Harrison, Harrod and Company's,
1861 Directory and Gazetteer of Staffordshire - A to B: |
Abbott, W. and J., coal masters, Greet's
Green Colliery
Abel, John, shopkeeper, Hill Top
Abell, Thomas, beer retailer, Lyng Lane
Adams, Benjamin, beer retailer, Spon Lane
Adams, John, beer retailer, Hill Top
Adams, Samuel, coach builder, Lyttleton Street
Adams, Samuel, organ and piano tutor and dealer,
High Street
Adkins, Thomas, farmer, Dean Farm
Allcock, Sophia, maltster, Bratt Street
Alldridge, Thomas, shopkeeper, Price Street
Allen, James, seedsman, High Street
Allen, William, butcher, High Street
Allman, William, umbrella maker, Paradise Street
Amphlet, Theophilus, confectioner, etc., Spon
Anderson, Louis, basket maker, High Street
Arkinstall, John, beer retailer, Cross Street
Arnold, George, farmer, Dagger Lane
Arter, Thomas, shopkeeper, Spon Lane
Arter, William, butcher, Spon Lane
Asbury, B. and J., brass and iron founders,
Holloway Bank
Ault, John, general carrier, Spon Lane
Ault, Thomas, auctioneer and boot and shoe
warehouse, High Street
Averhill, Richard, house and estate agent, High
Bache, W. and T., Ladle, skimmer, and kettle car
makers, Seager Street
Badger, George, grocer, High Street
Badger, T. and J., coal masters, Church Lane
Badland, William, boot and shoe maker, High
Baggat, Aaron, beer retailer, Carter's Green
Bagnall, Brothers, coal masters, Sandwell Road
Bagnall, J. and W., coal masters, Nash Lane
Bagnall. J. and Sons, iron masters and
manufacturers, Gold's hill Iron Works
Bagnall, Edward, shoe maker, Oldbury Road
Bailey, Joshua, Roebuck, Old Meeting Street
Bailey, Samuel, mine engineer, Pitt Street
Baker, John, beer retailer, Ryder's Green Road
Banbrook, Samuel, religious tract depot, High
Banbrook, Samuel, collector and house agent, Spon
Barrister, Thomas, plumber, etc., New Street
Barclay, Robertison, baker, High Street
Barker, E. and Sons, linen and woollen drapers,
Great Bridge
Barlow, G. and J., coach builders, High Street
Barnes, Thomas, police constable, Police Station,
Hill Top
Barnsley, Benjamin, grocer, Swan Village
Barr, Henry, Shopkeeper, Green Street
Barrow, John, Britannia, New Town
Barrow, Samuel, bread and flour warehouse, New
Barrs, John, chemist, Carter's Green
Barton, William, shopkeeper, All Saint's Street
Barton, William H., accountant, Queen Street
Bassett, John, earthenware dealer, Moor Street
Bassett, Mary, beer retailer, New Street
Bassnett, John, beer retailer, Church Lane
Bassnett, William, beer retailer, Church Lane
Bates, Hannah, shopkeeper, Walsall Street
Bates, John, shopkeeper, Hill Top
Bates, Joseph, newsagent, Walsall Street
Baugh, Daniel, greengrocer, Hawkes Lane
Bayley, Charles H., solicitor, High Street
Bayley, George, Plough and Harrow, Taylor's Lane
Bayley, George, pawnbroker and builder, Tyndal
Bayley, Joseph, builder, etc., Old Meeting Street
Bayley, Samuel, hop merchant, Holloway Bank
Bayley, William, coke burner, Oldbury Lane
Bayliss, James, picture frame maker, Spon Lane
Bayliss, Sarah, cooper, Bull Street
Beard, John, shopkeeper, Ryder's Green Road
Beckett, John, beer retailer, Greet's Green
Beddoe, John, Coles Farm Timber Yard, Hill Top
Beddoe, Sarah, Royal Oak, Hill Top
Beddoe, Samuel, assistant overseer, etc., High
Beddoe, William, rope maker, Great Bridge Street
Bedward, James, tailor, High Street
Bedworth, Isaac, butcher, Carter's Green
Beasley, Jane, shopkeeper, Greet's Green
Beeson, Thomas, farmer, Wigmore Farm
Beeson, Thomas, jun., farmer, Sandwell Farm
Belcher, Joseph, butcher, Old Meeting Street
Bell, Henry, butcher, Moor street
Bell, Henry, grocer, Swan Road
