The noble edifice which
is to form the subject of the following
report, is one of the largest churches in
the county of Stafford. It occupies a very
elevated and commanding position in the
centre of the town, and is, without doubt,
whether antiquity or beauty be considered,
its finest and most interesting ornament. In
its existing state, shorn as it has been of
some of its most beautiful features, partly
by the ravages of time, partly by repairs
parsimoniously and imperfectly executed, it
is hardly possible for the cursory observer
to realise how splendid a structure it once
was, or how great would be its value if
faithfully restored to its original
It will probably be
interesting previous to entering upon the
chief subject of this report, briefly to
describe the general arrangements of the
church and to relate, so far as may be
gathered from architectural features, the
history of its erection. A reference to the
plan given in plate 2, in which is shown the
position of the several parts of the
building, will facilitate the comprehension
of the subject.

It will be seen from
this, that the church possesses the usual
features of a cruciform arrangement, and
consists of a central tower, nave, north and
south aisles, north and south transepts,
south porch, with a room above, and a
chancel; there is also a vestry of modern
erection. The pulpit is of stone, the body
of it, together with a part of the shaft of
the pillar which it adjoins, being cut out
of a single block. The font is placed in the
north transept. At the south west corner of
the tower there is a staircase which was
formerly the approach to the rood loft.
In speaking of the
various styles of Gothic architecture
discoverable in the building, Rickman's
classification will be followed as being
that most generally known and understood.
Although it is more than probable that from
the earliest times a church has occupied
this site, yet there appears no good reason
for believing that any part of the existing
building was erected anterior to the
commencement of the fourteenth century. To
this period, the lower part of the central
tower, and the greater part of the south
transept, undoubtedly belong; and it is
probable that the wall of the south aisle,
and the encased western wall, were erected
at the same time, or not much later.
As regards the tower,
the evidence of this remains nearly perfect,
in pillars and arches which though partially
concealed from general view, may
nevertheless be clearly made out by proper
examination (a sketch of the capitals and
commencement of the arches is given in plate

In the south transept,
subsequent alterations and additions have
partially concealed or destroyed the
original outline, but in the east window,
and in the form of the buttresses, there
still remains sufficient evidence to show to
what period its erection belongs. It may be
remarked in passing, that the central pier
in this window is of modern introduction;
the opening was doubtless formerly filled
with mullions and tracery of decorated
character. The south window was probably at
one time of the same form as the eastern
one: but in the addition of the clerestory
at a later period, it was considerably
shortened, and a depressed arch introduced
instead of the higher one, to admit of the
continuation of windows correspondent with
those of the nave.
Similar causes have
been followed by like results in the wall of
the south aisle, Were it not for the form of
the buttresses, the depressed four centred
arches of the windows in this aisle, would
at first sight lead to the supposition that
the wall in which they were placed was of
perpendicular character; but a closer
examination will I think clearly prove, that
the upper part of the wall has been rebuilt
at a later period, and that at that time the
present arches were inserted. The
buttresses, the entrance doorway, and the
body of the porch, are certainly of an
earlier date, and belong to the Decorated
style of the former half of the fourteenth
century (the several features here alluded
to will be seen by reference to the general
view in plate 1).
The western wall having
been cased externally, and its original
features destroyed, its date is not now
exactly discoverable; but the small size of
the western window, the outline of which I
believe has not been greatly altered, would
seem to show that it belonged to an earlier
period than the side walls of the nave,
because at the time when these were erected,
large western windows were almost
universally used in such churches. I think
therefore that the south aisle and western
nave walls, together with those of the lower
part of the tower and south transept,
enclosed a church, no part of the interior
of which is now standing. The older church
may possibly have been destroyed by fire or
other accident, and it is by no means
improbable that fire was the cause of its
destruction, as the interior of the walls
has evidently been cased, especially about
the windows, in a manner which would
otherwise appear inexplicable. This however
is only a suggestion, it would be beside the
purpose of this paper further to follow up
such an enquiry.
The north transept, or
Lane's Chantry, is the next in point of
antiquity; and it is, with its very
beautiful roof, wholly of one date and
character. It was erected either at the
close of the fourteenth, or the beginning of
the fifteenth century. The windows of this
transept, undoubtedly original, are very
remarkable. They have none of the usual
mullions or tracery, but are each divided
into two parts by a large central pier.
