Sharman and Co., Ltd., Complete House,
Hotel, Office, Church and School Furnishers, "Atlas House",
Dudley Street.
Commercial success built up by sound
trading and steady effort could find no better
exemplification than in the great furnishing establishment
of Messrs. Sharman and Company, Limited, which has been
carried on in Wolverhampton for the past thirty years, and
at the present day unquestionably stands in the front rank
of the trading concerns of the town. It was made a limited
company about three years back, and Mr. James Thom, a gentleman of wide
experience and with a complete knowledge of his trade, holds
the position of Managing Director.
This firm's premises are
in Dudley Street, and are known as "Atlas House"; while the
extent of the trade done may be realised when we state that,
in addition to the spacious two-windowed shop, there are no
less than a dozen showrooms, all literally filled with
goods. The great stock comprises suites of furniture of all
kinds, carpets, linoleums, bedsteads and bedding, tables,
and occasional furniture and furnishings of every
description, Messrs. Sharman and Company being complete
furnishers of houses, hotels, offices, churches, schools,
and other buildings, supplying every article necessary for
the interior.
The goods are sold at the lowest possible
prices for cash; they are well and carefully made, and in so
far as getting value for money is concerned no better source
of supply could be found than the one now under notice. Many
important public and private establishments have been
furnished by this firm, whose stock is so exceptionally
varied that it meets the require1nents of all classes.
Illustrated and well compiled catalogues and also estimates
are supplied free on application, and customers needs are
expeditiously attended to. The shop is efficiently staffed
by experienced assistants, and the capital organization of
the concern calls for notice. The liberal custom received
comes from a wide radius, and has attained remarkable
W. Shepherd & Co., "Regal" Cycle Works,
Sedgeley Street.
The manufacture of cycles is carried on
very extensively in Wolverhampton, and the town has a high
reputation both at home and abroad for the high grade
quality of its productions. Among the numerous firms engaged
in this flourishing branch of industry, we must mention
Messrs. W. Shepherd & Co., makers of the "Regal" machines,
whose works are situated in Sedgley Street, off Dudley Road.
Though of but recent origin, this business promises to
assume a very successful career.
Being assisted by a skilled
staff of hands, under the personal direction and supervision
of Mr. George Wale, a gentleman of large experience gained
with celebrated makers of Coventry. Messrs. Shepherd & Co.
have no fear of being able to place upon the market machines
that will occupy a very front rank for beauty of design and
finish, speed and light running, combined with great
durability. The special makes are The "Regal" Model A,
Lady's Safety; the "Regal" Model B, Lady's Safety; the
"Regal" Model C, Light Roadster; the "Regal" Model D, Full
Roadster; and the "Regal" Model E, Full Roadster. These are
fitted with joint-less hollow rims or Fairbank's wood rims,
and with the most celebrated makes of tyres, gear cases,
etc., as desired.
Every care is taken to ensure that none,
but the most perfectly constructed machines leave the
premises, while as regards price it will be found on
reference to the firm's handsome catalogue that no better
machines are placed on the market at more advantageous
terms. With the excellent manufacturing facilities at
command, no difficulty is experienced in meeting all demands
promptly. Knowing the resources and enterprising spirit of
this firm, we can safely predict a substantial and
gratifying measure of success for the coming season.
W. Shepherd, Coal Merchant and Brick
Manufacturer, Union Wharf, Bilston Road, and Phoenix Brick
Works, Dudley Road; and Elm Farm Brick Works, Dudley Road,
and Green Lanes.
About thirty years ago Mr. W. Shepherd
commenced in business as a coal merchant at Union Wharf,
Bilston Road, corner of Commercial Road, and he has ever
since occupied a high, honourable, and influential position
in the commercial life of Wolverhampton. Having made his
coal business one of the largest in the town, he, three
years ago, started brick manufacturing at Elm Farm Brick
Works, Dudley Road and Green Lanes, and about 12 months back
he opened the Phoenix Brick Works, in Dudley Road.