Bennett, Philip D., and Company, ironfounders,
etc., Spon Lane Foundry
Bennett, Samuel, Gough's Arms, Hateley Heath
Bennington, James, painter, Hill Top
Berry, John, beer retailer, St. Michael Street
Bethell, John, naptha, creosote, and patent coke
works, Brickhouse Lane
Bettaney, George, earthenware dealer, Walsall
Betteridge, John, grocer, Spon Lane
Bevins, Isaac, beer retailer, High Street
Bickley, Job, grocer, Seager Street
Biddleston, Lydia, beer retailer, Messenger's
Bill, Henry, grocer, Great Bridge Street
Bishop, Daniel, plasterer, etc., Pitt Street
Bissell, Keay and Bissell, iron masters, Waterloo
Iron Works, Church Lane
Bisseker, Enoch, haberdasher, etc., High Street
Blackwell, S. H and Company, Atlas Iron Works
Blades, Brownlow, blue brick and tile
manufacturer, Swan Road
Blake, Emma, ladies' school, Great Bridge
Blake, John, printer, Great Bridge Street
Blocksidge, Ephraim, shopkeeper, Spon Lane
Bloomer, and Company, manufacturers of patent
anchors, chain cables, etc., Gold's Hill Works
Blunt, James, stonemason, St. Michael Street
Bond, Thomas, house agent, Bull Street
Bonser, James, grocer, High Street
Bookes, Thomas, Old Black Boy, Lyndon
Botherson, Bathsheba, shopkeeper, Holloway Bank
Botteley, Thomas, coal master, Black Lake
Bowater, John J., oil merchant, Hill Top
Bowen, Samuel, paper hanging, glass and lead
manufactory, High Street
Boyes, Elkanah, Hen and Chickens, Hill Top
Bradley, George, beer retailer, Dartmouth Street
Bradsworth, Henry, greengrocer, Walsall Street
Brainson, John, butcher, High Street
Bratt, Daniel, shopkeeper, New Street
Bratt, John, butcher, New Street
Brettell, T. and J., iron founders, Spon Lane
Brewster, Joseph S., Stork Inn, and spirit
merchant Great Bridge
Bridge, Joseph, corn factor, High Street
Bridge, Thomas, (Guest and Bridge) Claremont
Villa, Handsworth Road
Bridgwater, Benjamin, furniture dealer, Great
Bright, Frederick, haberdasher, High Street
Brindley, William, cooper, New Street
Brinton, John, butcher, High Street
Britton, Joseph, boot and shoe maker, Bull Street
Brittle, William, and Company, grocers and
pawnbrokers, Wood Lane
Brooks and Loy, brick and tile manufacturers,
Greet's Green
Brookes, Thomas, beer retailer, Victoria Street
Brookes, William, tailor and draper, High Street
Brooks, William, beer retailer, Moor Street
Brooksbank, Shem, beer retailer, Sheepwash Lane
Broom, John, shopkeeper, Overend Street
Broughall, Mary Ann, dressmaker, Old Meeting
Browne, Benjamin S., surgeon, High Street
Brown, William, beer retailer, Hill Top
Bull, Charles, brass founder, Bull Street
Bullock, W. and Company, ironfounders and
manufacturers, Grice Street, Spon Lane
Bullock, Edwin, cut nail works, George Street
Bullock, Henry, farmer, Ten Score Street
Bullock, Joseph, beer retailer, Bond Street
Bullus, William, chemist, High Street
Bulton, Edward, shopkeeper, Hill Top
Bunn, Charles, coach brass founder, Overend
Bunn, Henry, beer retailer and farmer, Penny Hill
Bunn, Isaiah, butcher, Walsall Street
Bunn, William, beer retailer, Greet's Green
Burch, William, chemist, St, Michael Street
Burchill, Ellen, British wine retailer, Spon Lane
Burley, Joseph, butcher, Hill Top
Burr, William, general broker, High Street
Burton, John, beer retailer, Oldbury Lane
Buswell, Caroline, provision dealer, High Street
Butler, James, chemist, Great Bridge and Hill Top
Butler, Thomas, shoekeeper, Smith Street
Butler, Richard, Old Crown, Hill Top
Butler, Samuel, Hawthorn Tavern, and shopkeeper,
Dial Lane
Byne, James, tailor, Spon Lane |

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