These piers, and the jambs and arches of the
windows, are finished on the inside with a
series of bold and connected mouldings. The
form of the windows will be better
understood by a reference to plate 4, in
which a sketch of the upper part of the
transept is given. The glass is now
supported by large iron bars, which from
their injudicious position have contributed
to the decay of the stone; and these being
modern, have probably replaced others of
more ornamental character. It is most
probable that this transept was erected and
completed previous to the destruction of the
more ancient nave.
In the next era in the
progress of the church, the pillars and
arches of the nave were erected as high as
the base of the clerestory walls. These
belong to the earlier half of the fifteenth
century, and are of bold and simple
character. The very beautiful pulpit,
forming part of one of the southern pillars,
gives, in the character of its details,
additional evidence to the accuracy of this
The upper part of the
tower above the clerestory, was probably the
next point to which the builders of the
church directed their attention, and shows,
by the fineness of its proportions, and in
the beautiful character and vigorous
treatment of its details, the great skill
and taste of those who superintended its
Last in the history of
this fine structure, come those portions of
it which are now most decayed, the
clerestory of the nave and south transept;
and these may I think be correctly dated in
the close of the fifteenth century. Erected
in the decline of the art, they nevertheless
show that those who directed the building
were excellent artists’ men fully capable of
carrying out work of the highest character,
and stamping upon it no small measure of
originality and beauty. Thus it will be
seen, that during two whole centuries was
this great edifice in progress; gradually
rising under the hands of successive
generations of men, each striving to improve
upon the example of his predecessor, and to
do his part in carrying out the work to
perfection. At the close of the fifteenth
century it must have been a truly glorious
structure. Since that time it has been
gradually decaying, or suffering mutilation
at the hands of those who should have been
most anxious to have preserved it, until
now, when the accumulated effects of time
and evil repair have in some parts worked
such ruin, that, unless speedy measures of
restoration are adopted, it will be
impossible to discern any of its original
external features.
In the foregoing
remarks, no mention has been made of the
chancel, because hardly a fragment remains
to show what it once was. The existing
building, erected in the seventeenth
century, is wholly unworthy of the noble
church of which it should form a part. The
original chancel, which was certainly as
much as four feet wider, was probably lofty
enough to harmonise in external outline with
the nave, and in that case must have been a
very important feature of the whole
structure. That the chancel and church
should at any time have been well united
internally, is almost impossible, owing to
the narrowness of the tower archways. This
does not appear however to have been much
regarded by the architects engaged upon the
church in the fifteenth century, because
they still further narrowed the opening of
the archway next the nave; and the staircase
at the south-west angle of the tower, which
is an addition of later date than the tower
itself, evidently shows that the nave was
terminated by a rood loft and screen, etc.,
of unusually large dimensions, placed to the
westward of the archway against the tower
wall. The doorway in the upper part of the
staircase, now built up, the outline of
which may be seen in the south east corner
of the nave above the arches, was probably
used as a means of access for the purpose of
decorating the rood on occasions of high
festivals, etc. The whole of the ground
floor area of the tower appears to have been
enclosed by screens about the same time, two
of which now remain, one of which is shown
in plate 5. The floor above them was then
erected as a part of the rood loft. This
rood screen must have been very lofty, and
was probably a fine architectural feature,
but it must have completely concealed the
chancel, and thereby damaged the good effect
which so great length would otherwise be
calculated to produce.

This historical sketch
would possibly be considered incomplete
without some allusion to the very remarkable
pillar which stands on the south side of the
church. Various theories have I believe been
broached with regard to its date, but
judging by the slight traces of
architectural design visible on its surface,
I think it may be pronounced to be of Norman
workmanship, and it may have formed the
shaft or pedestal of a cross, the upper part
of which has been long destroyed. The
material of which it is composed being
sandstone, and the block being set
contrariwise to its quarry bed, the weather
has greatly acted on its surfaces, and, by
ploughing them out in grooves and holes, has
produced marks and indentations which have
so much the appearance of the carver's work,
that at first sight it appears much more
richly wrought than a closer examination
proves it to have been. The upper step is
circular in form, and is a single block of
stone seven feet in diameter. Other steps
probably lie buried beneath the surface, the
soil having been much raised in this part of
the churchyard.