Shepherd has long been engaged in extensive building
operations in various parts of the town, having erected 500
or more houses. He has certainly done much to improve the
dwellings of the working classes. This is by no means the
extent of commercial speculation which Mr. Shepherd has on
hand for with characteristic enterprise he has embarked in
cycle manufacturing in the town, but of this business we
shall write fully in a separate article. It will be seen
from what we have already indicated that Mr, Shepherd is a
notable figure in Wolverhampton business circles, hence the
prominence accorded his doings in these pages.
facility is possessed at Union Wharf in the way of horses
and carts to ensure the speedy delivery of all orders to any
part of the town or district. The two brick works are large
and equipped with the most modern machinery plant. The
bricks produced are unsurpassed for durability; and best
terms are offered for any quantity. Mr. Shepherd gives both
businesses close personal attention, and employs many hands.
For the past 15 years he has most ably represented St.
Matthew's Ward on the Town Council of Wolverhampton, and
whilst directing his energies to the welfare of this
particular ward, he has ever shown a desire to advance the
interests of the town as a whole.
W. G. Sherwood, Boot Manufacturer, 65
and 66 Darlington Street.
An exceptionally high reputation
attaches to the establishment owned by Mr. W. G. Sherwood
boot manufacturer, of 65 and 66 Darlington Street,
Wolverhampton. It has long been recognised that Mr. Sherwood
supplies the best quality in boots and shoes for ladies',
gents', or children's wear. He guarantees both his
workmanship and materials to be of the soundest nature, and
for easiness, durability, and cheapness, consistent with
quality, his productions are unsurpassed.
The premises
occupied are admirably adapted for the business in hand, and
the shop, which is elegantly equipped is heavily stocked
with a choice selection of goods. Skilled hands are employed
on repairs, which forms an important branch of the business.
The bespoke department is extensively patronised, in fact,
the connections of the house in each branch are very
valuable. The concern is conducted upon admirable lines, and
its consequent success, no matter for surprise.
W. J. C. Showell, Bellows Manufacturer,
5 Stewart Street, Church Lane.
In a manufacturing town of such vast
importance as Wolverhampton, the incalculable advantages
resulting from a capable bellows factory in its midst must
be obvious to the least informed. The establishment owned by
Mr. W. J. C. Showell is unique, as being conducted by the
same family for four generations.
Mr. Showell is extensively
engaged as a manufacturer of smith's bellows, portable
forges, reversible and removable pipe bellows, double blast
and house bellows, water tuyeres and boshes, etc., etc. A
distinguished position has been attained in his connection
by Mr. Showell as only the best of work and material is
turned out, and every article is thoroughly reliable.
works are situated at 5 Stewart Street, the premises
occupied being commodious and every facility exists for the
effectual carrying on of the business. An adequate staff of
trained workers find regular occupation in manufacturing and
repairing. The most complete personal attention is given to
the business by the proprietor who leaves nothing untried to
serve the interests of his many patrons.
Tom H. Sawyers, Ladies' and Gentlemen's
Art Tailor, 8 Snow Hill.
Among the many important shops located
in Snow Hill, which is one of the principal streets of
Wolverhampton, is the high-class tailoring establishment of
Mr. Tom H. Sawyers, which will be found at No. 8. This
business is the oldest of its kind in the town. It was
originated in 1832 by the grandfather of the present
proprietor, and has been in the family ever since.

Tom H. Sawyers. |
Its long
sustained popularity with an influential circle has never
been greater than at the present day, thanks to Mr. Sawyers'
ability and the methods on which he conducts his concern. It
may be mentioned that Mr. Sawyers holds the position of
Lecturer to the National Federation of Great Britain and
Ireland, and was late staff writer to the "Tailor and
Cutter", the "Ladies' Tailor", the "Master Tailor" etc. He
has gained a first prize in coat cutting, second prize for
best fitting trousers, first prize in essay competition,
etc., etc.
Mr. Sawyers has had the shop for the last half
dozen years, and during this time his record has been a
gratifyingly progressive one. Possessing excellent
facilities for the business, and a well appointed shop,
carefully selected and elegant stock of the season's goods,
and a competent and personally supervised staff.
