The following articles are from various editions of
'Network', Courtesy of David Parsons. |

Mick Harrison,
Ray Mace and Ms. Omneya Kassabgy.
From the April 1996 edition of
Network. Courtesy of David Parsons. |
Vaughan Grylls, Head of the School
of Art and Design, left the
university in 1996 to take up the
post of Director of the Kent
Institute of Art and Design.
He joined the
University in 1989 and moved to his
new post to be able to spend more
time with his London-based family.
From the
April 1996 edition of Network.
Courtesy of David Parsons. |
Bob Clark,
who joined the University in
September 1978 was appointed Head of
the School of Legal Studies in 1996.
From the April
1996 edition of Network. Courtesy of
David Parsons. |
Paul Jones
from the Maintenance Department
travelled to France in 1996 as part
of the Wolverhampton Novus Badminton
Team, who achieved an 11 to 5 win
over the Vienne Ampuis team from
From the
September 1996 edition of Network.
Courtesy of David Parsons. |

Jenny Gilbert,
Ken Norton from S.A.S. and Elaine
Crosthwaite look on as Ray Binns
from SCIT tries out a new
tape-learning system. From the
September 1996 edition of Network.
Courtesy of David Parsons.
Ken Norton, a Principal Lecturer in
Applied Sciences, sadly died on the
16th September, 2019. |

The Unison
team for 1996 - 1997. Left to right:
Willie Wilson (Vice Chairman),
Andrew Large (Treasurer), Val Auden
(Assistant Branch Secretary), Ron
Kenyon (Chairman), Lynne Cox (Branch
Secretary), and Anne Osbourne (Equal
Opportunities Officer). Other
officers included Dorothy Brown
(Membership Secretary), Ian Roddam
(Health and Safety Officer), and
Simeon Greene (Publicity Officer).
From the September 1996 edition of
Network. Courtesy of David Parsons. |

On the
15th November, 1996, a dinner
dance was held in the Jack
Hayward Suite at the Molineux
Football Ground to celebrate the
21st anniversary of the part
time Bachelor of Laws (LLB)
course. Many people were
invited, including ex-students.
The photograph shows the
cake-cutting ceremony with the
LLB course leader, Lynn
Leighton-Johnstone on the left
and Bob Clark and Chris Vallely.
Courtesy of David Parsons. |

1996, John Smith was awarded
a commemorative medal by the
University of Lodz in Poland
for his assistance to the
Polish university's Faculty
of Biology and Earth
Sciences under a TEMPUS
European Academic Exchange
Programme. Mick Harrison is
seen here presenting the
award to John. Courtesy of
David Parsons. |
Management at the Beginning of
1997 |
Geoffrey Brooks, Clerk to
the Board of Governors and
Pro-Vice Chancellor
(Administration), retired.
This led to a reorganisation
of senior management. |
Professor Mick Harrison,
Vice Chancellor, Chairman of
the Academic Board and
Chairman of the Executive |
John White, Deputy Vice
Chancellor, Coordinator of
support services (Finance,
Personnel, Registry and
Estates), Chairman of the
Finance and Resources
Committee, and Chairman of
Wolverhampton Campus
Management Committee. |
Jon Baldwin, Secretary to
the Academic Board and
responsible for University
Student Administration. |
Professor Gerald Bennett,
Pro-Vice Chancellor,
Marketing and Development,
Chairman of the Shropshire
Campus Management Team,
responsible for marketing
and recruitment activities
and customer/commercial
services. |
Dr. John Cooper, Pro-Vice
Chancellor, Science-Based
Operations, Advisor to the
Executive on IT policy and
resources, Chief Executive
of the Science Park. |
Lynn Copcutt, Pro-Vice
Chancellor, Quality
Management, Chair of Walsall
Campus Management Team,
Chair of the Quality
Committee, responsible for
the Deans of School, and
National Health Service
links. |
Andrew Snowden, Director of
Personnel, Coordinator of
Wolverhampton Campus
Facilities, Chairman of the
Safety Policy Committee,
Manager of the Personnel
Services Department,
oversight of health and
safety matters. |
Gary Sproston, Director of
Finance, Chairman of the
Management Information
Systems Steering Group,
responsible for the
Management of Finance
Department and Computer
Centre. |
Dr. Viv Wylie, Pro-Vice
Chancellor Academic
Planning, Chair of Dudley
Campus Management Team,
Chair of Academic and
Planning Committee,
Oversight of International
Activities, responsible for
learning centres and print
services. |
Tony Lee, Clerk to the Board
of Governors, University
Secretary, Adviser to the
Board of Governors, Company
Secretary for the Science
Park |
Deans of School: Andrew
Brewerton, School of Art and
Design; Professor Geoff Hurd,
School of Humanities and Social
Sciences; Professor Stephen
Hagen, School of Languages and
European Studies; Professor
Keith Yeomans, Wolverhampton
Business School; Bob Reeve,
School of Computing and
Information Technology, Dr. Ted
Morgan, School of Applied
Sciences; Dr. Musa Mihsein,
School of Engineering and the
Built Environment; Isobel
Bartram, School of Nursing and
Midwifery, Dr. Jim Logan, School
of Health Sciences; and Jean
Mckay, School of Education. |

