F. W. Paddey, Importer of Wines and
Spirits, Snow Hill.
The wine and spirit trade has an
enterprising representative in Wolverhampton in Mr. F. W.
Paddey, who is well established in Snow Hill. Here he
occupies premises specially adapted to the business, and
possesses every facility for the proper conduct of a brisk
trade. A valuable connection has been built up by Mr. Paddey,
and his stock is without doubt one of the largest and best
selected of its character in the town.
Among his
specialities may be mentioned, Jameson's old Irish whiskeys.
Moet's and Giesler's champagnes, the most noted brands of
Scotch whiskeys, Hennessey's and Martell's brandies, Jamaica
rums, London gins, clarets and burgundies, ports, sherries,
etc. Agencies are held with the most noted brewers for ales,
including the Anglo-Bavarian Co., Allsopps' Bass's Eversheds,
Salt and Co., Watkins, Worthingtons, Gartons, and Russells;
also for Guinness's stout, Herefordshire, American and
Devonshire cider, Kop's ale, and mineral waters.
A price
list for the guidance of patrons is supplied on application,
from which it will appear that the prices which rule at this
house will bear favourable comparison with those of any
other establishment. It may be remarked in concluding, that
Mr. Paddey has secured the good will of all who have
dealings with him.
S. Cassin Pritchard and Co., Iron and
Steel Merchants, Horseley Fields.
An extensive and widespread trade is
done by Messrs S. Cassin Pritchard and Co., Iron and Steel
Merchants, at their well appointed premises situated at
Horseley Fields, Wolverhampton, where they hold every
facility for conducting a highly important business in their
particular connections. They maintain a select stock of iron
and steel suitable for the many manufacturing requirements
of the district and while offering the best qualities in
each line, are known to be consistently low in prices, in
fact, afford the best advantages to their numerous patrons.
On the Same premises these gentlemen conduct a highly
important business under the name of the Anglo-American Handle Co., as
manufacturers of Ash and Hickory hammer, pick, hatchet, and
shovel handles. The same spirit of active and well-directed
enterprise animates the conduct of each department and it
only remains to add that the success achieved is
commensurate with the ability displayed.
Presto Gear Case and Components
Company, Limited, Frederick Street.
The Presto Gear Case and Components
Company, Limited, recently known as The Presto Gear Case
Company, is in the enjoyment of such favour from the cycling
public, as to have necessitated the formation of a limited
company to enable them to satisfactorily cope with the
increasing demand for their gear cases and component parts,
which are well-known and eagerly sought after throughout the
whole extent of cycledom.

Contemporary with the formation of
the new Company, large works have been erected and equipped
on a scale and in a manner calculated to in every way fulfil
the requirements which may be brought to bear upon this
highly-popular firm. Perhaps the best-known production of
this firm is the "Presto" gear case (Bate's patent, 1384), a
gear case which combines all the advantages of others,
whilst it is free from anyone of their various defects.
most notable advantages of this gear case are perfect fit
(they are easily fitted by two screws only, are detachable
at will, the chain and chain wheels are accessible at any
moment, secures freedom from vibration, does not reverberate
the sound of the running chain, .is dust-proof, and does not
look unsightly. Surely these are commendations which must
force themselves upon all lovers of the "wheel" and it is
these numerous advantages which have secured for the
"Presto" gear case manufacturers such world-wide popularity.
In addition to this, the Presto Gear
Case and Components Company, Limited, manufacture cycle
accessories of every description, the quality and make of
which secure for them a rapidly increasing demand. They are
agents for Dunlop, Warwick, Beeston, and Clincher tyres, and
keep large stocks of steel balls, tube nipples, etc. To
attain such pre-eminence necessitates judicious and skilful
management, considerable experience and tact, coupled with
it practical knowledge of the requirements of the trade and
their patrons, and it is to their thorough conception of the
foregoing that the Presto Gear Case and Components Company
Limited, owe their great popularity. |

At their works in
Frederick Street, a large number of hands are busily engaged
in the manufacture of these cases and accessories, and this
firm is an important factor among the industrial community
of the township. A firm which has such a hold upon public
favour as is enjoyed by the one under present review, is
bound not only to sustain its present position, but to make
a great headway.
Phillips and Jones, Cabinet Makers and
Upholsterers, 37 Queen Square and Cheapside.
It would be impossible to assign undue
prominence to the establishment conducted by Messrs;
Phillips and Jones, cabinet makers and upholsterers, as it
is fully entitled to the foremost rank among the enterprises
devoted to the general furnishing trade. Messrs. Phillips
and Jones succeeded, some four years ago, to the business
formerly carried on by Messrs. Sidney and Son, and it is no
exaggeration to say that by their brilliant business
abilities and well directed commercial enterprise, they have
not only maintained the reputation of the concern but
augmented it very considerably.

