1900 to 1920 Red Books:
The 1908 Edition |

The Royal Orphanage, Penn
Road. |

The Royal Orphanage Chapel. |

Senior boys at the Royal
Orphanage. |

Senior girls at the Royal
Orphanage. |
Two once very popular piano shops. |

Wolverhampton Grammar
School. |

Making ice in the
Corporation's cold store, behind the wholesale
market. |

Christ Church, Five Ways. |

Yeomanry and Artillery Drill
Hall and Riding School in Park Road East. |

Junior girls at the Royal
Orphanage. |

Junior boys at the Royal
Orphanage. |

The Queen Victoria Nursing
Institute, Bath Road. |

District Nurses' Home and
School for Midwifery, Bath Road. |

Making presses, stamps and
shears at Daniel Smith Limited, Castle Iron Works,
Raglan Street. |

St. Peter's Church. |

The new premises of the
Metropolitan Bank in Lichfield Street. |

The General Hospital in 1913. |

Wolverhampton Girls' High
School. |

Wolverhampton and Midland
Counties Eye Infirmary. |

A group of junior girls at the
Royal Orphanage. |

The Larches School, in Larches
Lane. |

Wolverhampton Technical
School. Student's Library. |

A group of junior boys at the
Royal Orphanage. |

A finishing department at
Wolverhampton Steam Laundry. |

On the corner of Worcester
Street and Salop Street. |
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