I have included here, brief details of some of the
people who I knew at the Polytechnic and the University,
who were all friends and have now passed away. Wherever
possible I have included a photograph. |
Danny Moore was a well known and
popular figure in 'B Block' where he
worked as a caretaker. He was also
a polytechnic driver and worked at
weekends behind the bar at the Himley
Country Club.
He was a keen gardener and had a
lovely garden at his home in Balmain
Sadly he died of cancer on the
25th July, 1986 at the age of 51. |

Danny Moore in
1984. |

Mike Haes
in 1987. |
Mike Haes was well known,
particularly in the School of
Art and Design, where he was a
technician in the photographic
department and in the television
studio. He was always
extremely helpful to both staff
and students. He was helping
out, over the weekend, at a
stand at the Boat Show at the
NEC in February 1991, that was
run by a friend, a local
supplier of boating accessories.
It was an extremely busy
weekend and possibly quite
stressful. Sadly he suffered
from a heart attack at the show
on Sunday, 24th February, 1991.
Typically Mike was always
willing to help others, which
sadly cost him his life.
He greatly enjoyed his
working life at the Polytechnic
and was a friend to many members
of staff.
Mike greatly enjoyed family
life in Bishops Wood, where he
lived with his wife Celia and
their three children. |

From Polyspective.
One person who worked throughout
the establishment and was known by
most people was photographer Geoff
Knight. During his time at the
Polytechnic he must have taken a
vast number of photographs, which he
also processed and printed. He had
photos published in local newspapers
and did wedding photography with his
wife Elaine, who he married in 1976.
In his later time at the
Polytechnic, he was moved to the
photography section in the School of
Art and Design, but was never happy
there. In 1988 he got a job teaching
photography at Wakefield College and
Geoff and Elaine bought a bungalow
at Skelmanthorpe, near Huddersfield.
Geoff suffered from a recurring
illness which was never properly
diagnosed. He retired in the summer
of 1997 and looked forward to
enjoying a long retirement. He loved
sailing and bought a new boat in
readiness for retirement. Sadly, in
January 1998, on his return from
visiting his father in Scarborough,
he had a massive heart attack and
died. It was a few days before his
50th birthday. He might still be
alive today if the illness had been
properly diagnosed when it first
appeared. |

Geoff Knight in
action in St. George's garden in the mid
1970s. |

Geoff Knight
playing with a friend's dog. |

Jack Hammond. |
Jack Hammond
will be remembered by many people as
a very sociable colleague, who
greatly enjoyed music. He was born
on the 12th November, 1918, in the
south east of England and moved to
Tettenhall with his wife Joan, in
1970. They later moved to Walk Lane
in Wombourne.
He became
interested in music at an early age
and began teaching people to play
the guitar at the age of 16. He also
played the piano and the double
bass. During the Second World War he
was an engineer and served in India,
West Africa and Burma. He was
married to Joan for 65 years and
they had three children, Liz, Sue
and David, as well as three great
grandchildren. He loved his family
and also their pet dogs.
He became
Wolverhampton Polytechnic Secretary,
a post he held for 10 years. He had
previously held similar positions at
colleges in Kent and Watford. Jack
was a fellow of the Institute of
Chartered Secretaries, and received
an MBE for services to the public
He retired in
1980 and moved to Dorset with Joan.
In 2008 they returned to Walk Lane,
but Sadly Jack died at home, in
2008, at the age of 89. |
Another very well known figure was
Harold Starr, who for many years worked
in Audio Visual Aids. Harold had been a
cinema projectionist before joining the
college. On Friday nights he would be
the projectionist at the students union
film shows in the cinema in 'C Block'
where popular feature films were shown.
He also became very involved in the
staff bar in 'C Block' after it opened
in the late 1960s, often serving behind
the bar.
He was always friendly, outward going
and helpful. One of Harold's hobbies was
dancing with his wife.
When Audio Visual Aids on main site
closed, Harold was transferred to Audio
Visual Aids at the Dudley Campus. He
retired in 1993.
Harold died in 2008 or 2009. |