Mr. Sawyers
has the further advantage of possessing also a complete
mastery of his trade as a ladies' and gentlemen's art
tailor, and military, clerical, hunt and livery tailor. |
garments sent out from this establishment are equal in fit,
style and finish to the productions of the best London
firms, which statement is confirmed by the published opinion
of an expert, who having examined several garments made by
Mr. Sawyers, wrote that they "were well up to the standard set by the best of the London houses."
A thoroughly choice and representative array of fashionable
and durable materials can always be inspected here, ample
variety in suitings, trouserings, coatings, etc., being
placed before the customer. Mr. Sawyers caters for the
requirements of a high-class trade, and he certainly spares
no trouble in order to give satisfaction. As we have said,
he is doing a large and increasing trade, which he conducts
on sound lines.
Taking a keen interest in public affairs,
Mr. Sawyers is well known to a wide circle, by whom he is
held in much esteem. In connection with the large extension
of the above business, which under its present
proprietorship, has sprung from one of the smallest to one
of the largest tailoring firms in the district. We think it
only fair to state, that the name of Tom H. Sawyers is a
household word in the trade throughout the country.
Prior to
succeeding to the business, Mr. Sawyers was foreman, cutter
and manager for 17 years, for a number of the largest firms
in the country, and considered one of the lending cutters in
the trade - “A deep student upon the art of cutting." The
Master Tailor of October last says - "As an advocate of the
advanced school in the trade he is a conspicuous example";
in this capacity he has been invited, and lectured upon
modern tailoring, garment making, style and fit, etc.,
before the members of the trade in Glasgow, Edinburgh,
Dundee, Sheffield, Birmingham, Cardiff, Bolton, Hull,
Leicester, Exeter, and Liverpool, and as a trade writer has had a share in
the great improvements which characterise modern tailoring
from that of twenty years ago.
One who has done so much for
his trade, and to improve the status of his fellow worker,
deserves to share its success himself, and we are pleased to
know that by his large and extending business, Mr. Sawyers
now reaps the reward of his own perseverance. Long may he
C. and J. Sidney (late Sidney and Son)
General Drapers, 36 Queen Square.
The general drapery trade of
Wolverhampton could not be better represented than by
calling attention to the old and well-known business of
Messrs. C. and J. Sidney, at 36 Queen Square, a concern that
certainly occupies a front rank among similar houses both
for extent of trade done, and the value of its connections.
Eighty-four years ago the business was founded by the
grandfather of the present proprietor, and it has ever
remained in the possession of the one family, hence the name
of Sidney has been longest associated with the drapery trade
in the town.
The premises utilised possess a three-storied
frontage and are exceptionally commodious, they comprise a
capital double fronted shop, show and stock rooms, and
warehouses, and both in arrangement and equipment afford every facility for
carrying on a busy and first-class trade. The stock
maintained includes every description of fancy and general
drapery, mantles, jackets, furs, dresses, shawls, hosiery,
gloves, etc., etc., and in each department Messrs. Sidney
always show the best made and most fashionable goods. Their
trade is distinctly first-class and embraces the patronage
of many of the leading families in the town and district.
should mention that this firm is specially noted for
supplying linen goods of all kinds, being able to offer the
very best Irish and other productions at most reasonable
prices. At this establishment customers can always depend
upon receiving prompt and polite attention from the
assistants engaged and it is very evident no effort is
spared by the proprietor to serve the best interest of
patrons and ensure a continuance of that gratifying support
the house so long received.
Thomas Skett, Builder and Contractor,
Castle Street and Piper's Row.
Mr. Thomas Skett's business of a
builder and contractor was established in Wolverhampton very
many years ago, Mr. Robinson being the immediate predecessor
of the present proprietor. It can fairly claim to be the
oldest business of its kind in the town, and being conducted
on sound principles from the first, it has had a most
satisfactory and progressive career.
The premises occupied
by Mr. Skett are in Castle Street and Piper's Row, the
buildings including carpenters' and other shopping. The
all-round equipment of the concern is good, and shows that
Mr. Skett carries on the different branches of his trade
under the best of conditions. As a builder and contractor,
he is constantly entrusted with important jobs, his trade
being indeed of a high-class character, and all his work is
thoroughly satisfactory. General repairs and jobbing work
generally are carefully executed by him, his men working
under his own practical and experienced supervision.
important departments of industry named could not be better
represented than they are by Mr, Skett, whose busy and
influential trade shows the high reputation that he has
acquired, not in Wolverhampton alone, but in all the
surrounding districts.
