by Mary Morgan
Webmaster's note:
Mary Morgan (nee Quick) was born in Hallam House, Lea Road, Penn Fields
in 1936. She was raised in her parent's green grocery shop next door to
St. Paul's church hall in Merridale Street. She attended Graiseley Girls
Secondary School and later Old Hall Street Adult Education College. She
was married at St. Paul's church, Penn Road, her husband being a
Horseley Fields man. They lived in Hallett's Row, behind the Fox and
were later rehoused in Ashmore Park.
Mary and her husband had intended to emigrate to Australia not long
after they were married but they were involved in a motorbike crash
shortly before they were due to leave and they had to abandon the idea.
But their children made the change and Mary and her husband eventually
joined them in Melbourne.
Mary has many memories of her life in Wolverhampton and her family
prompted her to write her life story. She produced Chapter 1, which
gives a vivid description of life in Merridale Street and Wolverhampton
town centre during and immediately after the Second World War, and sent
it to us. We published it here as one of the earliest contributed
articles on the site. Shortly afterwards Mary emailed us to say
she was ill and was moving to be nearer her relatives. We have not
heard from her since.
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