A selection of
instruments from the November 1947 catalogue: |
Switchboard instruments, flush pattern, and projecting
pattern, both available with a 3 inch, 4 inch, 6 inch or 8
inch dial. There were moving iron and moving coil types,
which could be supplied with front terminals, the customer's
name on the dial, or with a metal rectifier for voltmeters.
A tropical finish was also available. |

Moving iron switchboard instruments, flangeless, with a
5 inch inverted dial, and black enamelled, or nickel
plated relief case. Ammeters were available from 30 amps
to 1,500 amps full scale, voltmeters were from 50 volts
to 800 volts. |

Moving iron switchboard instruments with a 7 inch dial,
cast iron case, A.C. or D.C. |

Switchboard instruments with a 12 inch dial, and a cast
iron case, finished in black enamel or with a nickel
plated relief. Both moving iron and moving coil versions
were available. |

Moving coil controller instruments in a cast iron case,
with 3inch, 4 inch, 6 inch, or 8 inch dials. |

Moving iron pedestal adaptor instruments in a cast iron
case with a 3 inch, 4 inch or 6 inch dial. |

Double case and three case pedestal adaptor instruments. |

A D.C. relay for use with circuit breakers, and a moving
iron leakage indicator. |

Portable moving coil instruments with 3 inch scales, and
housed in a polished bakelite case. |

A moving iron portable ammeter with a 6 inch or 8 inch
scale. On the right is a linesman's detector in a
polished wooden case with quantity and intensity coils. |

Current transformers without and with a primary. |

Oil immersed transformers, and ammeter shunts. |

The 'Melior' and 'Neville' cut-in and cut-outs for
battery chargers. |

The 'Crawley' cut-in and cut-out, and the 'Walsall'
cut-out for battery chargers. |

A range of switchboard instruments. |

Multimeter in a polished bakelite case, and an ohmmeter. |

A pedestal housing for meters, and a desk-type case for
meters. |

Moving coil and moving iron radio instruments with two,
three, or four ranges. |

Moving coil switchboard instruments, with a polished
bakelite or metal case. |

Moving iron switchboard instruments with a polished
bakelite case. |

Moving iron flush meters. |

A bus bar ammeter, and a moving coil pocket voltmeter in
a polished bakelite case. |

A range of cell and battery testers. |

Variable resistances for use as shunt field regulators,
exciter regulators, or for battery charging. |
instruments from the July1961 catalogue:Although
the 1950s and early 1960s saw great changes in
electrical and electronic engineering technology, the
company's products hardly changed. Most of the products
were identical to those in the 1947 catalogue, and
looked very dated. |
Square flush moving iron ammeters and
voltmeters |
Square flush moving coil ammeters and
voltmeters |

Available with 4, 5, or 6 inch dials. |

Available with a 3, 4, 6, or 8 inch dial. |
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