Having thus given a
slight outline of the history of the church,
it will now be necessary to proceed to the
main subject of this report; and to
describe, first, the present state of the
fabric; and, next, the repairs necessary to
restore it to a sound, durable, and perfect
condition. And first of the roofs:
The Nave Roof - The
roof of the nave which was erected nearly a
century ago, is perfectly sound as regards
its timbers, the whole being of substantial
modern construction, though entirely out of
character with the architecture of the
church. The lead covering, especially in the
gutters, is in a bad state; it has been much
repaired, and the repairs have greatly
conduced to its present imperfections.
In fixing this roof,
the masonry of the north parapet was damaged
very materially, the bases of the pinnacles
having been cut away to give room for the
gutters, consequently the overhanging weight
has caused the whole parapet to lean
The North Aisle Roof -
This roof is generally in tolerable
condition, both as regards its timbers and
their covering, probably because the lead
has in a great measure been protected from
the action of the sun's rays. The dormer
windows which have been introduced to give
light to the gallery in this aisle, are
almost entirely rotten. Water penetrates in
many parts, and will seriously damage the
roof unless these defects are speedily
amended. The gutters on this roof are in a
very bad state, and need to be re-laid

The South Aisle Roof -
This roof, which was erected about half a
century ago, is exceedingly defective in
construction, and has consequently settled
very considerably. On the south side, the
principal beams rest upon a slight wall of
stone in which there are three windows for
lighting the gallery. This is built on the
inner side of the main aisle wall, giving
space for a gutter between the wall and the
parapet. The pressure arising from the
settlement of the roof has caused this wall
in the middle of its length to swerve from
the perpendicular to the extent of three
inches in its height of about four feet. The
main trusses of this roof being too far
apart, and the intermediate timbers not
being of proportionate strength, the
external surfaces are extremely crooked, and
the roof is in bad condition, and not
waterproof. These defects can only be
effectually remedied by the removal of the
roof, and the substitution of another.
Internally, there is a ceiling beneath it of
plaster groining, which is miserably poor.
The South Transept, or
Leveson's Chantry - The roof on this
transept appears to have been constructed
about the same time as that of the nave, and
consists in part of the old timbers from a
former enriched ceiling, which was probably
like that on the north transept. The timbers
appear to be generally in sound condition;
but the boarding which covers them is
partially in a bad state, and the same
defects exist in the lead, as those
described in the nave roof. This covering
should be removed and the lead re-cast. The
lead on this roof was recently repaired,
but, previously it had been long neglected,
and water having been allowed to penetrate
in various parts, in one or two places
incipient rot is visible in the timbers.
The North Transept or
Lane’s Chantry - This roof is the original
one. It is formed with carved and moulded
beams, with cross ribs and beautifully
carved bosses at the intersections (see
plate 4) and is in its main timbers
apparently sound; some of the smaller ribs
have however been destroyed, and the
boarding is in part decayed. The lead
coverings and gutters require to be relaid,
the latter being especially defective, and
the flashing having been removed water has
penetrated to the interior and rotted the
gutter boards. The whole roof should be
carefully repaired, and fitted for permanent
The chancel roof,
covered with lead, is in fair condition.
The Walls - It is
satisfactory to be able to state that the
walls, which are chiefly built of red
sandstone, are substantial, and appear to be
generally sound at heart, being free for the
most part, from fractures or settlements;
almost all of them are true and
perpendicular. They have been built with
excellent mortar, which generally remains
still strong and good to the surface. The
external face of the stone is however much
decayed, and in the greater portion of the
main walls is so rotten, as imperatively to
require replacement. The tower only is an
exception; being built of a superior stone,
it remains as regards its surface, to a very
considerable extent in an almost perfect
condition. The pinnacles and parapets
however, are not the original ones; and like
almost all more recent work, are in very
unsatisfactory condition; the former are
barbarous in design, not perpendicular, and
hardly safe, rocking visibly in a slight
In most parts of the
church, repairs have been executed at
various times, but generally with little
regard to the preservation of the original
features of the structure. These have been
effected in a lighter coloured stone than
that used in the first construction, and it
is remarkable, that of but few parts can it
be said that the modern is in as sound
condition as the ancient work; in many parts
it is much worse, and in some, as in the
south clerestory windows of the nave, the
partial and imperfect nature of the repairs
has actually tended to the destruction of
the adjoining masonry.