As designers and
manufacturers of high-class furniture, artistic upholsterers
and decorators, they have achieved conspicuous success and
in each department of their varied business, they hold a
premier position. The premises at 37 Queen Square consist of
an elaborately equipped shop, possessing a fine frontage,
three storeys in altitude, and two very large show windows,
also well-appointed warehouses, show and stock rooms.
stock maintained is extensive and comprehensive, and
includes all the latest novelties in furniture, bedsteads,
bedding, mattresses, carpets, rugs, curtains, household
linen, soft goods in French tapestries, silks, cretonnes,
Swiss and Guipure curtains, etc. Messrs. Phillips and Jones
cannot be surpassed for drawing, dining, or bedroom suites,
sideboards, and general cabinet work.
Parties, among all
classes of the community desirous of furnishing or adding to
their homes, will meet with advantageous terms at their
emporium. The manufacturing is carried on at 36a Queen Square, where capital premises
are held for the purpose, the soundest and most reliable
materials are employed in addition to the best skilled
workmanship. It is very gratifying to note the expansion
of business due to the vigorous control exercised by the
firm, whose connections are among the principal residents,
not only of Wolverhampton, but the surrounding districts.
W. and J. Plant, manufacturers of
Corkscrews, Boot hooks, Horse-clipping Machines, etc., etc.,
Bloomsbury Steel Toy Works, 105 Pool Street.
The Bloomsbury Steel Toy Works of
Messrs. W. and J. Plant were established more than a hundred
years ago, or to be exact, in l795 by the grandfather of the
present owners, and have shown steady development from the
first. The premises at 105 Pool Street are compact and well
arranged, and suitable and efficient machinery is provided,
the works affording every indication that a large and
valuable trade is conducted under excellent conditions.
Messrs. Plant have a first-class reputation as manufacturers
of all kinds of corkscrews, boot hooks, nut cracks, sugar,
champagne, nail and other nippers, tweezers, key-rings, goffering irons, bell hangers, pliers, etc.; these goods
being manufactured of superior materials by skilled workmen,
so that for finish and all round quality they are deservedly
This firm are patentees of the "Wulfruna" Corkscrew,
which has a large sale; while another branch of their trade
consists of the manufacture of horse clipping machines and
repairs to same.
The high reputation which Messrs: Plant's
goods enjoy is thoroughly merited, and the demand for them
is a still expanding one.
The owners of the concern are
capable and experienced men of business, and are to be
complimented on the excellence of their productions. |
Parkdale Cycle and Machine Tool Co.,
St. John's Square.
This firm manufacture the celebrated
Parkdale cycles, and their productions hold an eminent
position not only in the home markets, but also abroad. The
large works are situated in St John's Square; the modern
plant and machinery being on the most up-to date principles,
and the productive powers of the concern are very large

The cycles manufactured by the Parkdale Cycle and Machine Tool
Co. are of the highest grade, their make displaying an
embodiment of all the latest improvements applied in the
best possible manner. Their ladies' machines are of the
latest design, and are very popular, being made with a nice
dress clearance, which is very acceptable to the rider.
Their No. 105 is a magnificent mount, and is the result of
much time and study given during the recess.
The works have
been greatly extended to meet increased demands, and the
company are now enabled to give the most prompt delivery of
orders. Agents would do well to communicate with this firm,
whose goods are of the most reliable order. The Parkdale
cycle fittings, saddles, gear cases, valises, etc., all
display the same amount of excellent workmanship, best
quality material, and elegant design, and bear silent
testimony to the thought, care, and practical skill brought
to bear in their manufacture.
By sheer enterprise and
ability this firm has attained their present high position
in the cycle world, and are deserving of the highest
congratulation on the fact that not only have they been able
to hold their own in the go ahead race for place, but they
have made considerable strides, which can only be
accomplished by the utmost energy and tact. |
Thomas Rickhuss, Agricultural Engineer
Implement Agent.
In reviewing some of the principal
business enterprises of Wolverhampton, prominence is due to
that of Mr. Thomas Rickhuss, of the Old Hall Implement
Works, Garrick Street. It was founded by the present
proprietor about five years back. Its management throughout
has been marked by ability and enterprise, and there is no
question that Mr. Rickhuss is well deserving of the
substantial success he has achieved.
The premises occupied
are of large dimensions, and it is obvious that no expense has been spared in laying down
plant, and in every other way fitting up the establishment
so as to achieve the best results in cost and speed of
production. The aim of Mr. Rickhuss has always been to
supply machinery and appliances manufactured from the best
materials, and of sound workmanship, and in the introduction
of any improvement carefully to avoid any complication of
parts |
He is prepared to supply on the
shortest notice every kind of machine and appliance used in
agriculture, and makes a speciality of repairs of every
description. Experienced workmen are sent out any distance and
it should be mentioned that Mr. Rickhuss has of late opened
new and extensive show-rooms in Cleveland Road, next door to
Theatre Royal. Here may be seen a splendid selection of
agricultural machinery and implements, garden requisites,
lawn mowers, garden rollers, garden seats, swings, and every description of garden tools, etc.