At the end
of 1996 the Marjorie Crennell
Prize for Science Education was
awarded to two students, Angela
Farnell and Breeda O'Donoghue,
both seen on the right of the
photo, alongside Llyn Copcutt,
Jean McKay and Bob Preston.
Courtesy of David Parsons. |
1996, the Vice Chancellor John Horlock Association of Open
University Graduates Award for
Science was presented to Clive
Roberts, lecturer in
environmental sciences in the
School of Applied Sciences.
of David Parsons. |

Homer, on the right, is seen
talking to BBC reporter John
Yates and a cameraman at the
Somerset House pub in Enville
Street, Stourbridge. They were
talking about the strange pint
of beer on the wall in the
background. Courtesy of David
Parsons. |
From the March/April
1997 edition of
The Vice-Chancellor,
Professor Mick
Harrison, has
announced his
intention to retire
on 31st August 1998.
Professor Harrison,
55, joined the then
Polytechnic as
Assistant Director
in 1982. In 1985 he
was appointed
Director and under
his leadership the
Polytechnic grew to
become a key player
in the provision of
higher education in
the region.
In 1989 Mick
Harrison presided
over the
incorporation of the
Polytechnic which
until then had been
part of the Local
Authority. In the
early 1990s he
steered the
development of a
multi-million pound
campus at Telford,
Shropshire, to add
to the established
campuses in Walsall,
Dudley and
Wolverhampton. In
1992 Mick Harrison
oversaw the change
of title to the
University of
Wolverhampton and
his own title of
Director changed to
Mick Harrison as
been instrumental in
the development of
modular courses and
to making higher
education accessible
to as wide a range
of people as
possible. The
development of
Science Park was an
example of Mick
Harrison's vision to
promote and
strengthen links
between academia and
the business
community and his
drive to achieve the
quality management
standard for the
University was a
first in British
Higher Education.
The Vice-Chancellor
also spearheaded the
drive for the award
of Investors in
People in 1995.
Speaking of his
Professor Harrison
said: "After twelve
years at the helm, I
will be sorry to
leave behind the
comradeship of
dedicated University
staff, but I now
feel the time has
come for me to hand
over to someone able
to steer the
University into the
new Millennium.
"This will be a
challenging time,
particularly in the
light of the
inevitable changes
within higher
education which the
Dearing Review will
bring. I have every
confidence however
that my successor
will be able to
build on the
principle of
widening community
access to the
University of
Wolverhampton and
the services it can
The University's
Chairman of
Governors and
Pro-Chancellor, Mr
Tony Smith, said:
"With Mick's
retirement, the
University is losing
a notable talent and
in view of the very
many achievements
which the University
has enjoyed under
his leadership,
Mick's successor
will find it a hard
act to follow."
It has also been
reported to the
Board of Governors
that the Deputy
reaches the age of
60 years in 1998 and
that Mr. John White
had confirmed his
intention to retire
on 31st August 1998.
The Board recognised
the contribution the
Vice-Chancellor has
made to the success
of the University,
but acknowledged
that until the
appointment of a new
Vice-Chancellor has
been completed it
would be
inappropriate to
recruit for any
other senior posts. |