Harold Star in the
late 1970s. Courtesy of David Parsons. |

Will Parker. |
Another sad loss, especially for me,
is my brother, Will Parker, who was a
programmer in the Computer Centre from
1979 until 1984. He enjoyed his time at
the Polytechnic and regularly sang and
played guitar at the 'Eleven O Five'
folk club in the staff bar. At that
time, desktop computers were replacing
large main frame computers and the
Polytechnic still had a lot of Data Type
The Data Type representative who
often visited the Polytechnic, talked
Will into going for a job interview at
the company's factory in Cwmbran, Gwent.
Will got the job and with his family,
moved to South Wales in the summer of
Data Type were planning to launch a
high resolution colour terminal and Will
was writing its software. Unfortunately
about a year later the factory closed
because there was little demand for the
technology, which was rapidly becoming
out of date. |
Will then started his own software
company and wrote software for all kinds
of applications including control
systems for the engines on Stena Line
ferries, automated theatre equipment and
even medical scanning machines. Sadly
Will died from
esophageal cancer
on the 19th February, 2009, at the age
of 55. |
Austin Moseley was a well known and
well-respected member of staff in the Mechanical
Engineering Department. He was born in Tividale in
1930 and started his working life as an apprentice
at John Thompson Limited, in Ettingshall. He did an
engineering course at Dudley Technical College then
moved down south for a while. After doing National
Service, he returned to the Midlands and did an
engineering course at Birmingham before becoming a
lecturer and later a senior lecturer in the
Department of Mechanical Engineering, specialising
in industrial design. He was greatly interested in
all aspects of industry in the West Midlands and
took students on factory visits. He was a member of
West Midlands Studies and contributed to their
periodical, the Journal of Industrial Archaeology
and Business History. He illustrated his articles
with some of his brilliant sketches and became known
for his drawings and paintings. In the 1980s he had
an exhibition at Wolverhampton Art Gallery.
After retirement, Austin concentrated on art and
produced oil paintings using a palette knife. His
paintings featured Black Country scenes, often with
a character cycling or walking a dog through the
industrial landscape. The paintings were greatly
appreciated and he was elected as a member of the
Birmingham Society of Artists. He also became a
member of the Royal Institute of Painters in Oil. |

Austin Moseley. Courtesy of
David Parsons. |
His paintings were on sale at several
galleries and were very popular. His youngest
niece Heather is also an artist. Austin
married his childhood sweetheart Sylvia and they
had two sons. Sadly he died on the 2nd October,
2013. He was 83 years old. |
A lovely sketch of the
interior of the Swan pub in Darlaston, drawn by
Austin Moseley in 1972.
It hangs on the wall in the

A Black Country
Foundry, by Austin Moseley. Courtesy of
David Parsons. |

Pat Lees, a secretary in the
Psychology Division, was a popular member of staff. She
began working at the University in 'C-Block' and then moved
temporarily with the department to 'Bankfield House' in
Waterloo Road, while 'C-Block' was demolished to make way
for the 'Millennium City Building', where she ended her
career at the University, before retirement. Sadly Pat died
on the 2nd April, 2015 at the age of 68. |

Many people will
remember Ken Harper, who was laboratory
superintendent in the School of Health
Sciences, based in the Old Post Office.
He started at the
University in 1993, having previously
worked for Dudley Council. He had
earlier worked for the Polytechnic at
the Compton Park Campus. Ken lived with
his 'close-knit' family at Coseley and
had many interests including holiday
cruises, photography, football, golf and
Sunday lunchtime visits to Parkes Hall
Social Club. Ken retired in 2010, but
began to suffer from a brain
tumour a few years later. Sadly, he died
in November 2015 at the comparatively
young age of 62. |
For many years, a familiar figure on 'The Marble'
was head caretaker, Reg Kean. His office was on the
right-hand side of 'The Marble', as you enter the
building. Reg was in the Royal Navy for many years
before becoming a member of staff. Thanks to his
influence, in his day, most members of the
caretaking staff were ex-naval men. He became
president of the Royal Naval Association in
Wolverhampton and actively supported other ex-navy
men. He lived at Warstones in Penn and died on the
6th March, 2017 at the age of 96. |
Reg Kean and
his wife Elsie.
October 2009.
Courtesy of
David Parsons. |
Another long-serving Polytechnic
employee was Keith Withington, who
started working in the Production
Engineering Department in 1970,
based in rooms 51 and 52 on the
lower ground floor. He was brilliant
at woodwork and used to make his own
acoustic/electric guitars. He was
interested in photography and had
one of the very first digital
cameras. When he got married he
moved to Penkridge for some years
before returning to Holly Grove in
Penn Fields, where he was born. He
later worked in a room on the top
floor until he was transferred to IT
Services, following a
reorganisation. He had a camper
van and greatly enjoyed staying on
camp sites in North Wales, but began
to suffer from Parkinson's Disease,
which rapidly got worse. He passed
away at home on the 24th March, 2017
at the age of 70. |