It will serve no useful
purpose to enter much into detail with
regard to the walls, the defects in which
are clearly evident to the most cursory
observer; it will be sufficient for present
purposes to note those parts of them which
are chiefly in need of instant repair.
Although of most recent erection, the walls
of the clerestory of the nave are in worse
condition than any others in the church, and
are in fact becoming ruinous with
extraordinary rapidity, wasting day by day
with still increasing injury to the fabric.
The repairs which have been executed
here, have as has been already noticed
assisted in the destruction of the old work;
the mullions of the windows having been
faced only on the exterior, the rain has
driven through the joints thus made, and the
walls have thereby been greatly damaged. In
plate 6, sketches are shown to a large scale
of one bay of the clerestory, illustrative
of the present condition of the walls, and
of their original state, as it may be
learned from still remaining fragments. It
may be well to add that the modern parapet
on this clerestory is in a very loose and
shaky condition. The walls of the south
transept, especially the eastern one, and
the western wall of the north transept, are
also in very bad condition externally, and
need speedy attention. Much damage has been
caused to the latter, by removing an ancient
staircase, and by cutting into the walls for
the formation of flues for stoves, by which
the transept wall has been fractured. No
attempt has been made to restore the walls
injured by the removal of the staircase; the
parapet on the north wall remains
incomplete, and the timbers under the
gutter, and on the top of the wall, are
openly exposed. Following these, the walls
of the side aisles require attention, and,
though of very recent workmanship, the
casing of the western wall already gives
evidence that before long it will need to be

In other parts of the
church, anomalous features have been
introduced; unsightly chimneys have been
erected; windows have been deprived of their
mullions; and, in fact, the whole exterior
has been allowed to arrive at such a stage
of decay and misery, that nothing but
vigorous and well directed efforts can
possibly rescue it and restore it to
anything like its former beauty. It will now
therefore be necessary to point out the
repairs required to be done; but before
proceeding to particularise them, I think it
most essential to call attention to the
state of the churchyard in immediate
proximity to the building.
From the accumulations
of centuries, the ground has been allowed to
rise to a considerable height above the
floor of the church, and next the south
aisle especially, it lies against the wall
not less than five feet above the floor. The
drainage is very defective, and in some
parts there is no legitimate means for
carrying off the rain water. Such a state of
things ought not to have been suffered to
exist, and cannot too speedily be amended.
An open area ought to be formed round all
the walls, sunk below the level of the
floor; and an efficient system of drainage
should be constructed for the purpose of
keeping the whole of the walls perfectly
The Repairs - I think
it cannot be doubted, after what has been
already said, that the whole fabric of the
church needs to be repaired, and I think
also that it is certain that nothing short
of an entire restoration of its ancient
architectural features throughout, can
possibly produce a satisfactory result. The
repairs hitherto executed have not been
exact restorations, and, as has been already
observed, the modern, is even now in many
parts, in a worse state than the remains of
that which is ancient. There is sufficient
of what has never been altered to guide the
architect to its exact reproduction. To
follow the example of what has been done in
recent times, would be to destroy such
original features, and replace them with
others, less expensive it is true, but not
harmonious with the character of the
structure; but, as I entertain a strong
opinion that the ancient character of the
church should be reproduced, and that the
whole fabric should be restored in all its
integrity; I cannot recommend the adoption
of any intermediate course. Thus much may be
said as regards the walls.