T. Smith, Mineral Water Manufacturer,
Penn Road.

Part of one of T. Smith's
bottles. Courtesy of Paul Robinson. |
We may say at the onset that this is
the oldest established concern of its character in
Wolverhampton, and its reputation for high-class productions
is likewise one of the best.
The premises utilised are
located in Penn Road, and are supplied with machinery and
appliances of the most modern type.
The water supply is of
excellent quality, and the cleanliness observed in every
department is admirable.
Among the Iterated and other waters
made here may be mentioned, soda, potash, seltzer, lemonade,
ginger ale, etc., and of tonic beverages, quinine water,
acid water, etc.
The extensive trade done necessitates the
employment of numerous hands in the various departments, and
the arrangements for daily deliveries to all parts are
The connection has shown a steady expansion from
the commencement, this fact proving that customers are
served well in every particular.
Stokes and Bradley, General Engravers,
Wolverhampton and Birmingham.
The well known engraving business
belonging to Messrs. Stokes and Bradley is carried on in
premises which are most exceptionally suitable and
commodious, and close to the New General Post Office in
Princess Street.
Their work, being of a very superior kind, has gained
for them a position of considerable distinction in
Wolverhampton and district.
The firm was originally established at Birmingham in the
year 1865.
In that city they are at the present time doing a large
and increasing trade. |
During the 82 years that have elapsed since their
establishment, they have made a good, sound, steady
progress; and can now boast of a widespread connection for
the many different classes of work which they produce. The
excellence of their work has connected them with some of the
biggest firms in London, Birmingham, Manchester, Nottingham
(at which town they have a branch office), Coventry,
Berwick-on-Tweed, and many other large manufacturing
The business is divided into departments;
engravers, artists, photographers, and electrotypers; the
whole staff being thoroughly competent and experienced. The
departments are all under the personal supervision of
Messrs. Stokes and Bradley. During the last six months the
firm has even improved the work they turn out, by the use of
a machine which they procured direct from the States. It is
one of the largest and latest improved American machines for
ruling on wood, copper, steel, etc., and with the assistance
of this, they are enabled to produce the very finest, most
artistic, and strikingly effective illustrations of every
Messrs. Stokes and Bradley also make a
speciality of pictorial work, either on wood, copper, steel,
or any of the processes used in this artistic branch. As we
have already said, this establishment enjoys an extensive
and influential connection for the different classes of work
they send out, comprising the following: engraving on wood,
copper, and steel for the illustrations in manufacturers'
catalogues, advertisements, etc.; half-tone blocks and
zincographs, illuminated addresses, votes of thanks, etc.
Specially designed letter headings, bill headings, business
cards, book plates, wedding cards, visiting cards, etc.
manufacturers' show cards and posters are produced in every
variety of style and colour; all the different photo and
mechanical processes receive special attention.
In many
different churches they have some of the most beautiful
specimens of memorial brasses. Brass and zinc door and
window plates are supplied, engineers' plates, steel
punches, India rubber and composition stamps, etc., etc.
Messrs. Stokes and Bradley, we know, have had a wide
experience in each branch of their business, of which we
have every confidence in saying they are complete masters,
and the efforts they put forth to please their customers are
crowned with highly merited success. This can be seen by the
continuing increase and extension of their business.
Robert Stroud and Co" Manufacturers of
Tinplate and Japanned Wares, etc., Wholesale Cabinet
Manufacturers, Niphon Works, Lower Villiers Street.
One of the largest and busiest
industrial establishments in Wolverhampton is that known as
the "Niphon Works," of Messrs. Robert Stroud and Co., the
well-known manufacturers of tin plate and japanned wares,
etc., whose business was established a quarter of a century
ago; and has a, record of exceptional progress. The works
named are in Lower Villiers Street, to which they present a
long four-storied frontage; there are three extensive ranges
of buildings running from the front block, the accommodation
for workshops, warehouses, offices, etc., being remarkably
About six months ago the firm built a large block
of buildings at the rear, three storeys in height, for the
purposes of cabinet manufacturing, and this is most
admirably arranged and equipped for all purposes. Messrs.