Anyone who worked in 'C Block' in
the 1980s or 1990s will probably recognise Sue Pinson,
who was a cleaner there. She is seen here at a Boulton
Paul Association's open day, exhibiting a display about
Guy Motors, where she worked for many years before
moving to the polytechnic. She retired in the 1990s and
became a volunteer at Sunnyside dogs home at Coven,
which was ideal because she loved dogs. Sadly she died
of cancer in March 2019. Sue was always a friendly,
kind-hearted and likeable lady. Courtesy of David
Parsons. |
Peter Burden will be remembered by
many people. He was a lecturer in SCIT for many
years and was first involved with the Wolverhampton
& Staffordshire College of Technology, whilst still
at Wolverhampton Grammar School in the early 1960s.
At that time he wrote a program for the WITCH
computer that produced combinations for safe locks
for Chubb.
He was a born mathematician who read mathematics at
Cambridge and later became very interested in
computers and networking. In the 1990s he developed
some software for use on the internet involving
clickable maps and was involved in a project to
enhance search engines.
He was an enthusiastic radio amateur who greatly
enjoyed contacting other radio hams across the world
and a regular at St. Aidan's Church. For some years
he produced their website. He will also be
remembered as a regular in the staff bar at
lunchtime and a member of the folk club that was
held there. |

Peter Burden. |
In the 1980s he married Pam and they had two
children, a boy and a girl. They lived at Penn,
not far from where Peter was born, in Coalway
Road. Sadly Peter passed away on the 6th May, 2020
at the age of 76, after several strokes. |
An article from the April
1996 edition of Network.
Courtesy of David Parsons. |

The WITCH computer, with
Peter Burden on the left and Frank Hawley on the
right, examining some punch tape. At the time
Peter was 17 years old and still at school. |
The first head of the newly
formed School of Health Sciences in
1987 was psychologist, Bob Jamieson.
His hobbies included DIY and
walking. He greatly liked the
Shropshire Hills and when out hill
walking always carried
a packet of Garibaldi biscuits in
his rucksack. In the early 1980s,
Bob and his wife, Keitha won a
competition for the best house
improvements in Wolverhampton, run
by the Express and Star. At the time
they lived in Alexandra Road, Penn. In 1990 or 1991 he returned to his
home country of Australia and taught
psychology at the Bendigo Campus of
La Trobe University. One of his
projects was to discover why so few
people volunteered in local fire
brigades, which included travelling
to some of the more remote parts of
Australia. It was something that he
greatly enjoyed.
He retired in 2010. Bob and his
wife Keitha, along with their
children Sam, Naomi and David lived
in a house in the outback at
Junortoun, on the eastern side of
Bendigo. After retirement he led a
busy life and became Community
Engagement Coordinator for Loddon
Mallee Housing Services in Bendigo,
which provides homes for homeless
people or people who are about to be
homeless. In 2016 Bob became
Chairman of the Junortoun Community
Action Group, of which he was a
founder member. The group looks
after the interests of the local
inhabitants. Bob was a passionate
supporter of Junortoun and the wider
Bendigo community and served on
several committees that also looked
after local people's interests.
Sadly Bob died on the 27th
May, 2020. |

Bob Jamieson. |
One of the longest-serving
employees must have been Joyce
Wilson, who worked at the
establishment for the best part of 50
years. She began in the Department
of Applied Science, where she worked
until she was moved to an offshoot,
the School of Health Sciences in
1987. She enjoyed her time on main
site but was not so happy in the Old
Post Office building that housed
Health Sciences. She was very
skilled in microscopy and histology. |

Joyce, in the
Great Western pub on the 5th March,
2010. |
Joyce was also a talented
performer in the South Staffs
Operatic Society and the
Wolverhampton Musical Comedy
Company, where she was known for her
beautiful soprano voice. In the
1980s, with a friend, she co-founded
Rainbow Pantomimes, a successful
company that put-on annual
productions, rehearsing at a school
hall in Sedgley. Every year she
would sell tickets to her
colleagues at the University. |
Joyce, at the age of 35, in
costume as 'Adele' in the South
Staffs Operatic Society's production
of Die Fledermaus.
It was performed at the Grand
Theatre, Wolverhampton in October
1971. |
Joyce retired in November 2000,
but for a time could often be found
in the University because it took
her a while to settle-down to her
new life. She continued performing
and greatly loved her cats and
life with her partner, Bert. She
was born on the 8th November, 1935
in Glasgow, but lived in Willenhall
from a young age. Sadly Joyce passed
away on the 4th June, 2020 at the
age of 84. |

Joyce, on
the right, in costume as Mrs.
Botting for the Wolverhampton
Musical Comedy Company's
production of Half a Sixpence at
the Grand Theatre in 1986. |
Alan Thomas, who worked
in Languages and European
Studies, will be remembered
by many people. He started
at the Polytechnic in about
1980 and retired in about
2010. He will be familiar
to anyone who spent time in
the staff bar, where he
often served behind the bar.
Sadly he passed-away at
the end of April or the
beginning of May, 2022, at
the age of 75. |
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