It should be mentioned that Mr. Rickhuss was awarded a Gold
Medal at the Trades Exhibition, held in Wolverhampton, in
the year 1893, and has since obtained certificates of merit
at the Wolverhampton Floral Fetes of 1894 and 1896 for his
exhibits. He has gained the respect of all who know him, and
the further development of his business at a substantial
pace is assured.
Richards' Beau Ideal Cycle Co., Ltd.
With the progress and development of
the cycle industry, Wolverhampton is eminently
distinguished, and a house to whom the town owes much of its
distinction in this line is that carried on under the style
of Richards' Beau Ideal Cycle Company, Limited, of Frederick
Street, Heath Town. This business was founded by Mr. C.
Richards, in the year 1880 Its progress during this period
has been remarkable, and its operations have been attended
by the greatest and most gratifying success.
The premises
utilised at the address named are very extensive, built upon
the latest and most approved principles, and comprise
one of the most convenient and perfect works for economical
production. Employment is found for a very large number of
skilled operatives, and the system of supervision which
pervades each department is most conducive to the production
of the best class of work. This firm has introduced many
improvements in cycles, and their "Beau Ideal" is now
regarded as one of the most perfect and up-to-date machines
It should be mentioned that the local showroom
of this house is at Theatre Buildings, Lichfield Street,
where a very attractive display is made, and as regards
prices and terms, certainly no similar house offers better
advantages to all classes of buyers. Another noteworthy
feature is the promptitude with which all orders are
executed, and it is obvious that no effort is spared in any
direction by the management, to sustain the high reputation
gained. The telegraphic address is "Wheels", Wolverhampton,
and the telephone Nos. 7115 and 7169, for works and
showrooms respectively.
James A. Rigby, Draper, Hosier, and
Milliner, Worcester Street.
Wolverhampton is amply provided with
representatives of the drapery and millinery trades, and a
well-known name in this connection is that of Mr. James A.
Rigby, who has for some years carried on a progressive trade
in Worcester Street. The drapery and hosiery branches are
conducted in premises at No. 19 and 20, and the millinery
branch at No. 68, directly opposite.
The premises at the
former address are large and commodious, very conveniently
arranged, and suitably appointed. There are two capital show
windows, in which the leading lines are set off to the best
possible advantage, the effect being very attractive. The
stock held is a strikingly complete one, including plushes,
velvets, silks, and every description of dress materials,
gloves, cuffs, collars, hosiery, furs, corsets,
underclothing, and numberless articles coming under the head
of fancy drapery. Seamless machine knit hosiery is a special
feature, the hard-wearing qualities of these goods having
become a household word.
The children also are well catered
for in costumes, with hoods, hats, match pinafores, etc.,
many of which are made on the premises, and are roomy and
well finished. At the millinery establishment the stock is
also of an up-to-date character, and is continually being
replenished with all the latest productions. At both
establishments the profits are arranged on a cash basis, the
proprietor finding this the best system, alike for himself
and his customers, and that this is fully appreciated is
proved by the fact that from the commencement, the business
has grown at an unusual pace, and there is no question that
it will continue to develop under its present
Reade Brothers and Company, Limited,
Varnish Manufacturers. Telegraphic Address, " Reade", Wolverhampton. Telephone No.
One of the oldest enterprises conducted
at Wolverhampton is that of Messrs. Reade Brothers and
Company, Limited. It was founded in 1773, and has had an
uninterrupted career of success to the present time. As
manufacturers of varnishes of every description, this firm
have a wide reputation, their goods holding a pre-eminent
position for quality.
Among some of the productions we may
mention as deserving special notice, are the finest
carriage, body, copal, oak, crystal, and paper varnishes,
pale maple, superfine copal, oak, and white enamel varnish,
antique oak stain, French polish, white and brown hard
spirit varnish for cabinet makers' work, liquid dryers, and
a solution for damp walls, cellars, greenhouses, etc. In
addition to the foregoing, we may also state a special
feature of the business is that enamels for cycle
manufacturers, both black and coloured, for which they have
a large demand. They also manufacture on an extensive scale,
varnishes for japanners, safe makers, bedstead
manufacturers, and other metal trades. |
A leading speciality of the business is an extra hard drying
oak varnish for church seats. The extensive and
well-appointed works are located at Monmore Green and
Cleveland Road; the offices and warehouses form an
exceptionally fine frontage, and every convenience and
facility exists for conducting the important operations of
the firm.
The business is enterprisingly conducted
throughout, and reflects the highest credit upon the
proprietors, who are to be congratulated on the success
achieved. A large staff of hands finds constant employment
in the various departments, and a perfect supervision
obtains. The connections of the firm are very widespread and
valuable, the superiority of their productions being
recognised both at home and abroad, whilst their methods of
transacting business cause them to be held in high
estimation. |
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