Stroud and Co.'s machinery, plant, and appliances are
excellent in every respect, and no doubt the all round
superiority of the facilities that they possess accounts in
no small degree for the eminence they have attained in their
lines of trade. Tinplate and japanned ware, japanned
stationery goods, and all classes of stamped goods, trunks,
baths, deed and cash boxes, wash stands, toilet sets, coal
vases, dish covers, trays and waiters, fire screens, and
every description of wares for art decoration are produced
in great quantities at these works, the demand for them
being an extraordinary one.
The sound workmanship and finish
and general excellence of all the articles enumerated are
admitted, and the goods of this firm are thus able to
withstand any competition. Patent improved railway milk cans
are a speciality of Messrs. Stroud and Co.'s, and they were
awarded a First Prize at the London Dairy Show, 1884 and a
Silver Medal at the International Inventions Exlibition,
From two to three hundred hands find employment at the
"Niphon Works", from which fact alone the extent of the
output may be gauged. As cabinet manufacturers, Messrs.
Stroud and Co. turn out the highest class work only;
beautiful bedroom suites being their chief speciality in
this branch. The new workshops for this department are
particularly light and lofty, and excellent provision has
been made for drying and seasoning the timber before use.
The trade done is both home and export, the quality of
Messrs. Stroud and Co.'s productions being known and
appreciated in all markets. Mr. Stroud, the owner of the
business, is a well-known public man in Wolverhampton, where
he is highly respected as a large employer of labour, and as
one who has done much to further the interests of the town
in many ways,
The Midland Clothing Co., Ltd., 34
Dudley Street. Manager - Mr. T. Tatem. Registered Offices -
Midland Chambers, Princes Street.
The Midland Clothing Company, Limited,
is an enterprise of recent founding in Wolverhampton, but
already gives promise of obtaining wide celebrity and
proving eminently prosperous. The directors are gentlemen of
high business qualifications, and the active management of
the Wolverhampton depot is in the hands of Mr. T. Tatem, a
gentleman well known for his ability and energy, and who has
had fifteen years' experience in the trade
in Wolverhampton.
The company have prosperous branch
establishments at Wednesbury and Ludlow, and at the present
time are in negotiation for businesses in Glasgow and
Ireland. The shop at 34 Dudley Street is commodious and
attractively appointed, one large window serving to take a
very effective display, Here can be seen a splendid stock of
fashionable ready-made clothing of every description,
together with gentlemen's outfitting goods of all kinds, and
the prices in each department are as low (quality
considered) as can be obtained at any similar establishment
in or out of the town.
Bespoke tailoring is an important
feature of the business, and mourning orders are executed
with the utmost promptitude. The business throughout is
conducted on the cash system-hence the best advantages are
offered to all patrons. For a business so admirably managed
as this, continued prosperity can be safely predicted.
The Wolverhampton Steam Laundry,
Sweetman Street.
The business under notice had its
origin a bout 5 years back. It was started as a Limited
Company, but not proving so successful as was anticipated,
it was sold to the present proprietor, Mr. Frederick Carr,
two years ago, and has since become a most prosperous and
popular concern.
The laundry is a building of substantial construction,
and has been arranged and equipped on the most approved
lines to meet all requirements.
The machinery and appliances in use are of the best type,
and with the aid of a large staff of experienced hands it
follows that the best results are obtained. |
Special arrangements are made with families sending a
large quality of work to the laundry, also with hotels,
clubs, schools, etc., and an excellent system is in vogue to
ensure the punctual collection and delivery of all parcels. Each department is under competent
and trustworthy supervision. A special feature here is the
carpet-beating and cleaning departments, where the patent
safety machine is in use (as per illustration), and the
public have not been slow to recognize the advantages with
this process of carpet cleaning over the old. Taken on the
whole the establishment is without doubt one of the most
complete of its character in the kingdom, and the influence
already attained certainly augurs well for the future.
