The information used in this section has come from a
wide variety of sources. The principal ones are:
History of Wednesbury by J. F. Ede, 1962, Wednesbury
Wednesbury Ancient and Modern by F. W. Hackwood, 1902.
Reprinted by the Warwick Printing Company.
Wednesbury Papers by F. W. Hackwood, 1884.
Wednesbury Workshops by F. W. Hackwood, 1889.
The Borough of Wednesbury Official Guides.
Copes Wednesbury & Darlaston Blue Books, 1921 and
Great Industries of Great Britain, Cassell Petter &
Galpin, 1878.
History, Gazetteer and Directory of Staffordshire by
William White, Sheffield, 1851.
List of Mines worked under the Coal Mines Regulation
Act, in South Staffordshire by W. Beattie Scott,
H.M.Inspector for the South Stafford District,1896.
Osborne's Guide to the Grand Junction Railway by E. C. &
W. Osborne, 1838.
Walsall and District Business Review, Cape Hill Press,
Birmingham, 1915.
Ryder's Annual, 1909, Ryder & Son, Spring Head,
A History of Wednesbury in the County
of Stafford by John Nock Bagnall, 1854.