Clark, who had been working on
the Polytechnic and University
switchboard for 22 years,
retired in 1997. She is seen
here with the University's
Telephone Reception / Controller
Denise Eccleston at a farewell
presentation in the board room.
Courtesy of David Parsons. |
The May 1997 edition
includes a brief article about
Jim Trace, who was a senior
technician in the audio visual
technology and photography
section in the School of Art and
Design. Sadly Jim died at the
age of 62, after just a few
years retirement. |
From the May 1997
edition of
Lynn Copcutt, until
recently Pro-Vice
Chancellor (Quality
Management) has
taken premature
retirement for
personal reasons.
"Lynn has managed a
complex portfolio
which has included
direction of the
Deans of School and
management of the
University's Quality
framework as well as
responsibilities for
the Health Service
liaison and Campus,"
says Vice-Chancellor
Mick Harrison,
himself to retire in
August 1998.
"It has been decided
not to fill the post
of Pro-Vice
Chancellor (Quality
Management), for the
time being, given
that a new
Vice-Chancellor may
wish to restructure
portfolios. Given
these unique
circumstances, Lynn
has agreed to
continue to carry
out some of her
function for a year,
in order to give
breathing space
until the new
determines a
The interim
effective 1st
September, will
therefore be as
Deans of School will
report direct to
Mick Harrison who
will act as their
appraiser, although
with functional
oversight of
marketing, finance
etc., remaining with
other Executive
members as
currently. Jean
McKay takes over,
pro-tem, as Campus
Executive Manager
for Walsall Campus.
Lynn Copcutt will
return, on a
part-time basis, to
manage the quality
system, including
the Department for
Total Quality
Management, and to
continue as Chair of
the University
Quality Committee.
Geoff Hurd will
continue in his role
as Deputy to Lynn in
relation to quality
"Lynn has been asked
to keep her Pro-Vice
Chancellor title for
the duration of this
appointment because
of its value in
external relations
in particular," says
Mick Harrison. "She
will no longer be a
member of Executive
although she may
advise Executive on
quality issues as
Although the new
Vice-Chancellor will
be appointed in
October, it is
unlikely that he/she
will take up his/her
duties until 1998.
Nevertheless it is
hoped that the new
Vice-Chancellor will
give early
consideration to the
shape and duties of
his/her senior
management team so
that the new
structure can be in
place as soon as
possible after the
new Vice-Chancellor
arrives. |

photograph from the May 1997
edition of 'Network' showing
Mick Harrison and long-time
friend of the University, Terry
Venables. Courtesy of David
Parsons. |
the 1st September, 1997 all
of the University's
libraries became known as
learning centres.
Heaney was Director of
Learning Centres.
photograph shows where it
all began in the 1930s with
the original library in the
Wolverhampton and
Staffordshire College of
Technology which could seat
around 18 people. It is now
the Council Room.
Courtesy of David Parsons. |

Mary Heaney (left),
talks to Jenny Jones MP.
during her visit to the
University on the 21st
October, 1997. They are
seen in the learning
centre on main site.
Courtesy of David

Second World Conference on
Allied Health was held at
the Shropshire Campus in
Priorslee on the 20th July,
1997. Delegates came from
many countries. Left to
right: Dr. Judith T. Barr,
Dr. Max Kamien, Head of the
Department of Medicine,
University of Western
Australia; Professor Vincent
Gallicchio, University of
Kentucky, and Dr. Paul Kirk,
Head of Biomedical Science
at Wolverhampton. Courtesy
of David Parsons. |