As respects the repair
of the roofs, more than one course is open
for adoption. Excepting in the roof over the
south aisle, which must be renewed; I have
reported the timbers to be generally sound,
but all require that their lead coverings
should be taken off, recast, and re-laid
upon new boarding, brought to a regular and
even surface, this may be done at a moderate
cost, and the roofs will then be in
excellent condition. To do this in the nave
however, would be to perpetuate a mistake of
former times, and it becomes therefore a
question for consideration, whether the
present roof should be re-covered and left
in its existing state internally, or whether
it should be replaced by an entirely new
roof, in accordance with the surrounding
In my opinion the
latter is the only proper course to be
pursued, and in plate 7 I have given a
sketch of such a roof as I would propose for
erection, to harmonise with the character of
the building. The corbels shown in this
sketch are the originals.

The south aisle roof must as has been
already said be renewed; and in the new one,
which might be of the form shown on the
sketch in plate 8, a better means of giving
light to the gallery might be introduced,
without interfering with present
arrangements, but to the manifest
improvement of their architectural

The north aisle roof
appears to be so sound generally, that I
think it would be unnecessary to disturb it
for the present, further than to remove the
very defective windows, and to re-lay the
gutters throughout. To the south transept
roof the same observations will apply as to
the nave roof. The north transept roof
requires the deficient mouldings and
enrichments to be replaced internally, and
the timbers repaired; the lead to be
re-cast, and re-laid on new boarding. The
tower roof requires that its gutters should
be repaired.
The south aisle roof
must be entirely new. The nave and south
transept roofs may either be renewed in
accordance with the architecture of the
church, or the lead being stripped off and
re-cast, it must, in order that the work be
perfectly done, be re-laid upon new boarding
brought to an even surface.
The north transept roof
must be repaired, the lead re-cast, and
re-laid on new boards, as before. The north
aisle roof must have new gutters, and the
lead must in part be re-laid. The tower roof
needs only slight and partial repairs.
In order to make this
report complete, it will perhaps be
desirable to add a few remarks upon the
present condition of the chancel, although
it is believed to be the province of a
private individual to repair it. The roof
has been already noticed as tolerably
perfect. The walls also appear to be
substantially sound, but externally they are
in a very imperfect condition. The chancel
was rebuilt about the year 1682, in a very
plain manner, the few mouldings with which
it is enriched being in the Italian style. A
few years ago the windows having become
dilapidated, new ones in the Norman style
were introduced, and the vacancy between the
old and the new work thus inserted, has
never been made good. The whole building is
of most incongruous character, and can only
be made to harmonise with the church, by
being rebuilt in proper form.
I have now I believe,
in connexion with the sketches which
accompany this report, given a sufficiently
full account of the existing state of the
fabric of the church, and in describing the
restorations proposed, have confined my
remarks almost entirely to the structural
defects of the building, and to what is
absolutely necessary to be done to rescue it
from its present unseemly and wasting
condition. That much might be effected for
the improvement of the interior also, cannot
I think be doubted by anyone who has seen
its arrangements; but I do not conceive it
to be my duty to enter upon this subject
whilst any defects of the exterior remain to
be amended.
In conclusion, I think
it would be much to be regretted, if the
restoration of the church to its ancient
dignity were to be neglected, now, when
thorough repairs are absolutely needed; and
as I do not believe that they can ever be
satisfactorily done, except upon a large and
comprehensive scale, I cannot recommend any
other course to be adopted. But although the
whole expense of such extensive works must
necessarily be heavy, it is right to observe
that it need not, nor ought it to be,
altogether an immediate expense. I conceive
that on every account, the best method of
conducting the restorations, would be to
make them extend over a period of two or
three years. That in the first instance the
plan should be accurately laid down for the
whole work, and that upon this plan the
repairs should be carefully executed,
commencing with those of most pressing
necessity, and gradually progressing until
the whole are completed. To insure the
execution of the work in a perfect and
durable manner, I should recommend, that the
greatest care should be exercised in the
selection of the stone, that the whole
quantity required should be quarried as soon
as possible, none being put into the
building which had not been properly tested;
that the workmen should be carefully
selected, and that a limited number only
should be employed upon the work, under
competent and careful supervision. I think
that if such a plan be adopted, and if the
work be carried out in a right spirit, and
in a thoroughly complete and satisfactory
manner, funds cannot, and will not be
allowed to be wanting, for the most perfect
restoration possible, of this noble edifice,
the chief and most valuable ornament of the
town of Wolverhampton.
Ewan Christian,
London, October, 1851. |