The Wolverhampton Spinning Company,
Cleveland Rope and Twine Works, Great Brickkiln Street.
A rare instance of a successful
business undertaking is furnished by the firm at the head of
this notice, The Wolverhampton Spinning Company. The works
known as Cleveland Rope and Twine works, are situate in
Great Brickkiln Street, and comprise a shop with a frontage
to Great Brickkiln Street, while at the rear are huge yards
and rope walk. It is very evident that every facility exists
at these works for the manufacture of ropes, cordage, engine
packing, twines, sash lines, etc., under the best
Mr. William Orme has been associated in the
proprietorship of this concern for about twenty-five years,
and it is to his unremitting energy, coupled with a desire
to give entire satisfaction in all his business
transactions, that the present successful issue is due.
Besides being patentees and manufacturers of the
before-mentioned articles, this firm manufactures sacks,
waterproof waggon, truck, and rick covers, etc., etc., and
are also dealers in hemp, flax, tow, cotton waste, torch,
wick, mops, matting, linoleum, etc. In each of these
articles there is a firm, reliable custom, which is
constantly on the increase, a fact which proves the favour
the endeavours of the firm have gained at the hands of the
This is a most reliable house for any of the
manufactures mentioned, and is justly regarded as holding a
position of the first rank among the representatives of this
particular line. Large stocks are held of all the various
articles dealt in, and orders can always be supplied from
stock. Mr. Orme is most genial in his business transactions,
and fully deserves the success gained.
The Star Cycle Company, Limited
(Managing Director, Mr. E. Lisle), Stewart Street
Telegraphic Address, "Lisle, Wolverhampton". Telephone No.
The history of the cycle trade in
Wolverhampton is one of remarkable development, and
constitutes one of the most interesting chapters in the
industrial life of the premier manufacturing town of

Among the concerns most prominently
identified with this branch of industry is the Star Cycle
Company, Limited, late the Star Cycle Company (Sharratt and
Lisle), Limited, and formerly Messrs. Sharratt and Lisle.
Founded many years ago, this business has made wonderful
progress, consequent upon the initiative always taken by the
proprietors in the introduction of new and improved machines
of the highest grade quality.
At the present time there is
no more popular machine on the market than the "Star", for
it combines in the highest degree all the most desirable
qualities of grace, speed, and durability, coupled with
first-class workmanship and finish. The works of this
Company are one of the largest in the district, giving
employment to upwards of four hundred hands. They cover a
large area of ground fronting to two sides of Stewart Street
and extending back to Thomas Street, and have been recently
enlarged to cope with the increased demands. They are very
substantial in construction, comprising extensive building
shops, fitting, blacksmiths', turning, plating and
enamelling shops, large warehouses.
The various
manufacturing departments have been equipped with machinery
and appliances of the most modern type, hence the company
are enabled to compete in accuracy and economy and speed of
production with any firm in the United Kingdom. It is
evident that no expense or effort has been spared to
constitute the works one of the most complete and best
equipped in the trade. The chief machines built by this
Company are the "Star" path racer, "Star" road racer, "Star"
light roadster, popular "Star" single and double steering
tandems, the lady's "Star" the lady's popular "Star" and
youth's "Star". These are fitted with Dunlop, Clincher,
Warwick, or Beeston tyres; saddles of standard make, and
"Presto" gearcases. All are unsurpassed for elegance of
design, easy running, and thoroughly reliable manufacture,
whilst as regards price, there is certainly no cheaper
machines made, quality considered.
We can safely predict
that the "Star" machines will easily keep in the front rank
during 1897, and will continue to grow in favour with
cyclists of both sexes who know and appreciate a first-class
mount. The Star company publish a beautifully illustrated
catalogue, giving full particulars of prices, etc., which
can be obtained on application, and intending purchasers
will do well to look over one of these before deciding to
purchase elsewhere.
The managing director, Mr. E. Lisle, has
been associated with the business since its founding, and it
is to his great ability and administrative capabilities that
its success is mainly due. That the business will, under its
present able, and enterprising management, retain its lead
among rival concerns is certain.
