West Park is built on an area of
old marshland, known as Hungry Leas in the 16th century,
and later called Broad Meadows. For over 50 years it was
the site of Wolverhampton’s racecourse. In 1878, the
lease for the site, which belonged to Lord Darlington,
ended and Wolverhampton Council acquired the lease and
later purchased the site. West Park, originally called
the People's Park was built on the site. The park covers
about 50 acres. Because of the boggy nature of the land,
a lake was essential to provide suitable drainage.
On the 12th March, 1879, landscape
gardeners were invited to compete for a £50 prize for
the layout of the park. The winner was Richard Hartland
Vertegans, of Chad Valley Nurseries, Edgbaston. The
layout had to include an ornamental lake covering 8
acres, whilst 12 acres had to be available for volunteer drill,
archery, cricket and bowls. The park was officially
opened on the 6th June, 1881 by the Mayor of
Wolverhampton, Alderman John Jones. |

Southgate Lodge and the main
entrance. |

The view across the lake towards
St. Peter's Church and the Town Hall. The cast iron
bandstand on the opposite side of the lake was given to
the town by the long serving M.P., Rt. Hon. Charles
Pelham Villiers, on the 29th May, 1882. |

A view from the lakeside looking
towards the conservatory. |

The view across the lake to the
cast iron bridge. |

Another view across the
ever-popular lake, looking towards the conservatory. |

The lake and the lakeside
pavilion, which was built in about
1881. |

Another view across the lake to
the conservatory, with some of the many boats that were
once a common site on the lake. |

A final view of the lake with some
of the many swans and geese that live there. |

The Conservatory in about 1905. It
was designed by T. H. Mawson
of Windermere and built jointly by Richardson & Sons of
Darlington and Henry Gough of Wolverhampton. It was built at a
cost of £1,500, which came from the proceeds of the 1893
Floral Fête. The building was officially opened in July
1896 by the widow of former Mayor, Alderman Samuel
Dickinson. |

Another early view of the
conservatory. |

A busy day at the
conservatory. |

An old Christmas postcard. |

The front entrance to the
conservatory. |

A view of the conservatory
from about 1930. |

An early view of the interior. |

Another view of the interior. |

The conservatory from across the
lake. |

The cast iron bridge over the
lake. Built in 1880. |

Flower beds in 1914. |

An early 20th century flower bed. |

Another early 20th century flower
bed. |

A flower bed from World War
One. |

A flower bed from 1907. |

The Dell in the early 20th
century. |

Another view of The Dell. |

Flower beds in 1911. |

A coronation flower bed, for
George V. |

A view across the flower beds
looking towards the clock tower, which was given by
Councillor John Ross in 1883. |

In the distance is the statue to
Charles Pelham Villiers, MP for Wolverhampton from 1835
until the division of the Borough in 1885. The
inscription on the front reads: "Charles Pelham Villiers,
PC, MP, Born 3rd January 1802, died 16th January 1898,
aged 92 years". The inscription on the back reads: "This
statue was erected by public subscription in recognition
of the eminent services rendered by Mr.Villiers to his
country, especially in connection with the repeal of the
corn laws". The statue originally stood on Snow Hill. |

The Erratic Boulder, a huge slab
of Felsite from the Arenig Mountains in Wales. The metal
plaque on the boulder reads: "Block of Felsite, carried
during the glacial epoch from Arenig,
Merionethshire. Found in Oak St. Wolverhampton in 1881". |

Looking across the gardens at the
southern end of the park. |

A final view of the lake, the
conservatory and the bridge. |
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