1997 the Wolverhampton
Soroptimists awarded prizes
to two post graduate
students. Left to right: Dr.
Dave Necklen; Georgina Lacey;
Anne Kavanagh who presented
the prizes; Betty Ogwaro;
and Dr. Ted Morgan. Courtesy
of David Parsons.
Sadly Dave Necklen, who
started at the Polytechnic
on 1st September, 1970 and
retired on the 30th June,
2008, had a relatively short
retirement. He died in 2019.
He was a canal enthusiast
who had a narrow boat and
did a lot of work for local
canal societies and
enthusiasts. He also took a
large number of canal
photographs. |

Wolverhampton Dance Studies
students were making a name
for themselves as the 'Trainspotting
Dance Company'. They
performed at many railway
stations across the country
after receiving an Art for
Everyone lottery grant.
After a performance at Leeds
they were asked to switch-on
the city's Christmas lights.
They are, left to right:
Hannah Goodison, Alison
Brown (seated), Kay Davies
and Leanne Salisbury. Seen
here in 1997. Courtesy of
David Parsons. |
Catering in an important
function on all of the
University's sites. The list
opposite of the catering and
assistant catering managers
appeared in the November
1997 edition of 'Network'.
Courtesy of David Parsons. |
The January 1998
edition of 'Network'
includes an article
about the presentation
of 29 long service
awards to existing and
retired members of
staff, one evening at
the University. The
awards were presented by
Mr. Donald E. Poyner of
the University's Board
of Governors.
Recipients included:
Professor Colin Appleby,
Associate Dean,
Corporate Enterprise
Centre (Retired); Mrs
Joan Baker, Computing
Assistant, Computer
Centre; Mr. Ian Blower,
Senior Lecturer in
Organisational Behaviour
(Retired); Mrs Fiona
Bowers, Principal
Technician, Biosciences
Division, School of
Applied Sciences; Mr.
Andrew Cameron, Lecturer
in Sociology, School of
Humanities and Social
Sciences; Dr. Martin
Connock, Senior
Lecturer, Biosciences
Division, SAS; Dr. John
Cooper, Chief Executive,
Wolverhampton Science
Park; Dr. David Denham,
Senior Lecturer in
Sociology, SHASS; Miss
Ann Edwards, Subject
Librarian, Learning
Centre; Dr. Francis
Gomez, Principal
Lecturer Schools
Professional Studies,
School of Education
(Retired); Mrs Katharine
Harper, Library
Assistant, Learning
Centre; Mr. Kenneth
Lyford, Senior Lecturer
in Economics,
Wolverhampton Business
School (Retired);
Senior Professor Neil
Malcolm, Director of
International Relations;
Mr. David Miles,
Lecturer in Biomedical
Science, School of
Health Sciences; Mr.
Ronald Neild, Senior
Lecturer in Spanish,
School of Languages and
European Studies; Mr.
Robin Phillips,
Associate Dean, SHASS;
Mr. David Ratc1iffe,
Senior Lecturer in
Quantity Surveying,
School of Engineering
and the Built
Environment (Retired);
Mrs Janet Salmon,
Registry Assistant,
Walsall Registry; Mrs
Margaret Spittle,
Secretary, SE BE
(Retired); Dr. Richard
Ward, Senior Lecturer,
Biosciences Division,
SAS; Mr. Stuart
Williams, Principal
Lecturer in French, SLES
(Retired); Mr. Leonard
Yates, Senior Lecturer
in Computer Aided
Design, SE BE (Retired).
Receiving awards, but
unable to attend the
presentations ceremony
were: Dr. Gillian
Barrett, Senior Lecturer
in Geography, SHASS; Mr.
David Halfhide,
Principal Lecturer in
Economics, WBS
(Retired); Dr. Trevor
Hocking, Associate Dean,
SAS; Mr. Steve Jeffs,
Video Production,
Broadnet; Dr. Graham
Rees, Senior Lecturer in
History of Science,
SHASS; Dr. Stephen
Reynolds, Principal
Lecturer, Biosciences
Division SAS; and Mrs
Gwen Stephens,
Secretary, School of
Nursing and Midwifery. |

