagmore George, beer retailer
Davis John, butcher
Davis William, butcher
Davis Naomi, painter, etc.
Dutton Edward, clock and watch maker
Field & Walker, tailors and drapers
Gough J, boot maker
Hale W, butcher
Hardy G, grocer
Hessey J, boot maker
Hickin H, baker
Hollies Thomas, chemist and druggist
Hollingsworth Richard, butcher
Horne John, shopkeeper
Horton W, tobacconist
Jones Job, hosier
Jones William, beer retailer
Layton Benjamin, greengrocer
Law Maria, marine store dealer
Lees Edward, draper
London Henry, hosier and haberdasher
McGill Mrs, milliner
Mallin Samuel, grocer and ironmonger
Martin Hy, beer retailer
Martin John, grocer
Matthews Samuel, grocer
Molineaux James, washer manufacturer
Morris J, boot maker
Morris Margaret, shopkeeper
Packwood J, provision dealer
Parkes Elizabeth, shoeing smith and farrier
Rabone T, beer retailer
Rees Ellen and Rhoda, greengrocers
Rees James, saddler
Roberts R, draper
Robotham J, greengrocer
Smith William, butcher
Southall Enoch, The Bush, and baker
Taylor Benjamin, poulterer and fruiterer
Thomas Joseph, beer retailer
Watkins C, grocer
Watts Samuel, edge tool maker
Whittard C, cooper
Whittle John T. P, chemist and oil merchant
Willis John, butcher

From an old postcard. |
Aldridge J,
The Seven Stars
Cooper Frances, beer retailer
Easthop William, beer retailer
Elliott Martha, pork butcher
Griffiths J, scrap iron dealer
Hackett Benjamin, engineer and ironfounder
Haines J. & H, ironmasters, Sheepwash Iron Works
Haines Mary, beer retailer
Hudson Thomas, shopkeeper
Jones, Nock & Jones, iron manufacturers
Jones Thomas, beer retailer
Lloyd William, frying pan manufacturer
Macham Sarah, shopkeeper
Shaw Charles, hairdresser
Sheldon Hannah, shopkeeper
Simcox John, shopkeeper
Stanton Richard, shopkeeper and beer retailer

Great Bridge Post Office. From an
old postcard. |
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