S. H. Trusselle, Coach Builder.
Mr. Trusselle is regarded as one of the
best exponents of the coach building industry. The premises
occupied by him have a frontage to George Street, Snow Hill,
and Church Lane, and comprise works, show rooms, and
offices. Mr. Trusselle manufactures every description of
fashionable vehicles, including broughams, Victorias,
landaus, phaetons, dog carts, tradesmen's carts, etc., and
all his productions are remarkable for elegance of design,
durability, superior finish, and light running. In the
showrooms can always be seen a handsome display of
carriages, etc., and it is obvious from every standpoint
that no effort is spared to ensure that all work turned out
shall be worthy of the high reputation of the house.
Alfred Tustin, Tailor and Habit Maker,
3 Princess Street.
One of the best known tailoring
businesses in Wolverhampton is that conducted at 3 Princess
Street, by Mr. Alfred Tustin (late Mr. John D. Tustin). This
establishment caters for the support of a superior class of
custom, the patronage accorded to it being of an influential
nature, Mr Tustin's handsome shop has a large plate-glass
front, and is appointed in the best style. The widely-varied
and choice stock comprising all the novelties of the season
in suitings, trousering, coatings, etc., the leading
fashionable shades and patterns being represented, and
gentlemen cannot fail to be pleased at the selection of
goods placed before them here.
The cutting department is in
skilled hands, and experienced tailors are employed, all
working under Mr. Tustin's competent and experienced
supervision, so that the fit and good workmanship of every
garment sent out is fully assured. No delay takes place in
the completion of orders, and the business is conducted with
ability and energy. Gentlemen who appreciate the importance
of being well-dressed should make a note of this
establishment, where their requirements would receive every
attention at Mr. Tustin's hands.
The Highmoor Cycle Co. Manufacturers of
High-Grade Cycles, Church Street.
One of the most prosperous of the
recently-established concerns in connection with the cycle
manufacturing industry in Wolverhampton, is that known as
The Highmoor Cycle Co., whose works, now in course of huge
extension, are situated in Church Street.

This business has
rapidly assumed an important position in the trade, a result
that establishes convincing proof of the first-class
character of the cycles produced. In the works now being
erected, employment will be afforded for nearly 100 hands,
and it is evident that the Company intend to spare no
expense in the equipment of the same to ensure the very best
manufacturing facilities.
The gentlemen at the head of
affairs are Mr. S. T. Thomas and Mr. I. Elliott, and up to
now they have every reason to be proud of the success that
has attended their able and enterprising administration. The Highmoor cycles for ladies and gentlemen combine all the
latest improvements and are absolutely unsurpassed for
speed, strength, light running, and uniformly high-class
workmanship and finish. This company aims to place only the
most reliable mounts on the market, and to this fact they
undoubtedly owe their rapidly widening connection.
are speedily executed, and all the latest pattern component
parts are supplied at lowest prices. There is no doubt that
the "Highmoor" machines will continue to advance in
popularity amongst all riders who value quality before
cheapness, hence we can safely predict a large expansion of
trade for a business so ably and enterprisingly conducted.
George E. Tustin, Confectioner, etc.,
43 Dudley Street.
A well-known establishment in
Wolverhampton is the one conducted at 43 Dudley Street, by
Mr. George E. Tustin, confectioner. The concern was established nearly a century ago, and has always
maintained a capital reputation. It came into its present
hands about twelve months back, and has certainly not lost
in prestige since Mr. Tustin became its proprietor. In the
first place we must mention that the shop and premises are
admirably adapted to the business in hand, the former is
elegantly appointed in every particular, and the same
remarks apply to the tea and refreshment rooms whilst the
window display is specially attractive.
Mr. Tustin is
celebrated for supplying first-chass confectionery of every
description, the stock of cakes, fancy bread, biscuits, pork
pies, etc., being very select. He caters for parties on the
shortest notice, and orders by post receive the most prompt
attention. Mr. Tustin is noted for his consistently low
prices, he devotes all his attention to secure the
approbation of his patrons, and it will readily be
conceded that he is eminently successful. |
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