Poyner presents Margaret
Spittle, Personal Assistant
to the Dean of the School of
Engineering and the Built
Environment with her award.
Courtesy of David Parsons. |
Professor Jean Gilkison, who
became the University's new
Dean of Research, at the end
of 1997, following the
retirement of Professor
David Crow.
about the same time, Mike
Jackson became Professor of
Data Engineering in the
School of Computing and
Information Technology.
Courtesy of David Parsons. |

Mike Adams presents an award
to Samantha Higgins, who was
studying for a Bachelor of
Science degree in Applied
Chemistry in SAS. She
received the award because
of her work in analytical
chemistry. Courtesy of David
Parsons. |
In 1997, two members of
SHS, Paul Murray and Paul
Nelson, in collaboration
with Dr. Kenneth Scott at
New Cross Hospital NHS
Trust, received a grant from
West Midlands NHS Executive
to support the work of the
Oncology Research Group. The
group also received grants
from the Royal Society and
the Wellcome Trust. The
Staff Purchasing Scheme was
introduced at the beginning
of 1998. It gave discounts
to members of staff when
purchasing items or services
from many local shops or
businesses. It was very
popular. |

Wednesday 28th January, 1998
an agreement was signed
between the University and
Wolverhampton Chamber of
Commerce, Training and
Enterprise, to assist local
economic regeneration. The
agreement was signed at the
Science Park by Mick
Harrison and Roger
Dowthwaite, Chief Executive
of the Chamber. Courtesy of
David Parsons. |
the beginning of 1998,
Ruslan Mitkov became
Professor of Computational
Linguistics and Language
Engineering in the School of
Languages and European
Courtesy of David Parsons. |
1998 the University won a
Charter Mark Award.
Richard Wilson, known for
'One Foot in the Grave' and
'Only When I Laugh', amongst
many TV series, was also
Rector of Glasgow
is seen here congratulating
Lynn Copcutt, who
represented Wolverhampton
University at the event.
Courtesy of David Parsons. |
1998, Professor Terry
Goodison oversaw the
development of a BA
(Honours) in Applied
Communication which aimed at
giving a thorough grounding
in multimedia for students
looking for a career in
marketing, publicity or
business communications.
was one of the pioneers of
the use of multimedia at the
University, using some of
the early interactive video
equipment, used with a BBC
Micro, that was developed by
University members of staff
under the name IMR
(Interactive Media
Courtesy of David Parsons. |
1998 the Chaplaincy was
joined by Father Eddie
Clare. The senior Chaplain
was Prebendary Geoffrey
Courtesy of David Parsons. |
Also in 1998, Dr. Bryony
Conway became Dean of the
Business School. Canadian
born Bryony previously
worked at Croydon College
where she was Assistant
Principal for Higher
Education. Around the same
time the Business School
launched its Local
Government Research Unit (LGRU)
with a half day conference
at the Shropshire Campus. |

1998 the University launched
a series of public lectures.
The first was given by
Professor David Jolly, who
is seen on the right above,
chatting to Professor Ilana
Chrome, Dr. James Logan, and
John White. Courtesy of
David Parsons. |

On the
25th March, 1998, the
Attorney General, the Rt.
Hon. John Morris, QC, MP
talked to students at the
School of Legal Studies on
'The role of law officers -
where the roads from
Whitehall, Westminster and
the legal professions meet'.
He was welcomed in the above
photograph by Bob Clark and
John White. Courtesy of
David Parsons. |
1998 Catherine Round,
postgraduate research
student in SAS won a prize
at Warwick University for
her poster entitled 'Zeolite
Synthesis: Drought Mode'.
Courtesy of David Parsons. |

Left to right: Pete Webb,
Arena Theatre Stage Manager;
Kevin O'Sullivan,
Administrator; and James
Stredder, Head of Theatre
Studies, celebrate the start
of the £2m refurbishment of
the Arena Theatre in 1998. |
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