In his "Church Bells of the County of Stafford", 1889, Charles Lynam
FRIBA. gives details of the bells at Bushbury:-
Ring out your glad music,
Sweet Bushbury bells!
How pleasant the message
Your harmony tells
Of God's love unceasing
As years roll away,
And mercies increasing
That greet us today!
Ye call us to hasten
To God's dwelling-place,
To learn each sweet Lesson
Of wisdom and grace:
"Come hither and worship
While yet there is time,
And let your hearts echo
Our thanksgiving chime."
Your voices will heighten
The best joys of life
While helping to lighten
Its labour and strife:
Ye find sweet employment
In spreading glad news,
That one home's enjoyment
Through all may transfuse.
Ye mourn with our sorrow
When heart-rendings come,
And sad breaks the morrow
On a death-darkened home,
Your solemn deep tolling
Speaks then like a friend
Who weeps while consoling,
And points to our end.
Oh may your sweet voices
Lift upward each heart
To Him who rejoices
All grace to impart;
The faithful and lowly
Shall share in His love,
And life be made holy
By joys from above.
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