Poverty and
living conditions in the Wisemore district
Walsall Free Press and South Staffordshire
Advertiser 25th January, 1888
The neighbourhood round
Garden-streets, Hateley's Lane, the Wisemore is
prolific in cases of poverty. Many of the population
are huddled together in cold, dreary, and even
filthy dens, for in many cases rent is in arrears;
'landlords won't do anything'; and so the houses are
allowed to get into a state of disrepair, dirty as
well as dangerous.
In one house I found 5
shivering little mortals, huddled round an almost
empty grate, on the hob of which was stewing 'the
dinner'. 'Pigs pudden', the lad said it was, and
delighted he seemed to be. One of the children had
no boots or stockings on, and in answer to my
enquiry, he said they fallen from his feet, there
was no money to buy others, and he had to stay at
home. On a wooden semblance of a sofa called I
believe a 'squab' lay a poor little child thinly
covered with a rag, the other little ones were
thinly clad. There were 6 children in the family,
the eldest lad aged 11, who said the father was a waggoner, who had no work lately, and the mother had
gone out ‘stitching’. How the children slept
together, how on a Sunday they had some bread and
butter given them for dinner, how ‘mother had been
obliged to pawn all the things’, I need not tell.
Gaunt poverty was all around, the place was none too
clean - how could this be with the mother always
away? And from this the children come to school
hungry, and to think they go hungry away.
In the next place I visited,
the father was out of work, and when in work he
could only manage to earn 7s.6d. a week with which
to keep six persons on. I am afraid he was not all
he should be, but the children suffer, and it is of
them I speak. The house was comfortless and devoid
of furniture....
In another case ‘A hail fellow
well met’ ready to drink, capable of earning £1 a
week and keeping 10s. for his own pocket. The wife
had to manage on 10s. a week but the half dozen
little ones come very badly off and 'a warm meal is
what they don't get once a week'.
In another family 7s.6d. was
the income. 'Out of that I pay 2s. a week rent, and
8d. for schooling, because you see I don't like my
children to have a pauper's ticket'. 'How many have
you?' 'Four, sir, and the oldest is ten' Husband is
in a lunatic asylum, wife having seen better days
struggles on, it cannot be called living.
In a dirty court, ankle deep in
mud, I found my next case. On entering house I found
it to be, with the exception of a squab, a small
round table and one chair, utterly devoid of
furniture. The paper in many places was stripped
from the walls, parts of the floor were dangerously
broken, and most unpleasant draught came whizzing
through the crevices. 2s.6d. a week was paid for
this house and had been for the last 7 years. 3s.
was received from the parish and out of this the
occupant and 4 children - the eldest l3 - had to
exist. As the woman rightly said, ‘it aint living -
it's starving’.

Bradford Street. From an old
The next case was that of a
widow with 8 children who by a bit of washing, and
the usual parish pay - for I found that in all these
cases the relieving officers were as kind as
relieving officers could be - had to keep a house
going. While talking it was pitiful to see how the
ragged garment was drawn round the shivering form;
how the little ones kept their hands in the folds of
their ragged clothes or huddled up to the almost
fireless grate.
'7s. a week from the parish. I
have got eight on' em to keep and only one works. I
pay 3s. a week for this dog kennel, and do a bit of
washing when I can'. The speaker was a tall,
raw-boned woman with hands deep in a washing tub. A
number of little children were gathered around her
and in the interests of scrubbing and washing she
attended to their infantile wants.
The next house proved the folly
of judging by appearances. Judged by externals its
occupants might have been in decent, comfortable
circumstances. The place was very clean but I found
the father, mother and children pitiably poor. Some
time ago the husband met with an accident; he was
uninsured; all they had was spent on him; the rent -
3s. 9d. a week and was shared by a daughter. There
were 4 children, one of whom earned 5s. a week, and
as the husband declined to let the wife apply to the
parish they were literally starving in genteel
poverty. Clothes, furniture, and almost all portable
articles had been pawned for bread, and for want of
boots the children could not attend school.
The next house was that of a
lockmaker out of work - he had not done an average
of more than 4 days a week up till Easter and since
then had done nothing. There were 5 children, the
eldest of which earned 5s. a week. The wife said she
had been obliged to make away with everything, but
yet appeared to be struggling on in hopeful poverty.
A page of the paper would be
required to record all the sad sights and scenes of
one afternoon's visitations. A widow, 5 little
children, all living in a clean but shockingly bare
house. About 3s. got by washing and 4s. from the
parish. This was all they had to live upon and out
of this 2s.5d. a week had to be paid for rent.
Almost next door in a house
dirty, dilapidated and void, I found a man busily
engaged filing the edges of iron buckles at a small
vice. 15 gross of these, at a penny a gross, was all
the work he had had for some time. There were 7 in
the family, one at work, and the father, a poor,
sickly, thin man, had only earned an average of 5s.
a week for the last 12 months. |